
The Mystic Moon

It was a dark night. Silent, which scared Andy the most...He hated dark scary places "Why is it always me..." Asked Andy. He made his way to the Mystic Moon mansion and went up to his room only to find his best friend Shyla.

"What are you doing up?" Asked Andy.

"I could ask the same thing" replied Shyla

"Touche" Andy answered. "Well might as well get some sleep huh Shy?" As he lay down on his bed and Shyla laying down on the bed beside him. "Y'know I wish we could have more adventurous times you get what I mean?" Said Shyla "Seriously ugh wasn't last year enough" Said Andy falling asleep. The next morning there's a loud knock on the door. Andy went down to open it and saw the whole army with the FBI. "Uh we are here for the arrest of Andy Stark and Shyla Blitz.." Said FBI agent 1"Hey Friday call Mark 34 now." Andy said. "SUIT SENT" Said Friday...And Andy suited up to take down the army and agents.

