
Angel's Blessings for Perfect Dystopian Life [BL]

***DROPPED*** Last Update: - I have now stopped writing any kind of novels. Thank you all, it's been a good time. - To be fair, since this work didn't win any WSA award and is so damn unpopular, I seriously feel super painful working on it. Totally lost the will to continue the novel (But not this story, just the novel. I still love the story as ever and I swear I tried my best to make it turn out as good as possible.) - So this is goodbye, please don't waste your time here. I'mma go find some other things I'm actually good at. ***But if you still want to try the novel out, PLEASE, DON'T UNLOCK ANY MAIN STORY CHAPTER AFTER CH.98*** ***The special chapters are mostly complete though.*** - Last but not least, thank you so so much for your understanding and reading until this point. --- Update frequency: - --- All your comments, reviews, stones, tickets and every single coin you give this book are appreciated. Thank you so much for your support.

Crazy_Ume · LGBT+
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154 Chs

Chapter Seven (Part 4): Natural Predators

The day after, I got a message from Howie, asking me [Adelll where do you wanna go after seeing the bossss] with a pleading face emoji, instantly reminding me of our meeting that day.

Of course, the first reaction I had, having read the message first thing in the morning was 'Oh, sh*t... Almost forgot...' with eyes half closed.


[btw what time do we meet again?]

God, if it wasn't for Howie, I wouldn't even think about bringing myself to reply to him. It was like... 7 in the morning? Didn't even feel like grabbing my holowatch and lifting it off the wall-mounted nightstand, only typing on its holographic screen with one hand, with the rest of my body being completely snuggled in bed.

Well... Just couldn't ignore my prince's messages...

[Oh about that!]

[We haven't really talked about it When do u want to meet? Im ok with anything!]

[I see]

Though unlike you, the boss wouldn't be 'OK with anything', I was sure of it.

[8 30 ok?]

[Totally OK!]

[Nice Gotta get going]