
Ancient Supreme Overlord

Ban was heading home after tiring day from school when he was hit by truck-kun while saving a kid. He was hit so hard that he flew a few meters away. At midair, he thought to himself. "So this is my little life will end" "Wait wait wait! I know this scene!" "I've read plenty of novels like this. All of 'em reincarnated or transmitigated to other world and gain some powerful abilities like sh*t" "Goodbye! cruel world! Hello New world!" "Im gonna be like some bad*ss boss in there! yeah!" Ban muttered in his head in 1 second after adrenaline struck his head. He fantasized being reborn in a new world while imagining wild things. He was hoping, expecting, desiring in his mind before he closed his eyes. .... A day later.. In a hospital near the accident area. "The patient have 99 bones fractured, several light and serious injuries and blood loss but he was still alive. I don't know if this is a miracle or a tragedy. Poor kid." The Head Surgeon read the report while shaking his head. ... "Oh the Light! I see the light!" Ban opened his eyes a little saw a light. However, after a few seconds he realized something. Ban then sighed depressedly "Dang those novels! A freaking scam!" A/N: Heads up! This is a fantasy novel. Has Powers and sh*t - Cover is not mine. - English is not my 1st language. Please bear with my grammar. Thanks! Cheers!

MoonBang · Urban
Not enough ratings
213 Chs

Visiting the New House

"What's your age again?" Elena inquired with an interested look.

Ban raised his finger to his lips indicating the girls to remain silent.

"What is it?" Eliza asked in a low voice.

Ban narrowed his eyes at a certain group of people at the crowd.

"Who are they?" Eliza followed Ban's vision and asked.

"Nothing. Maybe I just mistook them for someone I know." Ban shook his head and looked away from the group.

"Was it Liza?" Elena said with uncertain tone.

"Who's Liza?" Elena was dying in curiosity. She was at a loss at the moment.

Ban turned to Elena with raised brow.

Elena only stared at Ban without saying anything.

"Let's go. I'll send you girls back." Ban stood up and stretched.

"What? We just got here. Big Sis, what is happening?" Eliza turned to Elena with a pout.

Elena shook her head and also stood up. She grabbed Ban's hand and said "How about we go somewhere else? You know, it's not good for a man to leave his woman hanging."

Ban opened his mouth in surprise. He replied with a smile "Sure. There is one place I want to go today."

"Where?" The sisters inquired.

"My house."

"You- Were your lovers in your house?" Eliza blushed. She became timid all of a sudden.

Ban chuckled and replied "Remember what John gave me the other day?"

"Oh. Your new house." Eliza had a look of understanding. She pouted coquetishly "You should've said you wanted to check your new house."

"You have a new house?" Elena asked in confusion.

"Mm. A friend told me the house in newly built near our school."

Elena pondered but did not recall any new house near her area.

"Let's go!" Eliza dragged Ban and Eliza to the car.


The sisters gawked in surprise looking at the house. Even Ban couldn't help but click his tonque in amazement.

The lot of the house was more than 10 000 square meters of land.

"Calling it a house is an understatement. It should be called a palace." Eliza covered her mouth in surprise.

"Are you sure we are in the right place? This..." Elena turned to Ban. She continued "I didn't know there was a big mansion near our school. It's so huge. How much money did that friend of yours spend in this mansion? He even gave it to you as a gift?"

Ban shrugged his shoulder and replied "There is one way to find out."


"Who is it?" A security guard in the house said in an impatient tone through voice prompt.

Ban raised his brow and replied "The owner of this house."

"Owner? I don't recognize your voice. Don't play a prank on me. Tssss!* Kids these days." The guard disdainfully replied.

"Should we leave? I think we made it in the wrong house. That John must have made a prank on us." Eliza also shook her head.


The mini gate suddenly opened and the security guard immediately greeted the trio.

"Wait. Did you mentioned Mr. John's name? Are you really the new owner of this house? He- I didn't know about it." The guard sweated profusely.

Ban raised his brow and smirked "Well. I'll ask him later if you're telling the truth. Otherwise.."

"Yes! Yes! I really didn't know about it, Sir." The security guard repeatedly nodded with a pleading face.

Ban squinted his eyes and waved his hand "Fine. I'll let it go this time. Show me around the house." He continued "Also, fix that impatient attitude of yours. I don't like it."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll keep it in mind, Sir. T-This way." The guard hurriedly showed the house like a tour guide.

"What's your name?"

"This one is Ben Jobbs, Sir."

The trio stopped and the sisters glanced at Ban with peculiar expression.

"You almost had the same name as me. My name is Ban. This is Eliza and Elena, my lovers. Only close to me can call me by my real name. You can regard me as Mr. Whiss." Ban waved his hand and proceeded to the front.

"Yes, Mr. Whiss." The security guard saluted at Ban.

"Wow! This house even have a car. Looks expensive one at that." Eliza pointed at a luxurious car that's worth over 20 million dollars.

Ban nodded his head. He thought 'I underestimated John's act of friendship towards me. A little more show of power and he might worship me like a god.'

The trio surveyed the house with marveled faces. Especially the sisters who showed amazed expression from time to time. The guard returned to his post after Ban's permission.

The house have 1 jacuzzi pool, 2 swimming pools, 3 kitchen, 5 living rooms, 20 bedrooms, and a huge master's bedroom. The house also have many rooms for entertainment. It's like a place only billionaires enjoyed.

"That John is a house maniac. He mentioned having houses all over the country. Truly amazing for a hobby of building houses like this everywhere." Eliza commented.

Ban already measured the radius of the house to plant the array. However, the stones he bought were not enough for the enormous house.

'I needed at least a thousand of kilos of stones more and that's six billion dollars worth of stone.'

Ban twitch his lips from the staggering amount he needed to build the array.

'This is indeed a good place to be a fortress. Might as well add some other materials to make other type of arrays and make this house a perfect haven for us. I needed at least 20 billion dollars for this to happen. Dang! 20B sounds really huge amount. Well, I'm gonna milk this Arena dry for tomorrow. Hehe!'

"Hubby, why are you laughing with a weird voice. Seems like you're planning on something perverted. Hehe" Eliza giggled while making fun of Ban.

Ban expression turned stiff and stared at Eliza. He let out an evil smile as he hugged her and Elena.

"Oh. You are right. I am going to have a perverted moments with both of you tonight. Haha"

Both sisters shivered unconsciously and blushed furiously.

"H-Hubby?" Eliza looked at Ban with her puppy eyes.

Elena didn't say anything. She knew Ban was only teasing Eliza for having a wild imagination. It always backfired her all the time.

"What? My pikachu became a tamed cat right now? So cute. Haha." Ban let out a hearty laugh.

"W-Who says I'm scared? Bring it on!" Eliza reddened her face as she challenged Ban.

Ban and Elena glanced at one another with wry smiles.

"What's wrong with your head? Ban only teased you and now you got even hooked by his words." Elena scolded her sister.

"Eh?" Ban was surprised. He let go of Eliza and hugged Elena alone. He said "What if I am not joking? What will you do?" He let out a cheeky smile at Elena.


Elena turned somewhat speechless. Both of them stared at one another without blinking. Her heartbeat became rapid as her face blushed even more.

Eliza covered her mouth on the side. Her eyes glowed in excitement as she watch the scene with interest.

"Come on, sis! You can do it!"

Eliza cheered loudly making Elena became flustered.

"Hah! I'm just kidding. We will do it slowly." Ban scratched Elena's nose. He continued "You can't escape from me though. I have already set my eyes on you." He winked at her.

"Sure. But I won't be that easy to catch, you know." Elena blossomed a smile.

"Eh? That's not fair, Bigs Sis. You already told me that you are hubby's girlfriend." Eliza pouted with a puppy eyes.

"You clearly pressured me earlier so I said those words without thinking." Elena reasoned with Eliza with a smile.

"If you said those words without thinking, then that must be your real feelings right? Hehe" Eliza giggled happily as she teased.

"You brat. Don't make me twist your ears." Elena threatened her sister. She became flustered once again as she blushed a little.

"Hubby! Help! My Big Sis is going to bully me again. Hehe" Eliza giggled as she hid beside Ban and stucked her tongue at Elena.

Ban also laughed happily as he hugged both sisters tightly.