

Andrea just wanted to live a normal life with her crazy triplets and her twins........ BUT little did she know that life has other plans for her. Join Andrea in her crazy life

A_RACH · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

"Let him in" I tried to say calmly but I was still boiling with anger one the inside

"Are you sure?" Dane asked with worry on his eyes noticing I was angry.

I took a deep breath "Yes Dane let him in".

"What about the kids?". I turned and looked at the kids and they were lying down and cuddling each other, Tiffany in the middle and the boys at her side, when it comes to their little sister their really protective over her at a little age.

I sighed and stood up at grabbed one of the mank banklets and covered them well it actually swallowed them so I brought it down a little so they can breath properly and when I was done I sat down back in my seat and arranged my desk and brought out their file. I took a deep breath and looked back at Dane who was still there.

"Bring them in" I lokked at Dane and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Alright if you insist" He left and went to call léonard. His name still letf a bitter taste in the tip of my tongue.

A few seconds went by and they weren't in my office so I took out my phone and called the house land line, It rang for a couple of seconds then someone picked it up.

"Yello" It was Alex who picked up.

I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose "Alex it's not Yello it's hello"

His been doing this since he was little, he know how to say it but he just doesn't want to.

"Yup I know that put I think mine is cooler and who says 'hello' when there's yello"

I can just imagine him looking confused and I just laughed lightly at him.

"Well I just called to ask whether you guys have burned my house down yet?"

"Yes mum we have burned the house down, were outside with the police there about to take us to the shelter until you come back from work" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Ha ha very funny"

"But seriously mum why did you call"

"Fine I just wanted to checkup on you and to make sure Nichole isn't cooking anything".

I mean I love her but I can't let her into the kitchen like never allow her in the kitchen she's like Homer Simpson after drinking beer and yes I just compared my daughter to a character in the Simpsons.

I remember the last time Nichole cooked my microwave exploded, she burnt some of my kitchen utensils and managed to burn a little of her hair. But that was also an opportunity for me to design my kitchen again so instead of buying new stuff I renovated the whole kitchen.

"Ummm yah speaking of Nicole I haven't seen her" I heard him shuffling"What do you mean by you havent seen your own twin, I thought you guys had some twin telepathy thing"

"Mom how many times do I have to tell we can't speak to her in my mind it's not everything you see in TV that you'll believe" he said it as if he was talking to a child

I just rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me "Where's your sister?"

I heard him coughing hard from the other side.

"Alex, Alex was wrong " I said starting to worry.

"Mom, mom smoke too much"


"Alex, Alex baby get out of there" I got up from my chair ready to go home ASAP.

I heard shuffling in the background.

"Alex where are you right NOW? "

"I'm.. I'm in my room right now"

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and sat back down.

"Good now please tell me your with your inhaler"

"Yes, yes I'm with it"

"Good now take deep breaths from it"

He took 2 big puffs out of his inhaler

"Now try and calm down a little"

A few seconds passed by but I was hearing his breatgings go back to normaI

"Okay, okay I'm good now and no need to worry I'm good n..... Oh shit! "

"What happened Alex?"

"It's the fire department Nichole tried to cook again"

"Alright tell Hank and Micheal I'm sorry for the stress again"

"Alright mum"

"Take care, love you oh and tell Nichole that she can forget about the party and she should help the fire department clean the kitchen"

He chuckled "Alright mum love you too bye"

"Bye" I cut the call then I heard a knock at the door, I looked towards the door and look at what was standing close to him,

It was Mr. Bastard and Miss whore

I'm so glad to see them.


I sat there glaring at the both of them while my ex best friend Charlotte had a smug smile on her face and Leonard well he just look uncomfortable.

Well he did cheat on me thing were bound to get uncomfortable.

"Ummm please take a seat"

There were two seats in front of me Leonard sat on one and Charlotte didn't seat in the other one instead she sat on Leonard's lap."This is MY workplace not your bedroom" instead of listening to me she just got more comfortable on his lap.

I'm seriously trying to keep it professional but she's just making it hard

"I'm sure you won't mind I just love léonard very much that's why I can't keep my hands off him".

"And his money" I said under my breath but it seems that she heard it.


"What did you say?" she said getting angry

B!tch pls I ain't go no time for this.

"Let's just keep this professional or Dane or better yet the security will Escort you out so I advise you to sit down on your chair before I send you behind bars for something that you and trust me Charlotte I can do that" By the time I was done I was dangerously close to her and in a flash she was off him.

I rested my back on my chair happy with what I had done.

"Okay so why are you guys here?" I tried getting professional.

This time léonard spoke up actually trying to be a man "Ummmm we want to get married"

"Yes I can see that I mean why are you here?"

"Because my soon to be wife insisted and I just couldn't refuse her" And he kissed her on the mouth well from a kiss it went on to a full blown makeout with tongue, and i just couldn't take it anymore Instead of getting jealously I was just creepted out and disgusted so instead of stopping them I packed up my things ready to leave, I went to the triplets and squatted

"Alrigt kids time to go home, Dane will come and help me here"

Dane was still in the room looking creepted out.

"Dane come help me here"

"Oh yeah sure" Dane squatted "Did you seriously marry that" he said pointing at Leonard who was still sucking Charlotte face off

" What can I say I was young and stupid".

Like literally I was still young I was around 18 or 19 when I got pregnant now lete tell you I don't regret it because I gave birth to the people that are keeping me on feet till today.

"Now help me and carry the triplets without waking them up".

I carried Tiffany and Trevor while Dane carried Travis. Just as we were about to go through the door Leonard looked up and saw us leaving and pushed

"Wait, wait please let me see the triplets just once please Andrea just once atleast for 10 seconds"

"Okay fine"

He stepped closer to see them"


"Oh my god"


"They've grown so much"


"It feels like years since I've seen them"


"I need to take a picture of them"




"I've seen better" Charlotte said rolling her eyes


"Look at those little hands" he put two of his finger in their palm


"Come on babe we can do better" Charlotte said clinging onto léonard hand.


"Can I hold them? "He asked in a pleading voice.


"Ummm hell no you're times up, you said for ten seconds and you times up and please get out of my office if you need anything tell Dane" I tried to keep my voice calm as possible

"Andrea please just let me see the children again"

"leonard I said get out!" My anger was surfacing at this point.

"Come on babe she's already insulted us enough" she tugged leonard out of my office but when he didn't follow she frowned.

"Come on" she tugged at leonard and both of them left my office.

Some time after I left too with Dane towards my car and helped he helped me to put the triplets in their seat.

I turned to look up at Dane sine he was 6'1 and smiled at him.

"Thanks Dane"

"No stress" Dane smiled back at me and at the same time he looked nervous

"Do you want to tell me something?"

"Ummm yeah can I take the Sunday off"

"Okay but can I ask why?"

"Ummm I met someone onlime and were going on a date"

"Okay please tell me who this girl is"

"Ummmm actually it isn't a she..... it's a he"

Okay wow I never thought that dabe would end up being. Look I don't hate gay people in this world but I just say Dane as a ladies man.

"Sure Dane you can have the whole Sunday off if you like"

"Sweet your awesome andrea thanks" he gave me one last hug before I saw go towards his motorcycle and dissappear into the night.

I got into my jeep and drove off, once I reached home I was more that tired and the triplets too where still sleeping I got them out from their seats and took them inside, while I passed the living room the twins greeted me but I just replied with a little yawn and went upstairs toward the triplets rooms and gently placed them on their bed making sure all of them were properly covered and went toward my own room, I kicked my shoes, I entered the shower and allowed it to relax my muscles a little bit. When I was done I changed into one of my shorts and a loose top and crawled into my bed I checked my phone and saw it was still 9:58 but I was seriously sleepy. I covered my self with my soft duvet and allowed the darkness to consume me.