
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Heaven Response and Going home.

As the meeting was finished, the Angles turned off the TV in their main hall as the Four Great Seraphs were deep in thought. As some of the lower Seraphs talked quietly amongst themselves, the possibility of peace was at the top of their minds. It was something that they hadn't known as most angels aren't allowed to go to earth. Many are hunted down once they leave the secure zones of churches, London, and the Vatican City. 

The very notion of a Dragon God taking charge and officially ending the cease-fire and creating a new world order was very tantalizing for many but some were as enthusiastic about it. They feared that they, as a species, would have to give certain concessions during the negotiations to both the Fallen and the devils. Not to mention but what will they have to give to Lord Issei in exchange for his support? As the groups discussed the issues, Micheal and his brothers and sister were staring at the freeze frame of Lord Issei on the screen. It had been over a millennium since the last time Micheal saw the great dragon. It was when his father, God, had finished sealing the two heavenly dragons into Sacred Gears. Unfortunately, the four devil kings thought it was time to end the three-way war to a conclusion. After another hard-fought battle, which ended in the death of the four kings, God was becoming weaker and weaker. He had used too much of his power in such a short time and he was beginning to fade away from the living. As a last-ditch effort, God sent all of his remaining power into the great dragon and with the help of his two sons, sealed the great dragon into his own Sacred Gear.

Now, they were sitting and wondering what the Dragon would want from them. However, their sister Gabriel knew deep down what the dragon would want. She was the one who asked, no, begged the great dragon for his help during the Heavenly Dragon crisis. He didn't originally want to help; but after Gabriel offered herself to him, the Dragon god Agreed. While she did not want to stop being an Angle, she knew that without the help of the god then all of the heads would struggle against and could all be killed.

When she heard about what had happened during the end of the fight, she felt hurt. The man she had offered herself to was now a sealed Sacred Gear, she was devastated. When she offered herself to him, her mind began to change from a pure angle to a dragon-angel hybrid. This meant that she was preparing her body to accept a child from Requiem once he returned.

Now, the process was stalled as the mental connection was decreased. After such a long time, she had all but forgotten what she had done that day. She had become a guiding light to all of those who served during the war and helped them heal both the physical scars and the mental scars. After she finished her job as a healer, she became the watcher of the Sacred Gear users and their families. 

Oftentimes she would give them blessings or a small amount of protection during a trying time or greet them before their arrival to heaven once their time on earth came to an end. That was when she began to follow, with particular interest, the Boosted gear. When her brothers asked why she was so interested in this particular gear, she couldn't tell them why she was. It was just something drawing her attention to that particular gear. What she did not know was the mental link between herself and Requiem was becoming active once again as the Dragon God was now actively reaching out to her. He had felt her fears and wanted to allow her to feel his love and comfort. It was the reason why she was interested in the Boosted Gear, which was where Requiem gear was located inside.

Now, in the present, Gabriela saw the Dragon her heart was slowly changing for and she shed a few tiers. Some of them were for the changes that she was going to have to make while a few more were for the knowledge that her husband was back. She was then shaken by Raphael as the four of them started to debate about what they were going to do when Requiem Hyoudou came to begin the process of peace.

Micheal and his other brother, Arthur, were listening to the lower-level angle of their government as they discussed the whole situation. After some time, Micheal began to speak, "I understand all of your points of view on this subject. I for one am very hopeful to see this Peace come to fruition but we must agree what we will offer…" "There is no need for that Brother," Gabriel said as she interrupted her brother. Looking at her, Micheal asked, "What do you mean Sister?" "I mean, I know what the dragon will want. Which will be me." Gabriel said as a row erupted from everyone in the meeting at her statement. 

After a few monuments, Micheal was able to calm down everyone and asked his sister the one question he hoped he would never have to ask, "It's the deal that you made to secure his help during the Heavenly Dragon Crisis?" "Yes." that was all that Gabriel said before she left the meeting hall. After she left, the hall again erupted into chaos, mainly from the fact that the only ones who knew about the deal between Gabriel and Requiem were her brothers and god. No one else knew about it and were furious that they weren't informed about it. After a few minutes, Micheal finally dismissed the meeting as there was nothing else to discuss. Everyone knew that once someone offered up themself in an agreement with any dragon, there was nothing else they could or would be able to do.

Back in the Underworld.

After Rias awakened; an emissary from the dragons arrived in the garden. He presented a letter to Issei, inviting him and his girls when they were free to visit the Dragon Territory. He then handed several platelets of Dragon apples as well as some of the finest jewelry from the territory. Issei asked why he was getting these things and the Emissary told Issei that it was a gift for returning to the living. He then bowed and teleported away leaving Requiem to finish explaining the reason for the apples. Requiem told him that the apples help keep the dragon's appetite from ravaging cities and the underworld for food. As soon as he finished, Rias's stomach growled; which made her blush bright red on her cheek in impairment. Issei picked up an apple and handed one to her.

The apple was a regular shape, however, it was a very deep crimson-red color. It also produces a powerful aura from its center, which is how it can help regulate the hunger of a dragon. Rias bit into it and moaned out in happiness at the sweet taste it had. After having two more apples, she felt full again and fed Issei a couple. Issei was surprised at the taste and made a mental note to share some with his parents.

Soon enough, the rest of his girls woke up as the smell of the apples attracted them from their sleep and made them hungry. Once everyone was up, Issei told them all about what had happened to the former members of Riser's Peerage. After he was finished, he felt a very sinister aura coming from all of the girls that would make even the mightiest of dragons quiver in their scales. As a way to calm them down, Issei told them that once he was able; he would allow them all to torture the man that he had placed in his dimension. When Akeno asked why they couldn't in her sadistic smile, Issei told them that he had to make sure that they would be able to leave. It was easy to place something in there, but harder to take something out like a living being. Seeing the acknowledgment from the girls, Issei asked one of the maids to see where SirZechs was.

As if the man had heard him, SirZechs appeared in front of him, kneeling in reverence to the god in front of him. Issei asked about the rest of the meeting, to which SirZechs explained what was said, and how it was being executed and asked Issei if he wanted anything else. Issei told him that he wanted to know about Ravel's Peerage, which Issei was allowing Ravel to be the king of her brother's former Peerage.

SirZechs told him that they were still healing and would probably need at least six more days under the doctor's care to make sure they would be alright. SirZechs then asked what had happened to the former head of the Phenex family. Issei said a few words in dragonic and a small magic circle appeared showing the man, surrounded by fire and chained by his wrists and ankles. He was hovering over one of the largest flames anybody had seen in thousands of years. The whole scene reminded all of them a layer of hell; except it was much worries as the man was scheming out in agony. 

After a few seconds, Issei dispelled the circle and asked if that was enough proof. Sirzechs nodded and told Issei that Sona was told to prepare an area for him in the ORC building. Issei told him that he appreciated it and would await the results of the voting in the human realm, it was much more enjoyable than the underworld at the moment. As Sir Zach left, he remembered the faces of the girls as they viewed the torture that Lord Phenex was going through. Even the newest devil of the group, Asia, had a sinister smile on their face that sent shivers down his spine. From his days as a young nobleman, he remembered the joy that dragons found in torturing those who inflicted harm on their family. It seemed to him that instinct could even find its way into a pure heart like Asia's. After shaking his head, SirZechs left the garden while Issei told the head maid and butler to maintain the mansion until the voting results were tallied.

After saying that, Issei told the girls to climb on to him. Once they were set, Issei jumped into the air and opened a portal to the human realm.

Hello Everyone. sorry for the delay.

Here is the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

heath_nielsencreators' thoughts