
And that's how it was supposed to be

aditya_sathikumar · Fantasy
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18 Chs

15 break forever


2027 , covid ended by 2022 .

5 years being depressed , I see my daughter sitting on the broken bridge , reading the book I wrote .

I avi's dad along with the help of joe , Rick's brother wrote this book .

6 years ago ,

covid situation went down , when we had arrived . avi and Rick meet sometimes , they had no place to hand out so they , just like old times hungout at the broken bridge . They would go there once or twice a week , bring coffee and drink it there together . one evening , as they both sat down on the bridge as usual . avi reached for her mug looking at water . she couldn't find the cup , she looked at the cups position , Rick was Missing and there was this little box , she picked it up when she looked back and Rick was on his knees . she stood up quickly and looked at Rick .he said " I have been like this for the last 10 mins "

avi laughed weridly , Rick took the box from her . opened it , " will you marry me ?"

avi lost her breathe , tears rolled down her eyes . she sat down with her face in her hands and said yes .

Rick took her in his arms and laughed for some reason.

The families got to know about this and their engagement was done in the house itself . The marriage was decided to happen after the situation of covid clears .

somedays later , Rick's family showed some symptoms of covid .

joe and Rick's mom had mild symptoms but Rick had high symptoms . avi and her dad too quarantined in their house . Every one was tensed when avi received a call from Joe that Rick had super high fever and breathing problems so he was taken to hospital .

They knew his condition was not bad , and he could recover soon . he was on high medication so he would be sleeping most of the time and rest . avi and Ricks family used to call him every day . They even talked to doctor who had predicted that , Rick would be home soon.

Rick had developed some breathing problems , his oxygen levels were going down . He had wear an oxygen mask , it was heartbreaking for his mother and avi to see him like that .

But he laughed and made them laugh too . he promised mom and asked her to cook good food when he gets back . He asked avi " why are you afraid? " " I will make it out of here for sure , I don't wanna die in a pandemic dude so unromantic . I wanna die in an accident bleeding in your lap "

Both of them laughed yet avi's eyes said what her heart held .

13 October 2021 , avi and Rick were texting eachother . They talked and planned how they would live together , make birthday plans etc . Avi seemed unassumingly happy , Rick asked her what was the reason to which she replied .

" I think am pregnant " , Rick was shocked he didn't understand that it was his own child . The day Rick had proposed avi , they had sex . But little did they know , it would turnout like this . avi called Richard picked , he up with tears in his eyes his voice broke as he spoke .

It he was a little sad yet happy too .

he asked avi" what would mom and your dad think?" avi " we will figure it out but first come back (baka)!"

suddenly there is silence on the other side , avi hears werid sounds and shouts of people and then the phone hangs up .

There is no contact for 3 days untill Rick's mom gets a call from his phone his mom picks up hastily .

it didn't sound like avi , it was the doctor . He told Rick's mom that

" on 14 October Richard had a sudden panic attack , his lungs were purely damaged and no chance of recovery . Even in his last breath he was talking on calls with people .

I tried and Richard himself tried his level best but am really sorry ... he is no more ..."

Rick's mom expected this news but wished this wouldn't happen , she with her numb face said okay...and hung up .

he told joe in the next room , and he was as numb as his mom . They already had faced a death in their family and death of another person shook them badly .

as avi got the news she fainted , she had to be taken to the hospital.

she wept badly , her breath was lost . she shouted " he said he would come back , he promised "

Rick's mom went to see avi that day , saw he condition . she too couldn't hold back her tears . as she hugged avi , avi told her about the baby she was gonna have . mother's expression flipped she smiled when she knew it was Rick's baby . They were a little happy yet loss of Richard was a great scar everyone in his family had .

Next day , avi , her dad , joe and mom went to hospital . where they gave back a small chain Rick had around his neck , his phone and a letter . They knew the procedures , that the body won't be handed over.

joe opened the letter . it read

" i am sorry , I promised I would make it out but I could not .

I tried my best , but I had to go .

please don't cry as I go , feel free to think that I got a better life . I love everyone of you reading this letter . but I love the kid inside my avi's stomach the most of you . I hate to go before I see him , I hope you love him for me too ...

you will get s call in a few days , from our lawyer .

I don't know what more to say , I love you all ."

Everyone was in tears , joe who hadn't cried in years broke down.

wiping their faces and holding their pain , they sat in to the car and went back home .

avi moved to Rick's house with his mother , she lived in his room .

Avi's dad didn't wanted to disturb anyone , but he would come to see avi sometimes .

Nobody could even smile in the house . memories of a beloved son , a perfect husband and a beat brother haunted them . It was heartbreaking to see this happen .

After -7 days