
Angel's Crown [Book 2 of demon's crown]

Jace_2236 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

One day in h3ll... "Are you sure this is going to work...?" "Of Course it is! Why would you think so negatively!?" "Well I just thought that the Gods would catch us.." "Oh my gosh! Just stop worrying! They won't!" "Maybe YOU need to START worrying! The last time I did this it was with my dearest brother! And he got caught WITHOUT ME! And he's DEAD now! It may sound weird that a demon is dead... But he IS! And I don't want that to happen to you as well.." "Oh I had no idea that happened... I- I'm so sorry.." "Your SORRY!? SORRY!? ...I'm leaving." That was the day I lost a friend... A very close friend to be exact. I befriended him before I died and was sent here... I don't know what I did to get here... but I know that I did something. MY son is in heaven and living his best life... He's 4 years old and I just want to see him. Anyways, Hi I'm $GTH&%@E!