
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Asia (R-18)

Thanks to Requiem being a good teacher, Issei knew how to get the girls ready for mating. First, He started to release a powerful amnesiac that all dragons had access to. It helped both male and female dragons secen the attraction between them and was one of the ways male dragons told their women he wanted them. Then he changed the color of the sky from blue to the multiple colors of the sun setting. Having read their minds, He knew they all wanted their moment of lovemaking, (the girl's first time) to start at sunset. As they watched the sunset together, he could feel the increasing amount of arousal in the girls. In fact, he felt the gentalsets of hand start to feel his semi hard cock.

Looking down, he saw Rias's hand was working his cock to pull it out of his boxers, (Never bothered to put paints back on) and start to jerk him off. Smiling at him, Rias said, " My, I think someone is horny. Isn't He?". Issei just growled, liking the feel of her gentle hands on his member. Being her in his lab, Issei kissed her ear and then started to nibble it, making Rias giggle as she increased the strokes on his member. The other girls soon turned their heads as they watched Rias get their man ready. Although a few wanted to see his member in the sunlight, excepaclly one sertent kitten. Koneko had crudely close to Issei's crouch, smelling the manly dragon musk getting stronger and stronger. She knew the musk was atrakking her and it was affecting her mating insects. Although she never thought it would be with the pervert Issei. When she first met him, she saw him pecking in the girls changing room for the Kendo Club. She disliked those who picked on girls and always thought that perverts did not change. But then the rating game happened and she watch the replays of Issei getting angry and trashing Riser's Queen to spreads. Then fighting riser and almost killing him, shocked her. She thought that he would not have fought as hard as she believed that he was the weakest link in their group. But now he had this aura that should be the better man he become. And she liked it, she couldn't lie to herself now. When Issei crashed the wedding and displayed his power, she felt the love that he had for all of them and while they hugged he had whispered to them; telling them he would never make them suffer again.

Issei smiled as he hugged the cat girl, separating her from his crouch while she let her distance known with a low growl. He just patted her head as he said, "Sorry my little kitten. But we don't have that much time left to get you girls finished. Rais's brother is almost finished getting the meeting set up and I want to make sure that I am able to be there." the moaning of disapimntenmt and distane could be heard from all of the girls. They really wanted to have sex as he promised but that seemed to be not the case this time. Issei kissed each of the girls as he said, "We will have a long time for sex. I just do not want to rush and not give each of you the time that you all deserve." "then how will you give us the energy we need to finish the transformation," asked Asia. she was holding on to Issei's tail as it had wrapped around her, making Koneko and Ravel jealous at the sight.

Bring her into his arms, Issei said nothing and surprised her with a kiss. Asia was shocked at first but soon gave in to the kiss as she moaned. Feeling the kiss deepening, Issei placed his hands on her small, perky breast. flicking the hardened nipples and giving the other a small tug made Asia moan in the kiss, allowing Issei to fully claim her mouth as his prize. The two continued to kiss until Asia need a breath, separating from each other while a strand of their combined saliva connected the two.

Asia panted as she asked, "Big … Me… meany… why did… you… take me by surprises?" "Because it is the best way to trigger your body for what is going to happen next.." Issei said as he gently started to kiss her mouth again, although it was not as rough; it still have a lot of passion in it which Asia reciprocated in return. Soon issei left her lips as he trailed to her neck, kissing her cheek and jawline as he went. Asia moaned in delight as she held on to Issei's black hair, panting hard at the building passion she left. Issei then reach her neck and kissed and left love bites all over her neck. To the other girls, it was like he was searching for something; but to Asia, she felt love, true love. It was something she had tried to find while in the church, but the only thing she felt was pressure and heartache. Being the welder of Twilight Healing had its advantages but it also had its disadvantages. She never had any friends, and those within the church always ravered her as a miracle and placed her on a pedestal. Someone to be worshipped and preassed for everything she did. She never wanted that because of the pressure to always be there for the sick and dying. To see the way people often treated others was repalsing to her, which is why she cared so much when a person was treated or had gotten hurt. She wanted to show people that there were still people who where caring and would help them, even if she was the only one willing to show it. But it was not her position now. When she helps save the man who turned out to be a devil, the church cast her away without any repercussions. It was no wonder why the Fallen Angeles was able to pick her up so easily. They told her that they would use her powers to help people, but that was just a trap laid out by that Male Fallen she had mate when she arrived in Japan. That was to say she did not hold a grudge against Raynare or the other two. They did not interact that much because those three would be out on patrol and so it would just be that crazy expect Freed and the Fallen male so it was only natural to forgive them for the actions they had taken. For they did not wish to do then.

She was happy she was turned into a devil. It meant she could be with the people she cared about: her new friends, classmate, her family, and her new love, Issei. Sure it could be because Issei had tried to save her at the church, which was why she loved him so much at the beginning. But now it is different. She could feel the passion he has for her, the way he touched her now was not only gentle but caring. This is why she had fallen in love with him. He was a caring person, deeply beneath the pervertedness that was his character trait before becoming the man that he is right now. She would stand by his side, just like God wished for a wife to do for her husband. She was brought out of her mind as she moaned.

When she opened her eyes, she could see a blue-golden glow of Issei's power pulsating around him as she also saw her own green-red glow around her hands. Issei was smiling at her as she did at him. This was the true meaning of their bond and the true meaning of their love in the simplest of forms. The two looked so elegant to the others, wishing for their turn to happen next. They then watched as Asia fully relaxed into Issei, holding her hands together around his back as Issei kissed her, allowing the two energies to mess in a rainbow of colors until Asia was surrounded by a dominant blue with a lesser green-red howe.

Issei then placed his hand on her breast. Asia moaned in delight as she gave her full self to him. This made Issei smile as he broke the kiss and started to mold her body into his image. It wasn't a drastic change to her personality or her face, but he will mold her breast and ass to his liking. Asia moaned again, the pleasure of his touch and the molding he was doing to her body was very pleasurable. She started to dig into his back as he focused on her left breast, feeling his energy flow into her and mold her.

Asia panted, "Yes…, Yes… make me… ahhhhh… make me the way…. Ahhhhhhh ahh… the way…. Ooooohhhhh mmmmmhhhhm… you want….. On my Issei… I can feel your energy…. It is so good…. I want you to… Ahhhhh." She screamed as he tugged on her right nipple. He knew what she wanted to say. She wanted him to feel the pleasure she was feeling. She wanted to make him happy. however, right now he was happy.

Sure, he did wish to go further with not just her but also with the others; but he has not mastered this time dilation ability yet. The reason for the shortened time frame with the girls is that Requime is Not awake right now. He was giving him and the girls space to do what he needed to do. With Requiem regulating the power, Issei would be able to hold his control of the time dilation to the minute SirZechs left the outside door to the mansion heading to his office. However, without Requim's help; Issei can only hold it for two hours in real time.

Looking up at her with his eyes, Issei looked deep into Asia's eyes. He moaned in his happiness as he took her newly formed left breast into his mouth. Asia responded with the loudest moan she said as he nippled on the hardened nipple of her left breast with his teeth. He continued to the nipple and suck on the breast as his other hand molded Asia's other breast to his will. Asia was now a moaning mess, feeling her lower lips start to grow and grow to a breaking point. Asia would begin to touch her lower half, starting slow but increasing in speed. It was as if she had known how to relieve herself all this time as she slipt one finger into her cunt and then another joined; increasing the pleaser she was feeling from her man.

Soon after Issei finished the right breast's molding, his mouth left the first breast as he looked once more into her eyes. He kissed her once more before turning his attention to her still sore right breast, wrapping his tough around the nipple as he nibbled and sucked on it. After what felt like hours for Asia, Issei allowed one of his fingers to join her two in her cunt as he sent another finger to her mouth, which she latched on to when she felt his finger enter her, increasing the boiling heat. Issei, knowing Asia wanted to release, pinched her nipples together and pulled upwards making the young woman experience her first climax in her life, the pleaser of the release rocked her as Issei kissed her deeply. As she climbed down from this pleaser storm Asia wrapped her hands around his neck, gaining more support from Issei's tail as it was supporting her from her back. She was trying to catch her breath as she panted out, "that… felt… very… good… Issei… why… do… I… tried…?"

Issei smiled as he kissed her, whispering to her; "Your body is now changing to your new body. A body fit to be a dragon. When you wake up, you will notice your body has a few new changes. I hope you like them." Asia just smiled as she close her eyes and began to glow a blue howe, disappearing out into the real world.