
Ancient Beast Summoner

when you get reincarnated and you can't have a system to help guide you through a new world what do you do? will you sit in the corner and try to live a peaceful life knowing that beasts could break down your door at a moments notice and eat you alive. or will you break through anything that stands in your way leaving no beast unkilled.

Grim_D_END · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Don't tell me what to be

When I awoke what I saw was a woman holding me and Man who is looking down to me. "Ray he has your crimson hair. he'll be a real looker in the future." the woman said. "he's got your purple eyes Scarlett. I have to agree with you he'll be a lady's man when he gets older." "I just hope he can be a sorcerer or mage then his future will be secured." "don't worry honey we can push him into those classes. but I wonder what skill he has. in a few days we should see what skill he has it will help help with how the training we will have to use with him." "okay dear but for now we need to get some rest okay." "all right honey it looks like he's tired too." I just closed my eyes and started freaking out in my head.

(what the hell man. you two are just not going to let me choose. well it sucks to be you two because my class is already in place and there's nothing you two can do about it. but now I need to worry about what they will do when they find out about my skills. but that is a problem for future me now to get some sleep I'll need it.)

a few days later me and my parents are going to a building near the Center of the settlement we live in. when we arrive there is already a few couples there. we get a seat a woman with a baby in her hands walks up to us.

"Scarlett is that you. how have you been and who's this little bundle of joy." she said as she points at me. "Ava is that you. I've been good and this is my little mage. his name is Mako." I turn my head to Ava for a few seconds and turn back and watch the wall like it's the first one I have seen.

Ava was about to say something but she got called in the other room to get her baby's skill check. we wait for an hour and get called in to get my skills checked. the person who is in the room walks up to us. "so is this the little one that is getting his skill check?" I look at the man for a moment then look away. "yes we were curious about what his skill could be so we brought him." said my father. "okay just making sure you put his hand on the crystal over there and we'll see what he has." my mom walks over to the crystal takes my hand and puts it on the crystal.

Name : Mako

Age : a few days

Class: N/A

Skills : Master Combatant : allows the user to know all forms of combat. : Master survivalist : allows the user to know to use the environment to suit their needs.

"well that's surprising that he has two skills already. you two must be very proud." " yes with those skills he could be the best mage to ever come from this settlement. anyway we need to get back home now it looks like he's all tuckered out." said my mom as she gestures towards me. they look at me asleep in my mom's arms. my parents go back home.