
Ancient Whispers

Fosterlibra · Teen
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2 Chs

Ancient Ruins:Ugo’s Dreadful flight

In the heart of her teenage years,Ugo found herself at a crossroad.Seated beneath the sprawling branches of the baobab tree,she faced her father zaka..

"My daughter"zaka began,his gaze piercing through the veil of her resistance

"You must understand the importance of your destiny,these powers you have,it is not a curse,Zaka said with a voice filled with authority and at the same time with love..

Ugo's lips curled into a bitter frown,her gaze remained fixed on the ground,her eyes flashing with stubborn determination.

"Destiny means nothing to me "my birth brought nothing but despair and sorrow,I am cursed father,cursed to bring nothing but ruin,mother lost her life i the night of my birth I didn't meet her because of prophecy that has brought nothing but calamity "

She retorted bitterly with a drop of tear

"I don't think I can do this father,why me she cried"

Before zaka could respond,Ugo's sister Azula stepped in,her presence commanding attention as she interjected

"Ugo you speak folly,you are not cursed "she chided gently "my sister you're now a woman,stop thinking and speaking like a child "

"You need to stop wallowing in self pity and doubt and start thinking straight,the sacred Nza dance rites is what you should focus on learning"

She spoke of the sacred NZA dance,a sacred rite passed down through generations,performed in the ancient cave grove beneath the shadows of the dark mountains of Badiga,under the watchful eyes of Khula,head and spiritual custodian of the Mihan Tribe.There Ugo would unlock the mysteries and harness the power that lay dormant within her.

With reluctance weighing heavy upon her heart,Ugo agreed to undertake the journey,knowing fully well the dangers that lay ahead.

As they set out for the dark mountains,the chilling embrace of the lonely forest loomed around them,demons clattering,echoes through the trees,with each step,Ugo felt the weight of her fears pressing down on her,but she refused to look back,knowing that to do so would be to succumb to the demon's evil grasps.

As the Ventured deeper into the woods,Ugo's heart raced with both anticipation and fear.With each step,the tangled undergrowth seemed to reach out and grasp at her,as if warning her of the dangers ahead.

"Khula,Ugo beckoned,her voice trembling with curiosity,Can you tell me more about the sacred Nza dance?And about my gift of seeing the future"

The aged custodian regarded her with a wise gaze,her face weathered by lines yet illuminated by profound knowledge.

"Ah young one"she responded in a low tone"the sacred Nza dance is an ancient ritual,a union of body and spirit,you will find out my dear,you're the key"

Ugo's eyes widened with fascination as she listened intently,hanging on her every word.

"What about my gift and this strange powers I have,I get weird dreams about demons chasing me , always see myself at the top of a mountain with a crown on my head"She asked ,her curiosity piqued

Khula's lip curled into a knowing smile,her eyes twinkling with ancient wisdom "your gift is a reflection of your true self"he explained his words carrying the weight of generations past

"To harness and know the full extent of your powers.you must first learn to let go of the guilt that binds you,the burden of your mother's passing,it wasn't not your fault young one"

Ugo's breath caught in her throat,khula's words settling heavy upon her shoulders.

"But how,I have tried so many times to let go,my mother lost her life bringing me into this world,I don't even know what she looks like"her voice barely more than a whisper.

Khula's gaze softened,a sense of compassion flickering in her eyes"you do not need to beat yourself up so much Ugo, I am here to guide you,soon you will be to unlock the depths of your abilities, and fulfill your destiny according to the Prophecies,you're Mihan's next great mother,the Anam clan's hope"

Finally after three days of arduous travel,they arrived at the foot of the dark mountains,the ancient cave grove yawning before them like a gateway to another realm.As they entered its shadowed depths,the air thick with the scent of earth and magic,Ugo felt a cold shiver ripple down her spine.

"The intention is to invoke the Nza bird,once the spirits possess you,the sacred bird will fly gracefully and rest on your shoulders"

Khula admonished Ugo,urging her to pay keen attention to every step and movement.Standing on the threshold of the cave,Ugo and khula engage in a grounding ritual,marking their brown skin with native chalk,they lit white candles round the grove thus connecting with the earth abd the elements that surround them. Together they breathe in the earthy scent of the cave,feeling the cold stone beneath their feet and the gentle rustle of leaves outside.With each breath,Ugo felt herself becoming more rooted in the present moment,her senses attuned the natural world around her.

Khula began to demonstrate the movements of the dance.Ugo watched in awe with rapt attention,commuting each step to memory,each step infused with meaning and intention.As she observed,Ugo felt a stirring within her,a deep resonance with the ancient rhythm of the dance.

Taking her place beside khula,Ugo began to mimic the movements,her body responding to the guidance of her mentor.With each step,she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins,connecting her to the spirit of the dance and the essence of her being.As she surrendered to the flow,Ugo felt herself becoming one with the ancient forces that has now surrounded her.

As the dance reaches it's climax,Ugo felt an intense shift in energy occurring within her,with each step,she shed the layers of doubt and uncertainty that had weighed her down,emerging a new sense of purpose.With a final flourish,stirring magic in the air,they extend their arms open towards the heavens,their hearts open to receive the sacred bird.In a moment of pure magic the Nza bird appears,it's iridescent wings shimmering in the dappled light of the cave.

The sacred bird perched upon Ugo's shoulders, with a final dance movement,they sank to the ground,their hearts overflowing with gratitude. They sit in silence for a moment,feeling the warmth of the Sacred bird's presence and the energy of the grove surrounding them.

Khula breaks the silence with a soft chuckle,her eyes sparkling with disbelief

"Ugo you have done something truly special and remarkable,you summoned the bird at first try,a feat that has not been accomplished in generations.The bird chose you for a reason, you're indeed a special child "

Ugo's eyes widened in astonishment as she muttered to herself,her heart swelling with excitement "I ....did"she stammered,her voice tinged with wonder

Khula nods with raised eyebrows "yes young one,you did" she explains,her voice gentle yet firm

"But with this powers comes great responsibility"

Khula reaches out and clasps Ugo's hands in her,her eyes shining with pride

"You have an adventurous future ahead of you,a powerful being and you will do great things for our tribe "

In the eerie silence of the forest,Ugo the Chosen heir of the Anam Clan,found herself pursued by nightmarish demons,hungering over her soul.With every step ,their malevolent presence seemed to draw closer,their sinister presence felt all too real as she sprinted through the tangled trees,her breath hitching in terror.Every snap of a twig and rustle of leaves seemed to herald their approach,driving her deeper into panic.

But even as she pushed her body to limits,the forest itself seemed to conspire against her,it's ominous shadows reaching out like gnarled fingers to ensnare her.With a sickening thud,Ugo's foot caught on a twig and she fell to the forest floor in a whirlwind of panic and dread.

As she laid there paralyzed by fear,the demons closed in around her,their twisted forms looming ominously in the darkness,their chilling laughter echoed through the night as they reached out with clawed hands,their eyes burning with malice.Ugo's scream pierced the silence as their icy touch brushed against her skin,sending shivers of dread coursing through her veins.And just as their grins reached to consume her,she jolted awake,her body drenched in cold sweat,the echoes of her nightmare still ringing in her ears.

In the dead of the night,Ugo's eyes snapped open,her heart pounding like a drum in her chest,fear gripped her as she leaped from her bed,the ancient weathered floorboards creaking beneath her bare feet,the cool air of her room,offering no solace from the lingering terror of her nightmare without hesitation she made her way to the shrine outside her family's compound,it's ancient stones whispering takes of generations past.

As she approached the shrine,the moonlight cast eerie shadows upon its timeworn facade,revealing intricate carvings and symbols etched into it's surface.Each groove and line told a story of the Ancestors,of prayers offered into the night and hopes carried to the wind.

With trembling hand,Ugo lit the flickering candles that adorned the shrine,their warm glow casting a soft ethereal light upon the sacred space.The air was heavy with the scent of incense,it's sweet fragrance mingling with the cool night air..

Before the shrine,Ugo began to move in a slowly,deliberate dance,her movements a haunting echo of her inner turmoil,her voice barely more than a whisper,she spoke in the native tongue of her forefathers the ancient words falling from her lips like scared hymns.with each invocation,Ugo beseeched the gods of the heaven for deliverance from the torment of her nightmares,her voice rose and fell in a haunting melody,a plea for guidance and protection in the face of uncertainty.

In the dim light of the flickering flames,Ugo's features contorted with anguish as she poured out her heart to the divine beings she sought guidance from and thus the shrine stood as a silent witness to Ugo's plight.It's ancient presence offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume her…

Ugo returned to the house with a quiet resolve,her prayers strengthening her spirit.As she laid back in bed ,she heaved a contented sigh of relief,a spark of confidence igniting within her..

On the night of her birth,Ugo's mother wura labored for hours through the night,having the moon cast an eerie glow through the dilapidated windows of their hut,Zaka her husband stood by her side,his face laddened with concerns he wiped away the beads of sweat that gathered on his brows.

"Wura my love,you must stay strong " zaka urged,he voiced a gentle murmur amidst the sounds of wura's labor pains.

"Our daughter's arrival as foretold is near,you must not give up "

Wura's breath came in ragged gasps as she squeezed zaka's hands

"I will my dear"

She whispered,her voice laced with determination

" but promise me,Zaka,promise me that you will protect our girls with your life,Promise me you will guide her and teach her the ancient ways of our people,she has the gift"

Zakas heart trembled in fear and in a faint voice asked wura to fight through it, "I need you to survive,I need you to ,for her sake"

Wura turned with a faint smile and said "the prophecy must come to pass,I must die for her to live"

Tears welled in Zakas eyes as he pressed a kiss on wura's forehead,his heart heavy with the weight of the words

"I swear it he vowed"

His voice choked with emotions

"I will protect her with every fiber of my being "

With one final agonizing push,wura gave birth to Ugo,her cries echoing through the chamber like a symphony of life and hope,just about then,wura looked up at zaka,gave him a faint smile and breathe her last.

Zaka cried loudly with wura held in his hands,filled with both questions for the gods and the spirits,he grieved..

Zaka picked up his daughter and whispered a silent prayer to the gods amidst tears and the overwhelming grief that was enveloping him..

Born on the night of the blue moon,Ugo's arrival had been foretold by the ancient Prophecy,her very existence a symbol of hope and foreboding.Ugo's upbringing was defined by the absence of her mother and the protective care of her father.Raised within the embrace of her clan,her father and Azula devoted their love and guidance to her thus becoming the Pillars upon which ugo's uncertain future rested.

As the years unfurled like the tendrils of the mist upon the dawn,Ugo's unique abilities continued to both captivate and unsettle those around her while zaka and Azula shielded her from the prying eyes and wagging tongues of their tribe,whispers of her supposed curse swirled through the air like leaves in the wind.some feared the untapped potential of her gifts,while others regarded her as a vessel of prophecy,destined to carve the oath of her people's fate.

Amidst all troubles,Ugo's spirit remained resilient,and as the sands of time swept relentlessly forward,bringing with them winds of change,Ugo found herself standing at the precipice of adolescence,her once gentle dreams now overshadowed by the harsh realities of the world around her.

Fast forward to a bustling village market,where the vibrant colors and bustling energy of the crowd provided a stark contrast to the tumultuous emotions churning within Ugo's heart.

As she walked past the maze of stalls and vendors in search of the best to buy,a group of children from the neighboring tribes approached,their taunts and jeers cutting through the air like arrows

"Cursed child! She's a witch" they laughed

Their voices dripping with malice as they circled her ,their wrath like daggers to her soul.

"You killed your mother,she died while giving birth to you,don't touch her ,she might kill you too" Another added with a taunting laughter

Tears welled in Ugo's eyes as she pleaded for them to stop,her voice trembling with hurt and indignation

"I am not a witch and I didn't kill my mother"she cried out.

But her cries fell upon deaf ears,the children's mocking laughter drowning out her protests..

Just as despair wanted to trip her,a familiar figure emerged from the crowd,her older sister Azula striding forward with purpose in every step.With a fierce determination in her eyes,She scolded the children,her voice commanding and unwavering as she defended her little sister..

"enough"she exclaimed "Ugo is not cursed,get out of here , you silly kids"

"Get back to your mothers"

Turning back to Ugo,she wrapped her arms around her,drawing her close in a comforting embrace

"Do not let their words get to you,sister "

She whispered,her voice soft but resolute

"You're strong,you are the smartest and bravest girl,you shouldn't cry but rather face them.Do not let anyone else define you "

As the day faded into dusk,Ugo felt reassured by her sisters words.With Azula by her side and their shared destiny ahead,she knew she could face any challenge that came her way with courage and strength.