
Ancestor, Watch Over Me

I am a physical practitioner, they call me the “bulldozer”! I had once ruled over my times, establishing a family clan that was respected by all. The saying “breaking all rules with physical force” describes me perfectly! After I passed away, my body has remained intact for 1000 years. However, my unfilial descendants have decided to dig me out of the coffin and make use of my body to defend against natural disasters and attacks from our family’s enemies… “Dear ancestor, the Red Whale Gang is here to kill us, the Elders can no longer fight them off, please lend us your power with your body!” “Dear ancestor, please forgive us, the Heavenly Sword Clan is here to attack us again, the head of the clan is already severely injured, we need your body to scare them away!” … Until one day... “It’s too much hassle digging out the ancestor’s body and burying it over and over again! Why don’t we cultivate him into a battle puppet? He’ll protect us equally well that way!” “I believe our ancestor is watching over us. He will never forgive us for such disrespectful acts…” “That’s absolutely deplorable!” This bunch of unfilial brats deserve a good beating! One day, I regain my consciousness and lift up my coffin lid in anger… This is a story about the first physical cultivator, who had made significant contributions to human civilization and the cultivation realms a thousand years ago. However, infuriated by his insolent descendants, he wakes up from death and continues to do his part in elevating his family clan from the brink of extermination and saving his city from attacks by monsters. It is also an educational tale which instills moral righteousness and emphasizes the importance of filial piety, as the ancestor teaches his descendants to care for the young and respect the old, and to strive to create a peaceful world together as one family.

Desktop Computer · Eastern
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60 Chs

The Qualities of the Clan Follow the Normal Distribution

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Liu Fan, who was lying in the coffin, could tell that it was daytime when he saw the light rays that were shining through the opening of the coffin lid.

It was the second day after he came back to life!

There was a young man cleaning the courtyard outside the ancestral temple.

He yawned with sleepy eyes while holding a broom. He was sweeping the leaves while cursing to himself.

"I merely accidentally farted when we were paying our respects to our ancestor. Why did they accuse me of being disrespectful?!!"

"The Ancestor is kind, so why would he find fault with his descendant's fart?!"

"Hmph! Asking me to sweep the courtyard as a punishment, this is too much!"

Liu Dongdong was annoyed. After he swept the courtyard, he turned and saw another layer of leaves on the floor which he had already swept.

The willow had been growing for decades. It was tall, and the yellow leaves fell when the autumn wind blew.

This scene was extremely beautiful under the evening sun. However, Liu Dongdong could think of only three words…

"What the f*ck…"

He was extremely frustrated. Why was this tree bullying him too?!

His efforts that morning were wasted!

He threw the broom aside and climbed up the tree while carrying a bamboo stick.

"Bump bump bump…"

Liu Dongdong swung the bamboo stick and hit the tree branches in order to make the tree leaves fall.

After a moment, the tree was left with leafless branches.

Liu Dongdong jumped down from the tree. He put his arms across his waist proudly.

He turned around and bowed to Liu Fan's spirit tablet as he said, "Ancestor, what do you think? Is your descendant smart? Hahaha…"

After he said that, he swept all the leaves in a pile and crawled into the pile of leaves.

"Hmm, let me have a good sleep. This is so comfortable…"

In the blink of an eye, snores could be heard.

Liu Fan was speechless.

Why were all of his descendants so extreme?!

The head of the clan dug up Liu Fan's grave and the Elders had a discussion to make him a puppet. Liu Daquan came last night to steal the pig's head. And this morning, Liu Dongdong buried himself in the pile of leaves to sleep…

In the past, Liu Fan would wake up early to train and go to the mountains to hunt tigers before daylight. When the sun rose, he would compete with other martial art experts. At night, he would run a marathon while carrying a stone mill…

"Sigh! There must be a reason for the fall of my family…"

Liu Fan sighed in his heart. The entire Liu family seemed to be helpless!

How should he, as an ancestor, save them?!

At this moment, the System was heard…

"A short advertisement is forthcoming."

"The Ancestor System is an extremely user-friendly system. It is modern and advanced. In order to help the ancestors keep up with the times, we specially published a 'Normal Distribution Calculation' to help the ancestors."

"Please confirm if you want to proceed with the calculations for the Liu family members."

Liu Fan was stunned. He gave his confirmation and was looking forward to the results.

"This Normal Distribution Calculation sounds like an extremely advanced method!"

At that moment, the System's screen blinked continuously, and a moment later, lines of messages were displayed on the screen…

"Target: The Liu family."

"Total number of members: 316 people."

"Calculation method: Normal Distribution Calculation."

"Calculation results: All of the members fulfill the normal distribution."

"The potential of the Liu family members fulfill the normal distribution."

"The ability of the Liu family members fulfill the normal distribution."

There were three charts attached at the bottom of the screen.

"Sensitivity normal distribution chart."

"Potential normal distribution chart."

"Ability normal distribution chart."

The charts had a normal distribution. The two ends were low and the center region was high. It was symmetrical.

Liu Fan was amused and continued to look at the results…

"Of the clan members, 95% (300 people) has a sensitivity score of approximately 65 (out of 100 points), 2.5% (8 people) has a sensitivity score of below 50, while 2.5% (8 people) has a sensitivity score of above 90."

"Of the clan members, 95% (300 people) has a potential score of approximately 70 (out of 100 points), 2.5% (8 people) has a potential score of below 50, while 2.5% (8 people) has a potential score of above 90."

"Of the clan members, 95% (300 people) are warriors with the three Body Tempering states1, 2.5% (8 people) do not know martial arts at all, and 2.5% (8 people) are experts with better skills than the three Body Tempering states."

There was much more to the interpretation of the results.

After Liu Fan looked through all of them, he was in deep thought.

The current state of the Liu family was as follows: low sensitivity, low potential, and low ability!

Three lows!

It was impossible for the Liu family to become powerful again.

"The only way out is to make the 2.5% of members who have outstanding sensitivity, potential, and abilities to become more powerful. Then, they could lead the majority of the family to eventually reach the goal of empowering the entire family clan!"

Liu Fan kept silent.

He thought of plans to help empower the Liu family.

The specific plan was as such:

Empower the minority of the people — allow the first batch of people to rise immediately!

Then, allow the minority to lead the majority, helping the second batch of people to rise gradually!

Then, the entire family would rise vertically!

"So, how many family members have both sensitivity score and potential score of above 90, as well as an expert state in martial arts?"

Liu Fan looked at the chart and the system began to calculate…

"After calculation, there are no members who fulfill this requirement."

Liu Fan was disappointed.

"Then, how many members fulfill at least two of the three conditions?"

Liu Fan asked further.

"After calculation, the members who fulfill the requirements of having both sensitivity score and potential score of above 90 are the following: Liu Dongdong, Liu Meimei, and Liu Xiaoxiao."

There were three descendants, not too bad!

Liu Fan was satisfied.

However, he was surprised that Liu Dongdong, who was currently sleeping in the pile of leaves in the courtyard, had a score higher than 90 for both sensitivity and potential.

As for Liu Meimei, he vaguely had some impression of her.

Because she was a tall and beautiful young lady.

175 centimeters tall.




Liu Xiaoxiao…

Liu Fan thought about it and suddenly widened his eyes speechlessly.

He recalled that Liu Xiaoxiao was the child of Liu Daquan. The kid who'd shouted the loudest that he wanted to eat food when the family was paying their respects to him yesterday!

If Liu Fan could move, the move that he wanted to do was to "facepalm"!

At that moment, the next batch of results was calculated…

"Based on calculations, the members who fulfill the requirements of having a sensitivity score of above 90 and an expert state of martial arts are the following: Liu Tao and Liu Dahai."

"Based on calculations, the members who fulfill the requirements of having a potential score of above 90 and an expert state of martial arts are the following: Liu Erhai and Liu Sanhai."

Liu Fan was stunned. If he remembered correctly, both Liu Erhai and Liu Sanhai liked to bite on fingernails and smell earwax, respectively.

How could the two of them have a potential score of higher than 90?

Unless… all indecent people were geniuses?

Did their indecency merely cover their potential?

"Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, who were the most respectful descendants, did not fulfill the requirements!"

Liu Fan was speechless.

At this moment, the door creaked and opened.

Liu Tao and the five Elders entered.

Liu Wuhai was in high spirits and had his hair combed back. He was wearing a black martial arts costume and looked extremely energized. He looked as though he was more than ten years younger.

Liu Liuhai was motivated and confident. He had a sword in his side and looked as though he was in high fighting spirits.

Liu Tao, Liu Dahai, Liu Erhai, and Liu Sanhai looked the same. They were gloomy and low-spirited. Liu Fan shook his head when he saw them.