
And That's How the Billionaire Fell

Rica Spencer has been hiding an unrequited love for David Lopez the past five years. But Dave only sees her as the little girl he saved five years ago. Dave needed help to save the company his Dad worked hard for. And Samuel Spencer is the only man who can help them. Dave will do anything Samuel asks, anything at all for the sake of his Dad and everyone who depends on him. Now what would Rica's Uncle Sam ask? It seems like only a miracle can make Dave turn his eyes on Rica. Can Uncle Sam hold the key to the impossible?

Mahogany4 · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 26: The veil was lifted

Robbie was agitated while driving. Why can't Rica's heart soften to him? All these years he had been beside her, but why did she have to fall in love with someone else when he was always around?

Rica can see Robbie's emotion on his face. But she decided to not speak. She doesn't want to trigger Robbie to get angrier than he already is.

When they arrived at Rica's home, Robbie helped Rica down the car. But he did not let go of Rica's hand.

"I am not done with what I wanted to say, Rica." said Robbie.

Rica sighed. What can still be said? She is still in love with Dave. And she can't bring herself to love Robbie beyond what they have now.

"I know you're confused, but I want you to know who really loves you. All my life, I have never loved anyone else but you. I will never do anything to hurt you, Rica. All I'm asking is for you to please look at me. Give ME a chance. Accept my love." said Robbie.

Robbie reached for Rica's cheek.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

Robbie went closer to Rica until his face was just a few inches away from hers.

"If you give me your heart, I promise to take care of it and love you forever." said Robbie

Robbie almost touched Rica's lips with his, but Rica avoided him by facing sideways. Robbie pulled back and saw Rica looking away from him. He closed his eyes tight in pain.

"You still reject me after I poured out everything I have?" asked Robbie

"Take your hands off her." said a voice from behind Rica.

Rica turned and saw Dave standing just a feet from her. His was catching his breath and he looked very… VERY angry.

Dave did not wait for Robbie to respond. He went to Robbie and forcefully took Robbie's arms away from Rica. He punched Robbie on the face and Robbie fell on the ground.

Rica screamed. She doesn't know what to do! How can she stop this?

Robbie stood up and retaliated. He punched Dave on the face too.

"Stop, stop this!" shouted Rica.

Both men did not listen to her and just kept fighting each other.

Rica took her perfume and sprayed between them. Both of the men took a step back.

"That will stop you both! Are you kids? Why do you fight like you're in preschool?!"

Rica is so frustrated!


Rica was still angry with both Dave and Robbie for fighting in front of her. She's angry with Robbie for trying to kiss her. And she's angry with Dave for not controlling himself and acting violently.

Rica attended to Robbie's wounds in her room.

"You are not good at fighting. You shouldn't have punched him." said Rica

"I can't let him treat you like he owns you." said Robbie.

"As long as I'm his Fiancée, he has the right to get mad especially if someone else was trying to kiss me." said Rica

Robbie had to stop talking for a few seconds. Rica… had a point.

"I'm sorry about that. I got carried away. I wasn't thinking." said Robbie

"It's good that you know." said Rica. "Stay here. I'll check on Dave. "


Gene was putting medicine on Dave's wounds in the living room.

"I'm her Fiancé, why does she have to attend to that best friend first?" said Dave

Gene tried not to laugh.

"You were really jealous?" asked Gene

Rica heard this and she stopped behind the door.

"Gene, that guy likes your daughter. He even announced it to the world. How can I not be jealous? Can you blame me if I get irritated if she went to tend to that guy instead of me?" said Dave.

Dave is frustrated!

"I was just trying to protect her. That man., he almost…he….I'm just not happy when that guy is around her."

Dave closed his eyes.

"And you know I love her, Gene… There's no need to pretend in front of you." said Dave.

Gene nodded. If she would ever have a son, Dave would be perfect.

Rica can't help but smile. This man, her fiancé, was trying to protect her…and was jealous. It was cute despite how childish Dave acted earlier.

Rica didn't notice that Robbie was just standing a few steps from her. Robbie's heart was aching at the sight of this happy Rica. She's happy that Dave was jealous and that Dave likes her. Was he ever able to make Rica this happy? The past three years, did he ever see that smile? He tried to cheer up Rica every time he had the chance to. But did he ever make her really happy?


Rica went to a bookstore and looked for some self-help book. She needs to read something inspiring to take her mind off the stress.

Taking out the Hot in Chili

Weird title. Rica reached for the book. But as she was about to touch it, another hand reached it first.

When Rica looked who the other person was, she almost dropped the other books on her arm.

No Way.

Why of all people…

How can she see this person now that she's already on her breaking point.

Diana Harper.


"We seem to like the same things, don't we?" asked Di

Di still looks gorgeous, her hair was in a different tone of blonde, but she still looks beautiful.

"You…I should've known I'd see you soon. Why did I only see you now?" asked Rica

"That's a wrong question to ask. Isn't it supposed to be 'When did you come back?'" asked Di.

"Huh? Why? Weren't you here in San Francisco all the time?" asked Rica

"I was in New York the past three years." said Di.

"You…you were there, the whole time?" asked Rica

"When you say the whole time…you mean…"

"After the accident until now?" asked Rica

"Oh,Yeah. I went to New York a week or two after the accident. Then I stayed there the past three years." said Di "I heard you did too. It was such a waste that we didn't get in touch while we're both there."

"I wouldn't like to." thought Rica.

"Umm...I'm just going to pay for this book:" said Rica

Di smirked. Can Rica Spencer really think she can run away from her?

"Hey, Rica. I want to grab some coffee. You need to come with me." said Di.

"I am busy." said Rica

"Oh, I am busy too. But I came all the way to San Francisco for a mission. And I can't waste time." said Di


Belle was staring at Carl. This man was cunning. How did he do it? How did he convince Di to come back to San Francisco?

"Stop staring at me. I get goose bumps." said Carl

Belle laughed.

"How did you do it?" asked Belle

"I went to her house everyday…She kept pushing me away and told me she never wanted to go back to San Francisco. She had a new life there already, you know."

Belle wasn't able to talk to Di the past three years that much. Di tried to distance herself form everything relating to Dave. And Belle understands that. It was Di's way of coping.

"Di has a good Fiance who loves her very much. She's living a good life. She doesn't want to leave the comfort of that peaceful life. And then I went there to bug her every day, imagine her anger. Hahahah!" laughed Carl.

"I wonder how the Fiancé took your presence." said Belle

"Oh, he got me arrested for stalking. But Di defended me. So everything still ended up OK." said Carl

"Wow… is there anything you won't do for Dave?" asked Belle

"I just think that Di is a really good person inside, it's just that her love for Dave went into obsession. And I know she never gets peace whenever she thinks of Dave and Rica. So I told her how Dave is now and how Rica is after three years. I tried to appeal to her conscience every day until she got tired of me and agreed to go back here for a week." said Carl.

Belle can only hope everything turns out well.


Rica was counting the minutes. She does not want to be around Di.

"I met Carl when I was in New York and I heard some news." said Di "Who would've thought you will be engaged with Dave again?"

"That is a business partnership." Said Rica, her face cold.

"And I heard you got yourself another proposal. And now, you have to choose whom between two gorgeous guys to marry, isn't it?" asked Di

"Believe me, it's harder than it looks." said Rica.

"Then let's make it simple." said Di "Who do you love?"

Di can sense that Rica will not answer her question. Rica is looking she she wanted to bolt.

"If you say the other guy, that would be lying, right? But if you say Dave, you are afraid you might hurt me again. I am sure you are thinking this way." said Di

Di is right. It's as if she can read through Rica's mind. Rica is being careful. Sh does not want this to end up into a disaster again.

"After three years, I can still predict how you will think. You are a very naïve pure minded girl. It was easy for me to know how you will react to a certain situation." said Di "That's why it was easy to manipulate you."

Rica's eyes narrowed. What does Di mean by that?

"You were in love with Dave. But I was the girlfriend. It was easy for me to use that advantage to make you back off. Because I know you'll easily get hurt. Remember the time we had dinner to celebrate Dave's Birthday? I saw you walking towards the door. And when you got really near, I kissed him. I made sure you saw us." said Di. Di smiled at Rica.

Rica's heart was burning in anger. How can Di say these things as if they were just simple memory from the past? That memory brought Rica too much pain and still does.

"You see, you are already thinking of cursing me right? But you're holding it back because you're to cursing people. But then, I intentionally hurt you that time. So it would only be fair to speak up now." said Di

Rica still did not speak. But her eyes were sharp and burning.

"Oh…There's another thing before that. I felt Dave was already starting to like you and I couldn't get his attention. So I went to the road so that a car could hit me. And the next day, Dave came running to the hospital. That was the day we got back together." said Di. "I really had my way on people, especially when I know their weakness. I use that to my benefit."

Rica's hand was shaking in anger. How can Di say all these things so nonchalantly as if she did not make the people's lives miserable?

"What else…hmmm… There was a lot of time when I had to use my mind to think of ways to make Dave stay with me and eliminate you from the picture. Oh, the accident..." said Di. "That's a long story to tell".

"Please…ENOUGH. I had heard enough." said Rica "You are selfish. You only see your own pain and you do not care whether you hurt somebody else. You do not have a heart."

Rica's tears are now falling from anger.

"You want me to stop speaking? Because you remember the pain? The painful moments of the past? Then that means you still feel something. And that's what I came back here for. I want you to face those feelings, Rica." said Di

Rica was confused. What is Di saying?

"Di, I had enough. I need to rest."

Rica almost stood up but Di touched Rica's hand. The gentleness of Di's gesture surprised Rica. Even Di's face softened.

"I came back for a purpose, Rica. But I have very limited time. I will tell you eventually why I need to leave soon. But for now, just for now, can you bear a little more?" said Di

Is she crazy? Bear more pain?

"I promise you that if you give me a chance today to tell you everything, you will be able to decide which proposal to take." said Di

What is this woman really planning?

"You're manipulating me again." said Rica

Di took a deep breath.

"At the hospital, after the accident, he went to you first. You know Dave… he almost never left your door." said Di. "And that's the truth. You can think I am manipulating you. But what will I get if I tell you everything he did for you back then?"

Rica was confused.

"That day of the accident, when I woke up and tried to look for Dave…" said Di.

Rica's heart is squeezing in pain.

"I found him by your door. He was crying his heart out while looking at you. I realized then that I lost him. I lost him to you. I should've accepted it earlier. I had already seen the signs but I was too obsessed and I tried to tie him to me. That night of his birthday when you went missing, he rushed to look for you. He shut all communication with me even if he knows I can hurt myself. The next day, he broke up with me and told me he…" Di started to tear up "He was in love with you."

Rica's chest felt like it was about to explode.

"Then two days after that, news spread about Dave kissing you in public which was witnessed by a lot of people." said Di. "I couldn't accept that. And so I still plotted to manipulate you."

A tear escaped Di's eye.

"I did not mean for us to get into that accident. I will not go that far. I only wanted you to give up on him. But with what I did, I hurt Dave the most. Dave looked miserable that time in the hospital. He looked like he was really in pain… I have never seen Dave like that… That's when I know I lost… I lost him to you."

Di's tears are now streaming down her face. And Rica could feel Di's hands shaking as they squeezed hers.

"Why are you saying these things to me?" asked Rica, her mind trying to put the pieces together.

"Because you are stupid for falling into my trap! Why were you so weak as to think that he chose me? When you woke up, I thought that if I leave San Francisco, I can finally give the two of you peace. And then on the day I left, I heard you left too." said Di, there was frustration on her voice.

The day Rica left… Di also left? Then that means… Dave and Di never got back together…

"Which part of the whole thing made you give up? Because that's stupid. You gave up when you already have him." said Di, now wiping her eyes dry.

"I saw him in your room. You two were talking." said Rica

"What? Oh… That only happened once and you had to see that? I get it. You thought he cares for me more than you." said Di. "That time, Dave and I talked a lot. I wanted to help him get his mind off you for a while. I know your situation was torturing him, not knowing when you will wake up. By the end of the conversation, I told him that I will be really happy if you wake up. I told him that I will try my best to live a happy life too. And that I will need to go back to New York to fix my life. It was like…a goodbye talk." said Di

Rica suddenly felt like a fool. Dave…He was telling the truth! He really loved her. But she all she did was push him away.

"Here's the deal Rica. I will meet Dave tonight." said Di.

Rica's eyes got wide.

"Dave is still very handsome all these years, you know. And he is still special. Since it didn't work out for you two. And you might end up choosing that Atlas company over SkyRock, I better take advantage of the situation right?" said Di "I think our dinner tonight might be a good way for the two of us to get back together."


Rica was bothered. The Dave and Di are going to meet?

She can't concentrate on the work she took home with her. She can't eat anything well. She was feeling really agitated.

She took her phone and called Belle.

"Belle, this is Rica."


Belle was in the usual bar with Carl and Di.

"Oh, Rica" said Belle a bit louder than usual so that Carl and Di hears.

"Why did you call?" asked Belle

"Ummm Belle…Di is back right?"

"Umm, Yeah. Di is back. What about it?" asked Belle, looking at Carl and Di meaningfully.

"She said she's meeting with Dave tonight." said Rica

"Oh really? I think it's a date. Dave is single, I mean we're under the impression that you will take the Atlas company proposal right? That Robbie guy is HOT. And he's your buddy so… And Di is single. Dave and Di might meet to, you know, rekindle the fire?" said Belle.

Carl was smiling foolishly and Di giggled.

"Hey Rica, I need to go. By the way, I heard they're meeting at the restaurant where we celebrated Dave's birthday. You remember?" asked Belle

"Yes, Yes I remember." said Rica.

"All right then, Bye!" then Belle hung up, took a deep breath and sank on her chair

"Why do you two made me do that!" said Belle. "You know how I hate to lie!"


Rica immediately took her jacket and left the house. She took a taxi and went to the restaurant. It was only then that she realized that she's still in her pajamas. The waiters almost stopped her from going inside the restaurant.

"I have some friends inside. They are expecting me." said Rica.

The waiter looked at her from head to foot.

"Under what name was the reservation?" asked the rude waiter

"Di…Diana Harper." said Rica

"There is no Diana in our list." said the waiter.

"How about Belle Anderson?"

The waiter checked. "Table five please." said the waiter.

Rica went inside and immediately looked for table five. She saw Dave sitting there. Rica's chest started drumming. Dave was looking like the most handsome man in the world. How could she have pushed that away?

Rica took a deep breath. She went to the table and saw Dave almost dropping the glass he's holding.

"Ri… Rica?" asked Dave in surprise.

Dave doesn't know which was more surprising. Rica's presence or her appearance. She's in her pajamas in a formal restaurant!

"Where's Di?" asked Rica looking around.

"Di? I was supposed to meet Belle here." said Dave "Why are you looking for Di? She's probably in New York. I don't really know where she is." said Dave

Rica was confused. It seems like… it seems like Dave didn't know Di is back. Rica sat across Dave, drank the water there and took a deep breath.

"Dave, Di is in San Francisco. She is back. I saw her earlier." said Rica. "We even had coffee together."

This night was getting interesting. Dave? She's calling him Dave again? Dave's heart was jumping with joy.

"If she's back, she would've contacted Belle already… Bellle…"

Dave stopped to think for a while. Ah…Did Belle arrange this for him and Di?

"Well… come to think of it… Belle might have arranged this for me and Di, but Di not here." said Dave

"Good. I'll stay here and wait for her." said Rica.

Dave tried to suppress a smile.

"Wait…" Rica just realized what she was wearing. "Ummm, I'll be back. And don't you ever leave this place with Di without me."

That totally left a wide smile on Dave's lips.

Rica went out to the nearest mall. Good thing she wasn't stupid enough to forget her wallet. She tried to be as fast as she can. She can't let Di rekindle whatever fire she thought should could rekindle. When Rica got back, Dave already ordered food for them.

"You're not going to wait for Di?" asked Rica

"Hmm. I don't care if Di is coming or not. Because you're here. And I want to get as much time I can spend with you as possible." said Dave smiling

Dave was surprised, in a short time… Rica transformed into a really cute dress! But the collarbone…Dave gulped at that exposed collarbone. This was the first time he had seen it in years. But the effect it had on him only got stronger.

"Umm… Ehem! Let's eat?" said Dave

Rica saw Dave's face turning red and can't help but point it out.

"Dave…" Rica pinched Dave's cheek "Stop blushing"

But that made Dave get redder than he already was.

"Hmm… you turned into a tomato." said Rica.

Rica enjoyed the meal. Everything was delicious! But until they finished the meal… Di did not come.

"I wonder where's Di." said Rica

Dave does not know what was happening, but he was glad that he gets to spend time with Rica like this. The way Rica talks now is like her pure, innocent, childish self three years ago. Even with her hair short, she seems like she had already shed her cold sophisticated lady aura. And he likes that Rica is now opening up to him.

"Why are you staring at me?" asked Rica

"Nothing. I'm just happy. You made me really happy today, Rica." said Dave

Rica can see the sincerity in Dave's eyes. Now that the veil of confusion was lifted, she can see right through Dave's heart. These past three years, when she left him to suffer in pain, how much did he have to endure? Rica's heart was aching at the thought.

Dave doesn't want this night to end. How can he stretch this night into eternity? How can he have his Rica like this longer? The meal is finished… Is this it? Does he need to take her home now?

"Dave, let's go out and have a drink." said Rica

"A drink?!" asked Dave, surprised.

Rica nodded.

Dave smiled. He would stretch this night as long as he can.