
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Kiba's fight.

With Kiba

When Kiba woke up from the end of the countdown, he could see that he was in a very dense forest. He thought that when he entered, he would be surrounded by a world of white or a world of fire. Not this forest of Conifers, Oaks, Pines and every other type of tree possible in a forest there. He could also feel the girls; they were in the dreamscape but were some distance away.

Kiba thought Issei would be with the girls and so he decided to explore the area he was in. As he explored the forest, he taught about the things that have happened. He thought about the transformation Issei went through, their First Ratting Game that they participated in, fighting the fallen angels and gaining Asia into their group, then gaining Issei and finding out he had the Boosted Gear. As he did so, he also thought of how he met Rais.

He remembered that day like it was yesterday. When he was younger, he and his friends were living in a village when the worst storm in Europe's history killed his and his friends parents in a landslide. As the village rebuilt the area, Kiba and his friends were orphaned as those in the village were unable to help the young kids. The village leader was friends with a well known member of the Catholic church; so he asked his friend to help.

His friend, an exorcist from the church, learned from the village chief about Kiba's and the other's abilities and sent Valpor Galilei. He was known as a researcher and one of best exorcist trainers within the church and when he saw the children for the first time; his eyes were kind and gentle, telling the kids that God had sent him to help them find their potential and also a new home.

Kiba and the others were ecstatic when they reached Valper's castle in Hungary. He had told them about exorcists and that they had the abilities to become some of the best the church had. He also told them that if they did well in their training, other Exorcists would take them and train and treat them as their own kids.

It was good for the children for the first few years. Even a few of the children were taken to new families as they could not keep up with the training and were interested in other fields of church work. But those days would pass and the caring man Valpor was turned into his true nature, a cold, brutal man that did everything in his power to achieve the results he wanted. During one of the tests that Kiba went through, he heard Valpor talking about them and that they were still not suitable to handle Excalibur. Kiba knew about the weapon as the holy sword used by king Arthur in uniting the people of England. At First Kiba was ecstatic, to be able to use The Holy Sword would have been a big honor for the young boy as he had read about those who could use the sword for good things. He believed at the time that these tests would show that he, or at least one of the other kids, could be selected to weld to sword, they would all be able to live together.

Especially a young girl called Tosa. She was the same age as him, with long blond hair, nice proportions in regards to her body, with beautiful Blue-green eyes that would make any man fall for her. The two would be seen together; you would think that the two were a couple, and they would be right. The two were inseparable and would always train together, and they were also allowed to be in the same room, different beds.

It was the reason why they all went through the training and tests. But as they grew and got older, the test soon became more and more brutal and the tests they did were getting hard and hard to achieve. Soon they were fighting to the death, killing each other in the hope that the test would show something, something to stop the killing of each other. Every night, they all prayed to God, in the hope that they would be saved.

Unknown to them, Gabriel had heard their prayer and told Michael about the suffering the children were in. He sent the Exorcist who asked Valpor to train them, which was Irina's father, to see if the prey's were true. When he arrived, he saw a grave site behind a spell. When he saw who was in the graves. He immediately stormed into Vaplor's office and demanded why the names of the children he said that where adopted were in the graves. Valpor smiled as he exclaimed that he was on the verge of creating a why to make exorcist out of regular people. Showing him the research he had done to that point and said that after a few more sacrifices, they would have the resources needed to make the element that they needed.

To say that Irina's father was appalled was an understatement; leaving the castle in disgust, he reported to the angels. They too were disgusted and ordered the Vatican to order Valpor to stop the research.

Unfortunately, They were not quick enough as Valpor had enough to take the research and run. Kiba and the last twelve children were taken to the prayer room, where Valpor told them that they would be leaving to new families. They were all shocked but happy that they would finally be free of the stress and brutal testing they went through. But that was not what happened, as they soon saw men with Gas masks and strange containers on their backs.

Kiba then saw a green gas spread from the men and he and his friends started to cough. Soon; some started to drop as they had died of the poison. Kiba was smart and knew that they had to get out of the room, but those men were blocking them from escaping. Tosa said, "Kiba, you have the best chance to get out of here. escape . run from here and don't look back." "Kiba shook his head, saying "We can all make it out. We just need to..." Tosa kissed him, stopping him from finishing. Then, while smiling, she flung Kiba out of the room just before the doors closed. Just as the door's closed, he looked back, seeing Tosa mouth I love you with a tie in her eye's. Soon more of the guards came to circle him; but they all died as Kiba in a rage cut all of their heads off, covering him in their blood.

He was then able to escape the castle and as he was about to die, he met Rias as she was hunting in the same mountains the castle was on. She made him a devil and he lived with her in japan. But he knew that he would never move on and it was the main reason why he wished to become a devil. He wanted revenge from Valpor and to destroy the weapon Excalibur would also make him happy.

Unknown to Kiba, Issei along with Requiem were reading the young man's mind. Seeing the usually kind Kiba have such dark memories and all of these dark emotions were what Requiem had noticed when he was awakened during the rating game. Wiping a tie from his eye, Issei said, "I always thought that Kiba just did not want a relationship. Now, I know he feels like he would be betraying Tosa, who he loved, and that being happy would be disrespecting their sacrifice."

"Yes, it seems that way. But, do you see those little wisps surrounding him? I think that those are the souls of his friends. I think if we use that technique on that one near his heart, we might be able to help him." Nodding his head, Issei spock the spell in Drigonic, "moxt totrip, svaust ui|ulph sole ui locked ekess wer gra'kul. confn ekess ve ekess xkhat tiamo tenamalo. si geou majak wux tobor persvek exchange ekess wux drekim mrith wer sthyr wux itov. xkhat sia hianag kagh waph persvek wer treskri tenamalo." Soon, the wisp circled around Kiba's heart left, entering a body that Issei and Requiem had created. Requiem nodded his head as the soul was accepting the new body.

Requiem stayed with the new body, while Issei used his power to create a field with all kinds of swords surrounding it. There were Holy, Draconic, Demonic and God slaying swords all around, by which Issei had made the swords Kiba hated stand out more. Issei was going to make him face the swords and he hoped that this as well as the person who inhabited his heart would be enough to help him heal.

Kiba, on the other hand, was still walking through the forest. Then he stopped as he saw a flickering light. Wondering what it was, Kiba turned to his right and started walking in that direction. Soon, he entered the field and was gobsmacked at all of the swords. He was looking at all of the different swords, he saw the swords. He clenched his fists as he walked to them. He knew from the records Valpor had in the castle that Excalibur was broken into Seven Pieces during the Great War.

As he walked, he then heard the voice; a voice he thought he would never hear again, (Hello there, Kiba.) Kiba replied in a venomous tone, "How are you here, Valpor." Turning to face his turcherur, Kiba could see the man and he looked just like he did when he ordered the guards to kill his friends. Valpor smiled as he said, (It doesn't matter if you're in a dragon's mind or not. I will always follow you. It is a shame. Really, it is a shame that you have turned to a devil. I had some many plans for you and your friends.) As Valpor finished, he picked up a sword. Looking at the sword, felling the metal and being intimate with it he asked, (Do you know why I love Swords?) Kiba scoffed, saying "I don't care why you love swords. Just leave before I kill you."

(Oh, You think you can kill me? HA, how laughable. Sure your training has improved under that thing you call a teacher, but I was a Holy teacher and a top sword master. Why do you think Matthew gave me the order to take you children in? He knew That i would be able to train you. Unfrocentlly, You and your friends could do what I Wanted, So you became expendable and used in my Experiments.) He finished, a smelly grin across his face. Kiba continued to stare him down as he asked, "Then why kill us? Why not just let us go and live normal lives. We did nothing to deserve dying by poison gas."

Valpor scoffed as he said, (Because those idiots in heaven and the church forgot that they would need a Witness to justify killing me. When I heard that they would be coming from me, I knew I had to kill you all and just take what I could with me. After finding out that you all died, all they could do was call me a heretic and place a bounty on my head. Hell, Little Kiba, they are using the work of a heretic to create new warriors that could wield the swords behind you. Now, all they have to do is give a chosen person a small blessing and this)

Valpor showed Kiba what looked like a blue triangular prism in his hand as he continued, (And boom, They have new worriers to kill Fallen and Devils. You would think that the church would not be using this because it was created by me. But the church is so corrupt that the heads of the church convenes Michael to use it. You would think that Michael would be against the use of Heretical. But NOOOOOO, he gave them His blessing and they have been doing it for 10 years now. The fact they have not started the war again still baffles me. But I digress. I can here to finished the job I started.) turning to a fighting pose and said, (Time to die, last survivor of the Castle massacre.)

Lunging at Kiba, Valpor Swung the sword to cut Kiba across the stomach. Using his speed, Kiba dodged the attack and went for a demonic sword. Grabbing the hilt, Kiba flung the sword to block another strike attempt from Valpor. Valpor smiled as he said, (You're much faster now than you were when you were younger. Too bad, you could have saved your girlfriend from dying.) Yelling a battle cry, Kiba pushed back Valpor and swung his sword to cut the tyrannical man down. Valpor saw through the blur and stopped Kiba's sword just two inches from his neck.

Valpor kicked Kiba away from the blade lock as he said, (That is what I saw when you escaped. That blood thirsty hunger for death. It makes me so glad. I wish to hell that you and That Tosa had sex. Then I would have kept you two. But noooo. You were too good to be a gentleman and never took the chance to make her your own. Man, she would have had a devilish body.) This made Kiba even angrier, Lunging again at the man, slugging the memory of his friends and the woman he loved. Valpor knew he would win this duel and would be safe from Kiba's attacks as he dodge and parried the blows.

Soon, Kiba's sword broke. Valpor kicked Kiba back and laughed as Kiba picked up another Demonic Blade. He said (You can keep trying to hurt me with those deimoic blades all you want, but with this holy blade in my hands I will still beat you and kill your soul.) "I will defeat you. I will kill you and avenge my friends." (HA, you're just doing it for your selfish needs. Just like the devil you are. It is not about revenge. You're just a selfish bastard. If you really wanted revenge, you would have found me and not worry about those holy blades. Or you would actually use one of them to fight me.) He said as he blocked more strikes from Kiba, who was still in a rage and fighting irregularly.

Valpor continued, (If you were not blinded by your selfishness, you would have found a new girlfriend in that school of yours. Yes, I know where you go to school because I have some very good friends in high places. They told me that you had survived and where with that Gremory Bitch. I would have thought you had found a new girl to replace that old one; but you being the gentleman and being an ass to yourself, you have not found any one new. I guess you will die.) He finished with a super strong down swing that broke Kiba's fourth sword at this point.

Kiba knew he was losing and that he needed to clear his mind. He knew that Valpor was right, he needed to play on the same, level field. If he continued to use demonic weapons against the holy sword, the holy sword would win.

He could try to fight with a Dragon sword. These swords were meant for dragons and dragon slayers as those groups had the strength to pick up and move the swords. With his own straight weakening as the fighting goes longer, he knew he could not use them. The only option left were the holy swords. In his mind he knew it was the right choice, even if he burned his hands while using the damn thing. But in his heart, he did not know what to do. He had remembered when he was training under Souji Okita, Sirzechs's Knight, where he told him; If you hold yourself back from using a weapon because you hate it, then you will never move on and will fail in your duty to protect Rais and the other members of your peerage. Direct your anger to the man who betrayed your trust in him. He is the one that you should focus against. Not the swords. Remember, swords are just the extent of the body and can do both harm and good. It is up to the user on how the sword will be used. The man who killed your friends did so he would be able to escape, the swords did not kill them.

While Kiba was dealing with his feelings and his heart, Valpor, who has been Issei in Disguise the whole time, walked up to the still sitting Kiba as he said, (Looks like you will join your friends after all. I am sure they will welcome you back with open arms without the look of disgust in their eyes. Their sacrifice was in vain as it was I who killed you.) As Valpor was about to kill him, Kiba picked up one of the swords that came from Excalibur and blocked the downward swing. Issei smiled as he had finally gotten Kiba to use the sword.

Valpor then said, (I suppose it would be fitting that you used Excalibur Rapidly. It was the sword I had planned for you to use. Now you will die.) Instead of attacking, Kiba fought defensively. He blocked, parried, dodged and leaped all of Vaplor's attacks waiting for the right moment to strike his opponent. The Sword responded to his wishes; and while the pain was constant in his hand, it was manageable. As he continued to block Vaplor's attacks, he could hear the faint whispers of Tosa and his friends. They were encouraging him to defeat Valpor, to show him that they were strong and they would always be with him.

Soon enough, Vaplor's defense was weakening, allowing Kiba several strikes that weakened the man further. As Kiba was gaining the other hand, Requiem got the signal from Issei to make his approach. Hearing the flaps of dragon wings, Valpor leaped back from Kiba as he said, (Looks like that damn dragon and his host is on his way. We will face each other again Kiba, Cunt on it) Then Valpor Disappeared in a puff of smoke as Requiem landed behind the tried Kiba.

Issei soon joined them as he clapped to Kiba. Giving Issei a confused look Kiba asked, "Why are you clapping? I let Valpor get away. I will never avenge my friends." "It is because you are now releasing that the swords are just inanimate object's and that all of your anger needs to be directed at Valpor. Beside, I was using one of my powers to make your memories of Valpor reality. He was never really here, but in my dreamscape I can bring him from your mind. You were never going to kill him." Kiba was shocked that the Valpor he was fighting was just from his memories.

After a few seconds, Kiba asked, "Why?" "Because Kiba, your my friend and I hate seeing you beat yourself up for something you had no control over. Tosa and your other friends wanted to live just like you, but knew they would hold you back. They knew you would be able to pull through. I am sure if it ever happened again, they would make the same choice." Kiba knew that in his heart, his friends would want him to live and be happy. They would not want him to live in regret and would hope that he was happy. "That is why I brought you here, Kiba. It is to make you see the error of your ways. To make you understand that revenge is not going to solve all of your problems." Requiem said as he sat cross legged behind Kiba, patting the head of the knight as he continued, "I was able to sense the dark emotions and memories that you hide behind that smiling face when I awoke during the rating game. I too know about the atrocities Valpor did due to the connection I have with Holy energy. I wish I could have done more, but I was able to strengthen you and your friends prayers to reach heaven. Although, it did more harm than good. So I would like to Apologize to you, Kiba." He finished.

Kiba looked at the Dragon, who was bowing, as he shook his head saying, "Please lift your head Requiem. The fact that our prayers got through to you while you were sleeping is enough. I should be the one to apologize. I now realize I have been a little bit of an ass to those girls at school. They wanted companionship while I was so stock in my feelings of hate that I did not see them. I now know that I must face them as well as face that man to move on with my life." he finished while bowing.

Issei smiled as he picked up the copy of Excalibur Rapidly; chanting in draconic fashion, the sword soon glowed and became smaller. Once to glow died down, in his hands was a belt with a red dragon mark on the belt buckle.

Issei then said, "Kiba, Kneel!" with an authoritarian tone. Kiba did as he was told, kneeling in front of Issei. Speaking in draconic again, Issei said, "Kiba Yuuto, tir wux kiwor wer title di draushum daron? wux geou qe persvek charge di wer tokeqwim di sia sihei kagh memamosal ui|ulph sjek si mi ti gasak. wux geou anku wer sihei ekess qe gentlemen kagh ladies we'thon kemir astahi persvek wer ways di etiquette. wux geou ti qe loaw persvek nomeno bisai, oli wux geou qe fothisev di wer svih. zyak, Kiba? tir wux kiwor?"

Having heard what Issei said, which was translated by Requiem, Kiba said with conviction, "I, Kiba, do except to become your Knight. To defend your wife's and children from all harm and to teach them in the ways of etiquette in Human and Devil society. But what do you mean by I won't be alone? Am I going to become a dragon like Rais and the others?"

Issei smiled, saying "That is for you to decide. This belt is yours. It is the copy of Excalibur Rapidly that you were using. While it is just a copy, it is as strong as the real sword. Show me what you learned here today and use this blade with your sacred gear. The other gift is who will help you in your conversion into a dragon. But only if you wish it to happen. You can come out now."

As Issei said that, a beautiful young woman came out of the bushes surrounding the field. She had long, Golden-blonde hair reaching all the way to the middle of her back. Her deep purple eyes radiated charm and love. Her body had just the right proportions to make her a goddess in human form with slender legs, arms, and well endowed chest and ass. Her hips curved seductively as any man would wish for those hips to carry his child. What Kiba saw the most, however, was the smooth, white skin covering her body. It was white as snow with no imperfections. Then I saw her face as she said, "Hi, my love. It has been a while. I hope you like my body that Father gave me; for I wanted our reunion to be a very good one."

Kiba fell to his knees. He had so many dreams about her, that sometimes he could not sleep. He would even day dream while in the club room, seeing her face in the window or mirror. He then felt her light hands touch his. She had knelt down to see his face, as she too had missed him just as much or more than he knew. Kiba just looked at her face, as she was. They stayed like that for a few seconds until their emotions could not be contained any more and the two lovers embraced each other; they began to cry as they held each other in their arms, tears flowing from each other's eyes.

After a few minutes of crying and holding each other, Kiba pushed her away from his shoulder to see her face and touch it. She smiled, feeling his hand cress her cheeks and chin. She then placed her hand on his as she nuzzled her head back into his hand. Without looking back, mesmerized by Tosa's face, Kiba asked, "How Issei? For the longest time I thought the only way I would be able to see her was to die. How were you able to bring her back? Is she going to dis.. dis.. disappear when I leave the dreamscape?" While he wanted to believe that Tosa would stay with him when they excited the dreamscape, he still had that lingering doubt in his mind. Tosa hugged him again as she said, "Father will explain. But know this, I am real and will be with you from now on to the end of time."

Issei patted Kiba's back saying, " Requiem is the Dragon god of Reality itself. That means that if a person or thing was excited and then was destroyed or killed; that person or thing could be brought back into being. But there are drawbacks; One is that I or Requiem need to have information about that person or thing that we want to bring back. Take Tosa here as an example. You remembered her in more vivid detail than your other friends. Mainly because the two of you were together more often in the same room and sleeping in the same bed. Your other friends you remember, but you only have the details of their face, not their body's or more importantly their personalities due to your self pity and the trauma of the night you all where to die. Second, Both I and Requiem must be in agreement on the person or object we are bringing back. So long as we have the information about a person's personality or the Object's purpose then it would be easy. If we don't or if one of us is unsure about that person or object, then they will be placed in stasis in the dreamscape until we agree on. Take the Excalibur Rapidly copy that you have in your hands. I would not have chanted to make it real if I had any duty you would use it all the time. I am giving it to you so you can use it in an emergency, which you demonstrated when you were fighting the Valpor copy. Only after accepting that the devil swords you are us to using would not work and that the dragon swords were too heavy for you to use in your state and picked up that sword and used it, that was when I decided to give it to you."

Kiba looked down into his hands at the belt. It radiated with Dragonic, Holy and Devil energies. It looked beautiful as the colors both compiled and clashed to make multiple colors at the same time. Kiba then raised from his kneeling position, activating the sword and swung it a few times. The sword felt much different than before. It swung heavier, moved with his body better, and just felt more alive. He did a few more swings, before stabbing it into the ground facing both Issei and Requiem. He then said, "I will promise to never use your gift in vain. On my honor as a Dragonic Knight and as a Knight of Rias Gremory, This I swear to you." Bowing his head, Kiba felt Tosa wrap her arms around his waist. She then placed her head on his shoulder as he asked, "What are the other limitations to this power you have?"

Issei responded, "The third Limitation is just to a person. That being, the Person's soul must be intact and is willing to accept being brought back. Tosa wanted to come back and be with you, to make you happy and live the life the two of you had planned. I am also able to bring back those with strong emotions like love, betrayal, regret and others. So long as their soul has not moved on, then they could be brought back. The fourth limitation is the soul being able to accept the body. As you can tell, Tosa's body is complete dragon. Meaning her soul was able to withstand the dragonisaztion process for souls. If the soul is not able to withstand the process, then the soul could be lost forever."

Kiba nodded his head as he turned to Tosa. He then kissed her on the lips, which at first shocked her, but made her feel alive. Reciprocating the kiss, the two began to battle for dominance when they were involved in a white light and disappeared. Getting a nod from Requiem that Tosa had made it into the real world, Issei sighed with relief. Requiem asked, "Why sigh? You did the process successfully with those three Fallen angels. So you should have been confident in your abilities by now. We train every night and it is usually a full year of training that we do here in the dreamscape, so why now?"

Issei looked to his partner, saying "It is not that I don't trust your teachings or my ability to do these things. It is just I had given Kiba hope, I did not want to destroy the last bit of hope he had. I am still getting used to the fact that we have to pay a lot of gold to Hades of all people to bring people's souls from the dead. That is fucked up. Why pay gold?"

Requiem shrugged his shoulders, saying "I don't know. He told me to never ask and I did as I was told. Besides, I rarely had to use that process so it never hurt me. My guess is that he uses the gold to keep his people in line. But it is just a guess. Are you going to tell them about that?"

"No, They don't need to know that information. I will probably also only use this power rarely." Issei answered. He did not want to worry the people that he had brought back about finding a way to pay him back. Because he remembered what his grandfather told him just before he died. People bring people long term happiness while money is just a short time gain of happiness. It is better to have people in your life that make you happy, then have all of the money in the world. If paying a small amount of the massive gold mountains Requiem had gathered before he was turned into a sacred gear could bring happiness to those he cared about. Then he would do it, over and over again.

Hearing the flapping of three dragon wings, brought Issei out of his thoughts and turned to face Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt. The three's souls had been absorbed by Requiem during the fighting at the church while Issei was still using Ddrig. Once he was awakened, he had shown Issei the memories of the three and what they were supposed to do in Kouh Town instead of killing him. Issei understood that they were innocent as they had been brainwashed by the male Fallen Dohnaseek and the crazy exorcist Freed by someone else 's. It was their soul's that Issei had trained in the soul transformation process that he had just used for Tosa.

The three women tackled Issei to the ground as they nuzzled the face's into his chest. Patting the girl's head, Issei said; "Did you all think you were going to stay in my mind for the rest of your lives?" "No, but it was our nerves getting to us. We were only to see if you would be willing to marry one or all of us. We weren't sent to kill you but we did anyway. We thought that you might have changed your mind and would sentence us to be stock in here. We wouldn't even be allowed back into Grigori because we had disobeyed my father's orders. So we would have deserved our fate." Raynare finished with a few tires in her beautiful brown eyes.

Hugging her, Issei said, "I know you did not do it on purpose. Requiem could feel the regret of killing me and that all three of you wanted to die. You don't deserve to be punished for being brainwashed." Kissing her on the forehead, Issei hugged the other two fallen and kissed their heads as well, saying "It is time to go see your new sisters. I will go in front first and they will listen to your story. Now, lets go" getting off the ground, Issei leads the three to his girls. Who were now eating a very nice meal where the lake they were in was.

I gave Kiba some more back ground information and also wanted to include a girl for Kiba to have as Issei is going to take Son'a perrege as well as the Kendo club into his heram. Those girls in that gruop that fallows Kiba at scholl will become Kiba's mates when he is finished with the transformation. next chapter is large lemon with BDSM for Akeno, Raynare and Kalawarner. That should be up in a few days as it is ezsyies to write that. then it will be on to the devil meetting.

Hope you all enjoy the chapter.

heath_nielsencreators' thoughts