
And I Speak.

My thought diary.

BitterCandy · Teen
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12 Chs

A Lesson


- any human life is important

- Human life = of infinite value, a sacred gift from God

- Importance of life, NOT comparing lives

I have this notebook. Just a silly old- well not old old but kinda old I guess, but its this notebook where I just write all kinds of stuff. It was supposed to be a common place book. If you don't know what that is, well. It's this book where you place all the stuff that inspires you or makes you actually feel something.

For what exactly? I don't know. For something to look back to? Probably.

It was bought from another time, from a more lighter and hopeful time. When things were a bit easier and inspiring. When the days were for waking up happy and the nights were for sleeping peacefully. But those were a thing of the past. Most days are simply happy smiles and sad eyes. Nights are the worst, and you can't even do anything about it.

Welp, back to the common place book.

I kind of forgot what it was for, or rather, I wanted to forget what it was for. I mostly use it on notes now. For lectures here and there. And that topic, The Principle of the Inviolability of Life? Well, it was kind of ironic how it fit perfectly. No, its kind of ironic how the lectures I've written in that book are somehow still inspiring enough to perfectly fit in a common place book.

Like its meant to be there.

Like its supposed to be there.

I like to think that my life is this some sort of interactive game. You know, the kind of game where the characters stop and let you choose the path you want them to take, giving you the illusion that you're in control, when in the end its all predetermined. How its so scripted af. (And no, that does not count as a swear word since its abbreviated :P) Well, I always thought that way. And because of that I try to be as unpredictable as possible. To do things that are considered as abnormal.

Goodness, I hate that word. Let's use, eccentric. To do things that are considered as eccentric.

To do things that are considered eccentric enough to be unique, a cut in the norm.

But, try as I might, it still seems systematized. Like my life is this one big, dramatic production someone else wrote. For whom? I don't think I'll ever know. But it's amusing watching myself struggle with my lines, watching myself trying to be someone who I think is me, but really isn't? That's a bit confusing. Let's just say I feel like a puppet in my own reality show. Hey! isn't that the truth- because you know, actors in reality shows are puppets made for entertai- you know what, nevermind. The point is, it's amusing. The pain is amusing. The lines are amusing. The masks are amusing. But what's not amusing, is the fact that I kind of realize all this but I can't do anything about it. And that's where THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INVIOLABILITY OF LIFE seems too fitting to be simply coincidence. I mean, the principle states that every human life matters. That human life is simply of infinite value, priceless and a gift; a privilege. But I beg to differ. 

Because I simply can't find a reason why my life would ever matter to anyone but myself.