
Chapter 4

She didn't fight back and allowed twaylem to treat her. After they ate. Twaylem gave her a ride to her apartment. It was passed 11:30pm when they arrived and she was very exhausted.

"Thank you for your treat" she smiled and wave her hand

"you're always welcome"

As he wave back and give a flying kiss.

Kayla's just smile to him and entered the apartment. But,before she entered she called Aling Tana and asked how was her sister. Aling Tana didn't hesitate to opened the door.

"Have you eat?" An old lady looked her with worried.

"Yes,I'm done Aling Tana"

She sat on the cough and take a deep breath

"Then wait here I'll make a juice for you"

" No need,I'll not stay too long"

"Okay, let me wake lala then–"

"Please dont, let me carry her"

"Are you sure?!"

"Ofcouse yes, beside lala's not too heavy to carry and my bones are strong"

She confidently answered Aling Tana. The old lady just giggled to her as a response.Then,she leads kayla's to the room where's lala's sleeping and carry it on her hand. Aling tana opened the door and asked.

"Are you really fine?"

"Yes and our room is next to you"

"Okay,goodnight take a rest"

"You too"

She entered their room and locked the door. She put lala's on the bed and gently pat the thigh before she go to kitchen to drink water. After she drinks she assure all lights are off before and entered the room to take a rest. It was 1:00am in the morning and she need to wake up at 7:00am. They are now sleeping


Today's friday and my class will start at 8:00am but I arrived here just in time. Why?because Lala's crying loudly that I can't go back to sleep and continued what I dreaming.So I need to wake up and prepare her milk. When she stop crying It was passed 7:30am.I didn't even eat my breakfast before I go to school but I don't blame my sister for all of this. I do blame myself for not spending too much time with her. So here I am working hard for me and for her. Especially for her upcoming 1st birthday. Going back, after I prepared all the I need to prepare. I leave Lala's to Aling Tana as always. So here I am slapping myself not to fall asleep in class and my puffy eyes asking for more hours of sleeps. At this moment why I have this kind of teacher. He can't even explained his lesson well and why his voice is so low. Like is he talking to white board or on us? Whatever please can someone make the time flies fast.

"But before I'll this classroom don't forget to do your project and pass it on time"

"Okay sir"

They packed all their things and she leave the classroom immediately. While she was walking with downface because she feel embarrased on her eyes. When someone hugs her from the back. It was her bestfriend and these two exchanges hugs.

"Kayla how are you? Is that your last subject?"

"Yes, and I really need some sleep"

"Do you have any planned today? come to my house my father just brought me a new make ups. Let's try it on you"

"What you want me to stop over your house just to expirement my face"

"It's not an expirement don't exaggarate it. I just want to see how beautiful my bestfriend is and it's your decision if you want to eat some pizza or you can sleep there too."

"Don't frame me up rolina, you know me very well. Okay i'll allow you to use all your make ups on me but I can have 2 boxes of pizza."

"Sure, deal?"
