
Anectodes of the meticulous gamer in another world

Ian Keethe is 24 and lives alone in an apartment in the city of Moscow. He is a hardcore gamer who is obsessed with 2D-Girls. His internet name is rather famous around the world, unlike in real life. One cold night, he receives a text from a random person on the internet, claiming they found his address but not revealing it. Ian takes it as a joke and brushes it off but the same night, at 4 AM, his doorbell rings. He opens the doors and is greeted with a knife which is stabbed into his stomach. Ian, who has a frail body can feel his strength leaving his body, he couldn’t see the face of the culprit as they ran away as soon as stabbing them. He wakes up only to find himself in a place that was completely alien to him. Not to mention, he found himself in a body of a female?! He wants to investigate the reason why he possessed the body of a woman and uncover the secrets of the new world!

Graspier · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I can’t use magic…?

The moment she entered the city, she was stunned by the beautiful setting of the view in front of her. Thousands of people walk around the streets, some buying and selling various items.

Street merchants shouted to sell their goods while people gathered around them to buy them. There was a signboard near the gate's entrance to the city. It explained how the city was divided into two parts.

The lower city was where the commoners and lower-rank nobles resided. In contrast, the upper region was where the upper-rank aristocrats lived. It also mentioned a lot of other stuff that Iana didn't bother to read simply because the information probably wouldn't be helpful to her. The goal of the outing was to explore and get an understanding of this new world.

So far, she had gathered that she was somewhat of a well-known figure whom the capital guards were familiar with and that this world has different species of animals, which include mythical creatures.

"Magic show for everyone," a person yelled on the side of the street where many people had gathered. Ian grew ecstatic upon hearing that, was it the magic they witness magicians do in his world or the magic that games have? It did not take long for him to get an answer to his question.

As he was lost in his thoughts, a blast of fire was shot at the sky: at the same time, a gust of wind gave shape to the fire while pure crystal-like water added to the beauty of the sight. The source was from between the crowd.

Iana pushed through the crowd to witness a sight that fueled her ecstasy. The people were dressed like typical magicians in any game and used their staff to summon elements like fire, water, wind, etc. Blending the elementals created a sight to behold. Iana was mesmerized by the scene and wondered if even she could use magic.

She needed to learn more about magic and its fundamental use and theory of the world she was in. A place that will keep all the theory-related knowledge, where else could it be but the library?

She frantically started looking for a library. The organization of the street and the signs placed within made it very easy to navigate through. There was one enormous library in the capital, the Grandeur Bibliotheque.

Upon arriving in front of the location of the library, she witnessed a magnificent structure that was heavily guarded by soldiers. The pure white dome-like structure on the top of the building reminded Iana of the Taj Mahal, except it was built out of a sturdy glass-like material instead of marble.

Many people were entering and leaving the library. She approached the library's entrance. Many people murmured about Iana. Not only because of the knight-like appearance she exuded and the dress she wore but the crest on the back of the dress. It represented a powerful entity within the empire. Iana didn't put much of her mind into it and entered the library.

The library was gigantic, with a reception where a big queue was formed. It had a big chandelier at the top, attached to the dome-like structure visible from outside. The floor was made out of oak wood, darkish-brown in color. A tapping sound can be normally heard while walking on a wooden floor yet there was no noise when she walked.

"Is this because of some soundproofing magic?" she wondered as she stared blankly into the air.

The library had ginormous shelves with a strange mechanism for finding books. As she was observing the library, she heard flapping noises. She looked up, only to notice books flying on their own, each going on different shelves. Magic introduced endless possibilities in this world.

She went close to the mechanism in front of a shelf. A list of books appeared in front of her, like a futuristic screen.

"What book do you want," a voice asked in her head. She was momentarily taken back but collected herself quickly before replying, "Something that tells me about the Basic Theory of Magic,"

A few seconds of waiting is all it took for a book to appear in front of her. It was titled "Theory of Magic, a Door to a new world" and authored by Lenert Ayle.

Iana quickly found herself in an isolated place where a few people were present to read. As she opened the book, she noticed that the book had a space inside for a small crystal.

She took the crystal out and kept it aside. She started to read the book.


Magic has been a part of human life for a long time. Nobody is sure when it was discovered. Currently, it is being used for multiple purposes: entertainment, utility, and combat. Many applications of magic can be found. It also gave birth to Magic Stones, which react to mana. Mana is the power that is within people to utilize magic. Alas, god is not fair to everyone. Some people do not possess mana.

Upon opening this book, you might have found a small stone. It is a small piece of a magic stone. If you held it and it didn't illuminate. It indicates that you have no mana inside you.

This is a very brief summarization of magic. Other books like "A Guide to Advanced Tier Magic" by Leohart Avery might touch on deeper topics related to the complexities of magic, but this solely focuses on the broader question of magic itself as a concept.

There are five general classifications for magic.

- Elemental Magic

- Summoning Magic

- Spatial Magic

- Divination Magic

- Enchanting Magic

- Holy Magic

- Black Magic

Black magic is a forbidden magical art that uses one's life force and a lot of mana to perform magic. Although very powerful and destructive, it has its uses in desperate situations. Elemental magic can be used for fighting as well as for doing daily life tasks, for example: lighting a fire, drying clothes, watering plants, etc.

Summoning magic is calling upon the spirits from another world to aid with various tasks. Your mana is the cost of summoning a spirit. Usually, there would be a contract between the spirits and the summoners. It also depends on the spirit to accept you as their summoner.

Spatial magic is anything related to teleportation and levitation. It has various uses as well. An example of spatial magic's application could be noticed in the Grandeur Bibliotheque. Unorganized books fly by themselves to their bounded location. The book finder also uses a combination of spatial magic along with enchanting magic to find the most suitable book for you.

Divination magic is a branch of mystical arts that focuses on obtaining knowledge and insights about the past, present, and future. Practitioners of divination magic, known as diviners or seers, use various techniques to perceive hidden information, events, or truths that are beyond the scope of ordinary perception. The concept of divination was prevalent until the last hundred years before scammers started to abuse divination by lying about it. Almost forgotten, divination mages are rare in the current times.

Enchanting magic can alter the properties of any material and may make them behave differently from what they were supposed to. Forgers would look for enchanters to put magical attributes to their creations which helps warriors. They are usually expensive.

Holy magic, also known as divine or sacred magic, is a form of mystical power rooted in the forces of good, purity, and benevolence. It draws its strength from the four gods that represent goodness, light, and virtue.


Iana realized that the stone she touched didn't illuminate when she touched it. She confirmed it by picking it up again. No response from the stone.

"I can't use magic…?"

It took me way longer than it should for me to write this chapter.

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