
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Venelana and Reval

Issei took a minute to gather himself. Once he was ready, Issei thought it was time to bring three of his women, which would be Venelana, Ravel, and Akane. Wrapping his wings around the three, Issei just cuddled them as he relaxed from the actions he did not know how to feel. Venelana and Akane wrapped their hands around him and lightly kiss him. Purring in satisfaction and feeling the love from these two lovely Milfs was soothing while Ravel started to massage his tail. As he felt better, Akane spoke up as she told the young man that the three fallen would be there with him every step of the way, and if he did not like it any; she pointed to the mess that was Akeno and Rias in a 69 position, telling him that he had a massive sadists/masochisms in his harem that would be more than willing to help.

Isse understood where she was going with it. He could learn and experiment with his girls to understand what they liked or disliked or leave it to Akeno. Issei chuckled at the thought of what his beautiful fallen angel would do to those three. Hearing him chuckle, Venelana started to kiss his chin and stuck his chest while both Ravel and Akane shared kissing his mouth between the two of them.

Issei was purring deep in his throat. His was very contained and allowed his hands to travel, finding the hardened nipples of the two Milfs. Tracing around the hardened skin, Issei lightly pulled on each of the two to moan. Ravel, missing out on his touch, started to nibble and lick his own hardened nipple on his chest. Using his tail, Issei caressed her as he said, "Is someone getting impatient? Those my little bridie need to feel her masters touch?" Ravel just blushed as she continued to please Issei, not caring if he saw him. After a few minutes of kissing and loving, Issei pushed all three back down on the bed. Feeling the soft matter of the two older women's breasts giving way to him, Issei began to work on Ravel's breasts. Using both of his hands, Issei worked the smaller breast to those of her mothers. As he was doing that, He used his tail to help her smaller body grow taller. Ravel moaned as she felt the power flow through her body as it was changed by Issei's power. She was short for her family, even being around twenty years old, she still had growing to do. Issei's powers were just giving her a boost to help the growing process move faster. Once her body was the way he liked it, he turned his attaints to her honey pot. It had become swollen and was ready for his touch. Slipping a finger into her folds, Issei moaned as her folds clamped down on him. It was hungry for him and as he started to pull it out; Ravel's body would suck it back in. not wanting to let it go. Moaning uncontrollably, Ravel started to massage her own breast. The feeling of Issei's finger was increasing the pleasure that she had already felt as Issei worked his magic.

Meanwhile, Issei used his other two tails on the two Milfs that sandwiched the younger woman. Snaking his tails around their thighs, he glided them over their pussy. Aplaling just the right amount of pressure to their folds, his tails started to glide over the lower lips back and forth. The two older women had not felt this way since both had their last children. Issei slowly kissed Venelana, feeling the pleasure roll throughout her body. From the memories that he got from both of them, Issei saw that their former husbands had neglected them after they had their last child. Both of the former husbands had decided that they would much rather focus on the other woman they had in their harems and leave these two beautiful women in a cold bed.

Issei made a mental note of this that he would talk to Rias once the meeting was over. These two had been through too much and he was not going to make the same mistake as those two falaurs of a husband made. Leaving the soft lips of Venelana, Issei laid kisses down her chin, cheek, down to her collarbone. After peppering the area with a few kisses, Issei bit down on her with his fangs piercing her skin and drawing blood. Venelana moaned in ecstasy and soon her body glowed. Since both her's and Akane's bodies did not need much to be changed, Issei was able to use this marking thechginge instead. It was a mating mark that he would have placed when he and the girls were connected in the realm of sex. But it can also be done this way as a way to finish the energy needed to transform their bodies. Issei let go after a few seconds admiring the work he did. On her Collarbone was a dragon's head that matched his dragon form. The only thing different was the dragon's mouth was open with a heart on the inside of it with the Inisals of V and I.

Venelana soon opened her eyes as she opened her mouth. Her teeth now had four dragon fangs that would allow her to claim his as her mate. Offering up his collarbone, Venlana latched on to it and bent down, feeling her new husband's blood tricked into her mouth. It surprised her that it did not taste bad like it was natural to be doing this to him. Issei reciprocated the beat as well with his own as he inserted his tail into her cunt. Feeling the moan vibrate thought her mouth into his body. Soon the two let go of each other as Venelana's body now had a blueish-green glow surrounding her.

Turning his attention back to Ravel, Issei admired his work. Ravel's body was now fully grown; with a full chest that would rival her mother's. She was now an even six foot tall with just the right amount of length in her legs and torso. Her hips were still on the smaller side but Issei did not mind it one bit. She was perfect in his eyes and if anyone had a problem with it he would kill them.

Ravel, for her part, was asleep. The changes to her body had taken a lot out of her. Issei smiled as he laid himself down on her. Instinctively, Ravel wrapped her new arms around him, pulling the source of warmth closer to her as she mumbled his name. Not wanting to wake her up from her dream, Issei lightly bit her just like he did with Venelana. Right after he was finished, admiring the marking he had given her, Venelana and Ravel left the dreamscape back to the real world. Leaving three more women to make his.

This is a short chapter I know, but I wanted it to be good but also done so here it is. When Venelana and Reval have their day with Issei their sex part will be longer.

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