
And the Forest was Her Friend

"What happened to her?" Cloe looked upon the poor girl, her arm broken out of her shoulder, a dagger stuck in it. She had a bruised cheek, swollen, and blood covered her dried lips. Her breathing was slow, like she was about to fade away. " a poem i wrote for the book Love will follow you, and the heavy burden of responsibilities will crash; emotions will die, and new ones will be reborn. Death will arise, but life will return. -im not a professional writer, so i hope you can understand my grammar mistakes-

nixvalc · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Ep 28 )

"Hurry up," the Raven captain waved to her sister, loading boxes into the car. Soon, they would be ready to depart for family time. But was it really? Did it feel like it? Nix's aura turned darker than ever because she knew more than enough now. Things had changed in a way she did not see coming. She was sharp, but this news had shocked and unprepared her.

"I'm coming, it's kinda heavy, you know." Thin but fit arms tried to lift the brown cardboard box shaped in a square cube. Inside, it was filled with jars of veggies and two bottles of fresh, clear river water, creating bubbles with each shake. Vallary Whitehill used a lot of strength to lift the heavy box, trying to show she could and that she didn't need anyone's help. Nix saw her sister and tried to push the heavy moment from her mind, but each glance at her little sister made her claws itch to give the final answer to the old hag leader.

Venix Whitehill stood near her sister, moving her hands away from the cardboard. She lifted the first box with one hand, using her claws for support to create perfect balance. Her right hand lifted the other box underneath it. Vallary had tried to gather the boxes into one tall stack to lift both at the same time but failed, feeling frustrated that her plan did not work. She really didn't want her help. she envied deeply her big sister ,doing the impossible in vallarys eyes ,the jealousy hurt her in a way the daggers inside her heart only stayed longer 

"Come on, let's go before sunset." Venix didn't want to prolong the conversation. She put the boxes inside the car baggage and sat in the chair, not caring to call others to join her. Venix was ready to leave and be done with it; yesterday was more than she needed to deal with more nonsense.

"Can you move faster? We don't have all day, Vallary!" Gert Whitehill shouted at his daughter. Vallary leaned over the last box, trying to lift it. She needed to show the effort she had trained for months. Just seeing her sister doing everything, being praised by everyone, and always being right no matter what others said to her, Vallary Whitehill hated this feeling the most.

The past days had been like a dream for her. Everyone acted nice to her, and even Nix showed a lot of affection. No matter how she beat her in training, they always walked home together, discussing herbs and different plants useful for healing big wounds. Vallary felt an overwhelming happiness she couldn't explain. Everyone was always strict with her; only Venix was by her side, bleeding and breaking a few bones in the process of the beating. Vallary always knew her big sister only wanted to make her stronger, like Vallary always wished.

Gert Whitehill looked at his daughter with disgust, feeling dishonored to see such a failure born from his own seed. His face could not hide it. Venix watched the scene, her fists clenched hard. She could swear, if her father didn't stop now, she would lose full control and leave this town alone.

"We're all here, let's just go, Gert. We've wasted enough time already." Marie Whitehill passed her younger daughter, entering the car. Now, everyone waited only for Vallary to enter so they could finally depart from the town.

Vallary rushed in, taking her place beside her big sister, and fastening her seatbelt. The excitement was evident in her shining eyes. She didn't feel the sudden change in atmosphere sitting inside the car with her family members. Venix breathed slowly, her eyes focused on the window, her head unmoving. Gert Whitehill held the wheel with both hands. Marie Whitehill looked at the small mirror coming off the small gap on the wing in front of her. Everyone was busy; only Vallary Whitehill felt excitement all over her, finally spending time with her beloved ones and creating a new bond with her big sister. She looked at everyone inside the car, as if numbering everyone. The young Gaian couldn't wait to see how this journey might change her life for good.