
Ancient god living as prince ?

a young boy named sam finds out that he's a god and not any god but an ancient god who once owned a galaxy after his death and is now born as a prince to start the journey of restoring his powers as a prince of a kingdom see his journy.

playing_for_fun · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Galaxy system

Even after all the search no one found anything valuable only cold corpses of poisened people and nothing else. Arthur was so angry that he was on the verge of cursing. Emma was comparatively calm and she knew that it was someone from inside that was playing this dirty tricks. the suspect was Arthur's third brother ( Louis flameheart ) and fifth sister (marria flameheart ) which was married to general of South station. but even if she suspected them she didn't have proof so all they could was stay guarded at all all times.

thinking of Roland's saving her and how he was nearly death her gaze became resolute no matter what she won't let anything happen to her beloved child.

at this time Roland was sleeping in his Emma chambers sarah was at side all times to care of him. although Roland had divine sense and a shred divine powers he's body was still only a month olds. he was thinking how he should train in the future as for that poisened arrow he knew things like this were going to happen often so he didn't pay much attention at this time suddenly a voice sounded in his brain .

" hey kid how're doing down there I saw that u had a near death experience "

Roland says "hm, pluros why are talking to me know "

pluros says " oh it's because it needs some amount of qi in your body to establish a connection and that dragon blood did the trick "

Roland says " qi what is that ?"

pluros says " don't worry about that you'll know it when u grow up and go to imperial school anyway I'm going to give you a system to help you also I won't help you in this journey. your on your own "

Roland " what! why pluros you can't do these "

pluros " you think it's easy! even we god's have some restraints and rules or I could have unlocked your seals myself "

Roland goes silent for a few seconds and says resolutely " fine I'll survive know matter what "

pluros " ata boy keep it up. ok although I won't help you the system I'm giving you will be your guide and skill book everything you want to know would be here but your authority to know knowledge will depend on how many seals you have broken "

Roland " ok , give me that system "

pluros " I've already transferred it in your consciousness it'll take about an hour to adapt to your body and consciousness and know your seals broken "

Roland " ok I'll take a baby nap then "

pluros " damm I'm jealous your taking naps while working like a dead horse. I can't take this anymore I'm going "

after an hour suddenly a dong voice sounded and Roland felt his consciousness ripple but he didn't get dizzy or get a headache but felt that something was attached to he's consciousness he focussed on the center of ripple and a violet siver panel with a ding sound appeared in he's consciousness and a pretty voice of a young girl sounded in his head " welcome back master I'm your assistance to help you any quarry and other related things to system "

Roland " welcome back? what does that mean "

System " it's no wonder you've forgot master it was you who created me and we've been together for long time but when you where going to reincarnation you put me into hybernation I missed you so much master now your finally back "

Roland " oh so ....um what's your name "

system " I don't have a name currently but master can give me a name if he wants "

Roland " then how about Angie it's my little sisters name "

system " anything is fine as long as it's from you master "

Roland " uhm uhm .... don't say stuff like this people will misunderstand. ok tell me about system "

system " hehe master you used to like my naughty side before that's why you designed my consciousness like this. as for this system it's called galaxy system

it has four panels on basic system level that are

seal lvl. 01. currency. 200

[ Mission ]

[ Shop ]

[ Training ]

[ Aura point converter ]

missions have 3 catagory

normal mission: is mission given by system or missions activated by life events must completed failure cost and reward will be equivalent and high

basic mission: is daily mission that can completed everyday missions will be refreshed every 24 hrs and have low reward and no failure cost.

special mission: is a mission which is activated rarely and is random failure cost and reward are high and random.

Shop has everything master wants to buy which is within seal authority.can be bought with currency.

Training room has different places for master to learn, study or train. it uses different amounts of currency

Aura point converter is system energy converter which convertes this world's world powers into dive powers. outputs quantity will be less than input but quality will be way higher. "

Roland " not bad I didn't expect any less from god simple yet exquisite. but this missions seems to be going to be a pain "