
Angel's Destiny: Prophet from Hell

'Who I am? Doesn't matter... Where I am? Doesn't matter... Why I am? I'm here to bring shatter.' The story follows the four main characters, who died in their previous life but have been given a second chance of existence by the heavens. They are incomplete angels, living to fullfill promises they made in their lifetime and which they know nothing about. As incidents involving a terror group called "Hell's Revolution", demons and even Fallen Angels start to happen frequently all around the globe, the Angels will come to the conclusion that they are not only deciding their own destiny...

Sammijome · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 13: Burn

Infinite flames were filling the sky with thick smoke. Shots were to hear through the smoke. Screams were to hear through the smoke. The pain was to feel through the smoke. An explosion made the building shake in which Gabriel looked out of the window. He bit on his lips as he was feeling pain and suffer when he felt what things happened to his comrades. Another explosion made the building shake strongly. The archangel folded his hands and 2 pure white wings appeared on his back.

"Don't give up my Angels. Keep fighting."

A weak light engulfed him as he was whispering these few words of motivation, for his comrades fighting outside.

Another loud scream made him wince and he turned around to look at one of his apprentices, who was leaning against a wall and constantly had his hands folded, next to him.

"I should go and fight, too."

A calm voice answered him just as loud so he could hear it through all the noise.

"You know you can't fight.. Not like that. Don't do anything reckless, you are too important. And don't 'but' me now."

With a sigh Gabriel turned around and layed his hands together again.

"Do you really think, they will make it?"

His apprentice just shook his head shortly.

"Nobody knows. Just keep praying and hope for it."

Another loud explosion and Gabriel pressed his hands together hardly, as he felt darkness approaching nearly. Suddenly the door behind him got opened rashly and a loud voice was sounding in the room.

"Lord Gabriel! They infiltrated the building, you need to get out here as fast as possible!"

Gabriel, still engulfed by a weak light, raised his voice for an answer.

"I need to pray for the ones fighti-"

He didn't finish his sentence. What he saw after he turned around shocked him, pain was flowing through his body. Standing in front of him was Maldiel, Prophet from Hell, Fallen Angel of Flames. In his hand, the evil being held one of Gabriels Angels on his neck. The wing was tattered, blood was flowing out of the wound, and the whole body was marked with black burns like the ones in Maldiel's face. Behind the Fallen Angel, Gabriel saw another being in a black coat, he couldnt see a face under the hood. He only saw a deep, never-ending black. The Flame-Angel let the dead body fall on the ground and looked at the Archangel with a huge smile that was almost reached by his giant scar.

"Liked my voice acting? LORD Gabriel Archangel?"

Gabriel bit on his lips. He was too weak right now to fight Maldiel. The other Angel who seemed to know this, jumped in front of him and hustled in the enemie's direction. However, the being in the black coat just moved one finger a tiny bit and the Angel was blown away by strong winds and crashed against the wall with a painful scream. All Gabriel could do was hold his enemies off for a while to buy time for his survived comrades to run away. He pulled out a scroll, slit his finger and put a bloddy fingerprint on the paper.


The Archangel threw it into his apprentices hands.

"You know what to do!"

He went, kicked his apprentice out of the window and turned around to his enemies.

"I am your enemy."

Maldiel, however, seemed satisfied with what Gabriel did just do.

"Right at our hands hehe. I would be too cruel to call you my enemy after what you just did for us."

The archangel was confused but then he realized what they meant. Rashly he turned around and wanted to run after his friend. But there was no way out, Maldiels aquaintance who just stood at the other side of the building now blocked that way. The fallen Angel of Flames made a step forward and sarcasticly shook his head.

"Oh no, no, no. You will stay with us for a while, Lord Gabriel.. I guess the light just created a shadow.."



Kenji ran to the girl, lying on the ground after her fight. Her breathing was weak and fast as she clenched her teeth from pain.

"Come on, you do this."

Kenji told her and also himself while he slit his finger and let blood drop on Jessica.


The blood started glowing and formed the word 癒 (japanese for healing).

Jessicas pain seemed to have gotten better and her breath got more normal again. The emergency services were finally running in the area, now that the rain has stopped. A group of medics approached the Angels.

"Get away, get away, we're here to help!"

They picked up the hurt girl and moved it into an emergency vehicle, which drove away with loud sirens. Another group of medics approached the angels.

"Where did you get these wounds from?"

The three just stood there and looked at each other, Kenji then took out his silver gun and shot at the medics who fell on the ground slowly. Hikari glared at him, confusion all over her face.

"D- Did you just kill them?"

The boy shook his head for an answer.

"No no, stupid, I just put them asleep."

He knocked Hikaris head easily.

"A bit more trust in me please. Come on, we need to hurry."

Kenji moved away, his friends followed his lead.

"~Blood of the throne…~"

A whisper in his head made Kenji stop.

"~You want to protect them?~"

The boy's friends turned around and looked at him. Jason asked what was bothering him but Kenji just shook his head and got going again.

"~You want to keep your promise?~"

He kept walking, kept shaking his head. What was going on? He thought maybe he was just exhausted from the fighting but this voice seemed too real.

"~You want to fulfill your destiny?~"

He tried to distract himself, was looking at the streets which were getting lively again. Everyone was helping to clean the street and treat the wounds of the injured people. A little smile made its way on the boy's face.

"~What a lovely view…~"

The whisper in Kenji's head came back, made his smile dissapear.

"~I will tell you something. All of your dreams…all of your happines, everything you love. It's all gonna burn if you keep this up…I'll burn that prophecy in your head!~"

Kenji's feet suddenly felt too heavy to move. Heat came over him. He looked around. Fire. He looked in the other direction. Fire. Suffering whisper was to hear.


He blinked, looked around again. Fire. And in that fire he saw people. People aching in pain, burning in the fire. The boy wanted to move and help, tried to reach out his hand. No success. The faces turned into his direction, kept whispering.

"Burn, burn, burn, burn…"

He blinked again, looked around. He saw Jason, all black from burns.


He saw Hikari, reaching out a hand.


Almost in front of him, he saw Jessica, felt the pain in her eyes. He couldn't even help her.


The boy blinked another time, now he felt arms wrapped around his neck. In front of him he saw a younger girl with long blonde hair. Her skin was clear, not even sweating in the heat. She looked up to him, tears flowing out of her icey-blue eyes.

"Still want to fight…? Fight for all that?"

A weak voice made it out of her mouth, full of sadness. It seemed so familiar, yet so unknown. Kenji didn't think about an answer, he didn't choose it himself. It was like a natural reaction when he nodded his head. The girls expression changed to a smile. The saddest smile he thought someone could ever see. The girl's hands moved to his cheeks, they felt warm, she moved his head towards her sad smile until she pressed her lips on his.


The illusion vanished, Kenji was standing on the streets, shocked from what he saw.


The boy felt how someone pulled his sleeve. He looked down and saw a little girl with short brown hair, that was dirty from the storm. She held an amulet in form of a flower in his direction.

"Mister, you dropped this."

Kenji still wasn't completely with his senses. He took the amulet. It felt like someone near to him, gave it to him. The amulet itself felt so familiar, like it was something really important.

"~A promise…~"

He heard the familiar voice in his head again as he took it and tried to properly get a thank you out of his mouth.

"Th- thank you…"

As the girl went back to her mother, his view fell on the pendant, he held in his hand now.

"~I dont't know what this is. But i have to protect it, I'm certain. I'll do it for you… you? Who are you…again?~"

~Lips cold like ice in winter, a kiss warm like the sun but not hot enough to burn out the connection…~

-To be continued…-