
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

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Chapter 81: God and Black Superman

Coulson had been overseeing an internal live broadcast thousands of miles away, gathering insights from colleagues about Black Superman. Unexpectedly, Black Superman appeared before him moments after causing a disturbance elsewhere, nearly startling Coulson to death.

He quickly dialed Fury to report, "Sir, he just finished wrecking my place, then appeared at yours the next second."

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, this is Superman-level speed," Fury marveled, then inquired, "What's his objective?"

"He's nearing the hammer..." Coulson glanced at the figure nearby and reported.

Fury frowned. Though unsure of the specifics, he knew that Black Superman with the mysterious hammer spelled trouble.

"Stop him!" Fury ordered urgently.

"How do we stop him, sir?" Coulson asked innocently.

Fury rubbed his forehead. "First, let's discern his intentions."


With no alternative, Coulson mobilized personnel for security. Though uncertain of its effectiveness, it provided a semblance of control.

Taking a deep breath, he approached Peter, who had just arrived after his New York escapade.

"Hello, Black Superman. This is S.H.I.E.L.D. How can we assist you?"

"I'm waiting," Peter replied calmly.

Coulson hesitated, "Waiting for whom?"

But Peter didn't answer, his gaze fixed on a window visible only to him.

[Mission: Clash of Gods]

As Black Superman, Peter yearned for a worthy adversary, a battle where he could unleash his full power. Reality repeatedly disappointed him; his strength made foes seem feeble. He grew weary of this monotony.

Driven by this urge, he even sought to challenge Odin, father of the gods.

Mission Objective: Defeat Odin, father of the gods.

Mission Reward: 50,000 points

This mission had surfaced soon after his battle with the Hulk. Peter had long understood that these "missions" were manifestations of his own desires, rather than mandates imposed by any system.

Since gaining his powers and the Superman abilities, Peter had struggled to restrain his might, longing for a truly challenging and equitable fight.

Defeating the Hulk had intensified this desire.

But as he grew stronger, finding a suitable opponent grew more elusive.

Peter realized that within the universe, beings of incomprehensible power existed. He wasn't reckless enough to challenge them outright, not yet.

Currently, only two individuals seemed close in strength and proximity:

The Ancient One and Odin.

Ancient One possessed too many tricks; a confrontation with her would be more frustrating than fulfilling.

Thus, Odin remained his sole viable opponent.

It sounded audacious because it was.

After all, Odin at his peak could subdue celestials in comics!

Yet, after careful consideration, Peter discerned that with adequate preparation, victory was possible.

Odin might be formidable, but age had taken its toll. His divine power surged over time, but his mortal frame weakened. Periodic Odin's Sleep balanced these extremes.

This vulnerability presented Peter with a strategic opportunity.

Of course, Odin was no pushover. As one of Marvel's mightiest gods, he posed a significant challenge, even in his advanced years.

Yet, Peter possessed one final advantage:

Now was the opportune moment, just as "Thor 1" was unfolding.

Thor would inevitably be banished to Earth, and Odin wouldn't forsake his cherished heir.

It was the perfect time to challenge Odin or gather vital clues.

Peter eyed Mjolnir at the center, remarking, "The true master won't be here for a while. Might as well enjoy myself in the meantime."

Coulson remained puzzled as Black Superman strode forward, grasping Thor's hammer's handle...


In a nearby town, Thor, Odin's son, finally reunited with his loyal companions.

A brief summary:

Trouble had led Odin to seal Thor's divine power and exile him to Earth. There, he encountered Jane and her team studying celestial phenomena, culminating in a humiliating tasing incident.

The tale unfolded predictably from there.

Thor, heir to Asgard's throne, fell for Jane, a mere mortal. Meanwhile, Loki, his adopted brother, harbored jealousy and betrayal.

In a daring escapade during Odin's slumber, the brothers wreaked havoc upon Asgard's sanctums and highways.

One could only imagine Odin's reaction upon waking to the wreckage.

But now, Peter's arrival altered this narrative.

Thor had already breached SHIELD's defenses once in pursuit of Mjolnir, only to find it cold and indifferent.

This rejection devastated him, a blow to his ego after a lifetime of adulation.

Yet, he bore the mark of a protagonist.

With Jane's tender care, Thor recovered mentally, unlocking hidden powers embedded in his lineage. Emotional fortitude fueled his growing might.

Heimdall's intervention enabled Thor's loyal Asgardian friends—the Warriors Three and his former flame Sif—to join him on Earth.

In a foreign land, reunion with his comrades brought Thor much-needed joy.

Their reunion, however, was short-lived as a sudden storm gathered, accompanied by thunderous booms.

All eyes turned towards the source. Thor, having encountered it before, recognized the location.


Though uncertain of the cause, everyone sensed trouble and rushed towards Mjolnir's landing spot...