
And a new dawn to thou i've loved before

Embark on an enthralling journey into a world where the lines between fantasy and reality blur, and emotions are as elusive as the ethereal moonlight. In a realm where vampires and humans coexist, secrets are buried in the shadows, and the echoes of forbidden desires reverberate through the corridors of power. Meet Elisa, torn between the allure of a forbidden love with a human and the binding expectations of a vampire society. Witness Nina's struggle, a haunted past casting shadows on her every step, as she navigates a new life within the opulent yet mysterious Aldric's palace. Feel the pulse of political intrigue as the kingdom teeters on the brink of uncertainty, and follow the intertwining destinies of characters grappling with love, loss, and the pursuit of identity. With each page, immerse yourself in a tapestry of emotions woven into the fabric of this spellbinding narrative. From the chilling echoes of Elisa's internal conflicts to the poignant moments of Nina's awakening, the story invites you to explore the rich complexities of its characters' lives. As the plot unfolds, secrets unravel and choices echo across the kingdom, urging you to question societal norms and dive into a world where dreams collide with harsh realities. Delve into a tale that blends romance, fantasy, and political intrigue, promising an unpredictable journey that will leave you eagerly turning the pages. Read between the lines, where every word carries the weight of emotions, and discover a narrative that transcends genres, resonating with the essence of humanity. Are you ready to escape into a world where love and power entwine, and the journey is as unpredictable as the beating of a heart? Open the book and lose yourself in a tale that will linger in your thoughts long after the final chapter, and by the end, you'll be asking yourself one, singular question. "Is love truly worth it?"

Theothecolossal · Teen
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30 Chs

Vol1.Chap20 Meeting the factions.

The day was young, all the royals meeting at the castle of Aldrics, dressed in their best attire for the event, the kings and queen of Alderfield staring at each other a disapproving scowl on their faces all seated around the huge dining table in the Aldrics' castle everyone clearly not wanting to be here.

The kids sat on the other end of the table listening to the discussion their parents were having the look of curiosity plastered on their faces.

"So?" The queen muttered, her brown hair and blue eyes cascading down her back, her figure concealed by a blue Robe à la Française she wore, her sharp face and quick-cut attitude admirable to many "Why was this meeting called?"

"Well, Imelda," The Aldric king rubbed his temples once more his gaze tired, looks voice of all sleep. "I'm certain you've read the news, yes?"

"Yes, yes we all read about the vampires, Alden gets to the point," A man with golden eyes interrupts, his silver hair laced with hints of blue, wearing a high ruffled white shirt with ruffled cuffs, a silver blueish waistcoat over it, a blue cravat tying his looks all together.

"Well, Arian I've called you here to discuss our next course of action." Alden stated his gaze shifting between the king and queen, "Surely as the king of Serenelakes and the queen of the Nocturns we can all come to an agreement, yes?"

"Well that's a stupid reason to call us over," Imelda muttered her gaze shifting to Alden. "The answer is obvious!"

"I agree," Arian nodded at her statement, his index finger stretched out and waving around in the air as he was about to speak his thoughts.

"We should all look for survivors in the forest!"

"We should all attack them head-on!"

"We should all stay back and build upon resources!" They all said at the same time, looking at each other their faces dumbfounded by the other's decision.

"Look for survivors?! Alden, surely you jest!" Arian shouted in disbelief, clearly not happy about the idea, "The vampires probably killed them all, there's no survivors out there in that forest no matter how you look at it!"

"But what about you?! Attack them head-on? Are you out of your mind!?" Alden shouted back his anger evident in his voice and face, "We have no idea what they're capable of! we'll all get wiped out!"

"You both are buffoons!" Imelda snaps her patience clearly running out with their bickering, "Preparing for an attack is the best option! Why would we fight them when their power is unknown and why would we look for survivors in the area of their dwelling we'll surely be wiped out in both scenarios."

Damara watched in awe her hands gripping onto the hem of her Klein blue Rococo dress, her eyebrows furrowing over her marine blue gaze her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest, staring at a boy with Silver hair with a hint of blue, his yellow eyes on another speaking and conversing with the boy next to him.

That boy had brown hair, his blue eyes fixed on the kid he was talking to, wearing a golden brown waistcoat over his white shirt and frilled sleeves. He seemed to be energetic, carrying the conversation between the two of them like it was nothing.

"He's cute huh?" Damara heard a voice by her side as she was lost in her daydream, startling her a bit.

"Oh- um y-yeah," She mutters her face flushed from being caught, the grip on her dress getting even tighter.

"He's cute, talented, and he has a way with words one would just melt," she continued, her elegant brown hair and blue eyes staring at the boy she was swooning over, wearing a golden brown Robe à la Française. "too bad he won't fall for you though."

"W-wait what? why?" Damara's voice cracked under the sudden attack, her eyebrows furrowing in concern, biting down on her lower lip at her sudden declaration.

"I mean, a Rococo dress? Really? Do you still wear those? It's the 18th century dear, maybe have some pride in what you wear?" She scoffed. "He likes girls with class, like me. So I doubt you have a chance."

"But I like how it looks on me," Damara muttered to herself, looking down on her dress her eyes stuck to it as she thought about what the girl just said, "Is it really that bad?"

"It's atrocious, have some class, you're a princess for crying out loud," She giggles, leaving Damara to think before going after her again. "And you're hair is also just awful, ever heard of a brush?"

"Hey, Sylvia lay off her," Liam muttered, resting an arm on her shoulder, glaring at her from behind causing a shiver to run down her spine. 

"Fine, whatever," She muttered pulling her arm away from him, a scowl on her face as she moved away from Damara's chair, Liam taking her place.

"Pay her no mind, ok?" He tried to comfort his sister once more, her eyes on the verge of tears.

Without saying a word she got up from her chair v

"I hope she's alright," A girl with short silver hair muttered a hint of blue in her short locks, yellow eyes staring at the siblings as they left the room.


Levi woke up, the blue sky staring back at him as he lay in a field, the green grass tickling his face as he looked up to the sky his eyes half-lidded as if he were in a daze, his hair blowing in the breeze still not up to terms with reality. His yellow eyes, a hazy gold stared into the vast abyss. His face was stained with crimson, his shirt battered and torn, even worse than before.

"Where, am I," He muttered, his mind still a hazy mess, getting up from the ground he looked ahead, his hand reaching to his lips, his fingers smudging the crimson that stained his features.

His pupils dilated in horror once he saw the stain left on his finger tips, his breath hitched in fright, unable to keep a steady pace. He raised his head, the wind taking his hair strands to follow their path, his lips trembling with fear.

"What's going on with me," tears started to sting the back of his eyes, tears of fear and confusion, his hands stained with the blood of someone or rather something he has no idea of. "Why is this happening."