
The Past

Thousands of years ago, Mystic Beings lived in harmony with us. No matter the creature you were classified as good or as evil.  The good wanted to protect and the evil wanted to destroy. This was so that even a fairy can be evil and a vampire can be classified as good.  This is the time when; Alex K. Reality was bullied by an evil being, a troll named Akuwaru.

      Alex lived in the redwood forest, home to the smallest tree of the time, the redwood tree. Most of the trees went no higher than his waist. With these short trees Alex's tribe would stand out like a city if it wasn't for the magic that shrank the village to compare with the trees.

Alex's tribe had a tradition when a boy turned 14 he would make his hunting weapon and it would be his first time actually hunting.  The weapon is enchanted to assign them a role for life, and declare him a man. However, if he fails to hunt a single creature he is banished from the tribe. Alex just turned fourteen this was the day he was going to finally hunt.  The day was perfect, without a cloud in the sky. Alex was collecting the materials for his weapon of choice, a spear.

 This was not going to be just any spear; it was going to be what he used for the rest of his life.  He had one day to make the weapon from scratch. So he left with an axe and a bag to collect materials.  He looked for some flint first, and he found some near the coast. So he put it in his bag and he started to look for the tallest tree he could find.

As he walked and walked he found a tree as tall as he was that was hidden in a hole in the ground.  Surely this was the tallest tree in the forest, so Alex got out his axe and swung.  Clunk, the axe hit the tree, and there wasn't even a scratch. Alex struck the tree again, still not even a mark. Alex growled, and then he heard a giggle.  Alex yelled, "Who's doing this, cause it's not funny!" he looked around in frustration. Then he tried once more, chop the wood split, "Timber". The tree fell and he dragged it home.  Akuwaru saw the entire seen and was filled with rage for he has never been able to get this wood for himself as it was enchanted. In attempt to steal the wood he tripped Alex, and Alex fell with a thud letting go of the tree. Then, Akuwaru tied the branches of the tree to other trees in hopes Alex would give up and leave it there.alex tugged and tugged it didn't move. After a long time tears began to cover his face. Then a tear fell on the tree and the rope untied itself. He then went on his way with the tree in his hands. In the background Akuwaru stomped in anger "ugh, if he won't let me take it then ill just break it!" Alex arrived at the tribe. His village almost canceled his hunt for it, but they still let him go so that night he sharpened the flint and readied the tree.  His spear was ready for the enchantment.

 The next day was the ceremony that changed his life.  The tribe's elder enchanted the spear in amazement for this was the longest solid spear they have ever seen. It was obviously made with care, too. Making the spear as radiant as the sun to the peoples eyes. As was tradition, there is only twenty-four hours to hunt. If he arrives without a catch he will be banished. When the moon was above their heads, he was sent off, he thought the sky was way too beautiful for a bad day. The stars sparkled brightly. when he looked in the forest he found nothing. So he searched, and searched. He found some troll prints so he decided to track them. Snap, he tripped on a rope, and it pulled him into the air with some magic.

  Akuwaru came out and laughed "Ha, you fell for it stupid child". Alex tried to throw his spear at the troll, but he missed! Akuwaru inspected the spear, and questioned Alex "How did a child like you get such a spear?" Alex grumbled out "that's mine I made it myself!" Then the troll laughed "liar, not even Akuwaru could cut this fine wood." and he bent the wood in anger. The spear snapped in half and the wood crumbled to dust. Alex cried in despair as the troll cut him loose with the broken spears tip and ran away. Alex fell and he tried to run to the dust of the spear. When he reached the dust it started to pour and the spear merged with the ground and that was whem he swore to lock up all the mystical creatures forever.

 When he returned they banished him into the woods with a bag of food and some tools.  With these items he made a home and started to trap the beings, only to find that some creatures would teleport out and release the others. So he tried to make a portal to a prison world of no escape.  He went to the next village in search for scripts. He looked at the script and realized the words in this ancient writing were to difficult. The village had only taught him basic script reading. He then decided to learn from a mystic, specifically the Wise Oak.

He stole the map to the Wise Oak, and ventured off to the east.  He finally reached the Great forest of wisdom. He followed the map to the center of the forest. He spotted a large tree, it was the biggest tree in the forest.  He Ran toward the tree and asked "Dear Wise Oak, May you teach me the scriptures of magic.

Then He looked and looked until he found a spell of mass banishment.  In order to perform a spell of this magnitude he needs a few wizards. The only problem was why a wizard would cast a spell to trap himself. So he continued to the search the scripture until he found the perfect spell.

   Alex collected the basic ingredients and then searched out for the rare one, eight dragon scales.  So he prepared and set off to find a Dragon. He headed east to what is now the Appalachian Mountains. When he arrives these mountains were very tall and ragged the only way to get to the top was by wing.  So he hitched a ride on a dragon and landed in its nest. When he looked around he saw tons of scales so he grabbed a few. A Baby dragon noticed him and roared in joy. The Mother Dragon looked and started to shot fire t him it wasn't long until all the others joined. He dived under the scales to protect himself from the scorching heat. The dragons continued until the stone of the mountains melted and dried into smooth and short mountains. When the dragons noticed the mountain reshaping, he stole the scales from the nest and went straight home hoping not to get caught again.

 Alex spread out the ingredients and started to light a flame of redwood.  He tossed the ingredients into the fire and said the words "Fantasy you shall be for you will only be imagination mystic beings!". The lightning struck the ground and the ground shook!  Alex passed out and all the magical creatures and elements were trapped in the redwood trees. All the redwood trees shoot to the sky in height from the powerful magic.

  When he awoke he was trapped in the cave, the entrance collapsed from the spell. He dug with his bare hands and when he left the trees were as tall as the sky. He was astonished, and then he smirked and shouted "I name this reality!" He went from tribe to tribe to make mystics and magic seem only like a tall tale, never too had existed and never to be seen.

I apologize for any lack of quality I am currently

editting this novel. Any good willed critique will be appreciated and used. Thank you in advance for your time and help.

ancelleacreators' thoughts