
First date

I slept uneasy thinking about the blackmailer and who would have done this to me. I mean. There are millions of people who want to see me fall, but bad press is not going to cut it. My name is well known, worldwide but I knew it must have been someone on the inside who could do something that fast.

The publicist was the first person who found out about this. One of them should be responsible. I should have Jahid look into this. I picked up my phone and first looked at the time and it was 8 am. I texted him and went to the gym for a workout. I hate outdoor sports. Especially where other people are. I hate people as it is, so I will not intentionally rub sweaty bodies together.


I was in the gym for about 2 hours. I returned some emails and phone calls while I was on the treadmill. By the time I was done with the gym and showered, it was midday. I went into my dining room and brunch was ready.

"Good morning ma'am," Juanita greeted me setting the table.