
Lifelong Saint Hall

Lifelong City grew more and more lively. As the date of the grand banquet approached, Qin Wentian's domineering defeat of Xiao Yu also gradually become dull with time. Many people started discussing about the soon-to-happen grand banquet and which characters would rise to prominence there.

Naturally, there were also many who guessed that the mysterious challenger who defeated Xiao Yu would appear again in the grand banquet. After all, his reason for challenging Xiao Yu was clearly to rise to fame and attract the Lifelong Saint Hall's attention. If he was good enough, even the Realmlord might pay attention to him.

Xiao Yu was after all a genius that had been praised by the Realmlord before. What glory was this? But now, since he was defeated by someone, the Realmlord might have also heard of this matter.