

Anarky wakes up in a world were all humans have gone extinct due to a plague. Other creatures mutated and became known as demons while others evolved to a point were they rivaled the extinct humans. Anarky now lives as the last human and he is confused amd suffers from inner demons literally!!

Jerahmeel_Addy · Fantasy
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6 Chs


In the manor Aki went straight into her room, Anarky decided to look around. After an hour of walking into offices,libraries and empty rooms,he decided to head back into his room.

When he got to his room he noticed there was a figure moving under his sheets. Anarky walked up slowly to the bed and lifted the blanket under it lay Aki and she was snoring as hell.

He grabbed a pillow and another blanket and lay it on the ground. After what seemed like hours of staring up the ceiling,he finally fell asleep. The falling sensation came again. He looked down and could feel air hitting his face, he wasn't falling in water but from the sky. What the fuck Arrhhhhh Arghhhh Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh. Wait I am dreaming so doesn't that mean I can't get hurt even better I can fly. That's not how it works,it was the little girl from the previous dream and she was falling with him. He looked at her and she didn't look like a Tronimite. Who are you, what are you and why are you in my head. So many questions she the turned facing upward and put her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner and I don't think I can answer. Anarky looked at her and asked why not. Okay then why are you here. You see now that is a good question. You know for a little girl you sure don't act like one Anarky said. Well whatever do you want to why am here or not. Yes I do. Then shut up

I'm here because we are a lost soul . Wow and you said it like I don't have feelings. Anarky looked at her and she said look I'm dead and I'm suppose to help a human fulfill some stupid prophecy before I transcend to the spiritual veil. Anarky had stopped listening

because he was getting close to the ground.

Right before he hit the ground he woke up ,the sun had come out but when he tried getting up but he couldn't move. He looked down and realized Aki was lying by him and had wrapped her arms and legs around him. How did she get here he asked him self. He got up carrying he,she woke up finally just as soon as he was planning to hit the showers. Oh good morning she said I looked at her in a way she would notice that she was still holding on to me. She said oh sorry I'll get down. After she got out I took my bath and as usual when I got out the were clothes neatly folded,but this time there was something else it was a sword in a sheath. He picked it up and pulled it out of the sheath. In an instant he heard a voice and a screen popped up in front of him.










Would you like to merge into a soul weapon


I thought of what would happen if I chose yes,

Then it said you have chosen to merge the weapon. Then the sword started to glow blue and his body started to feel like it was being ripped limb from limb. He fell on the floor trying to hold in his scream from the pain he felt. That is when it stopped ,he got up and got out of the room and as usual Aki was outside waiting for him. Did you sleep well she asked, yeah i guess even though i was a human teddy bear, he said. But you look so cuddly she ruffled his hair and laughed. Well don't get used to it he said.

You have training with father today,oh that's what the sword is for. They walked towards the dinning area bit this time food was set already. They ate and went to the court outside Xexeb was already there sharpening his sword. Are you ready my boy Xexeb said , yeah i guess. I have to see what you got before we begin training. Now Xexeb and Anarky were standing face to face with Texan in a fighting pose and Anarky not knowing what he was doing. The match began Anarky berserk and started running towards Xexeb. Before the match begun a screen popped in front of him.




Anarky run towards Xexeb,Xexeb then started to slash his swords six times in the air. Anarky who had gone berserk came with his sword. Their swords clashed together sending sparks around then they both jumped back. They run towards each other again bit this time Anarky ducked before their swords clashed stomped Xexeb on the chest. Xexeb lay on the floor with his sword far away and Anarky holding his sword to Xexeb's throat.

Then Xexeb laughed,stretched out his hand and closed his fist. In an instant six cuts started to appear on Anarky as he fell to the floor he remembered when they started the match and

Xexeb slashed at the air in his direction. Anarky woke up lying on his bed and a bandage around his arms,head,chest and leg

He checked them and all the wounds had practically healed he took them of and decided to have a snack and get back to sleep. So he got up and and when he was about to leave the room he heard a voice say were are you going it was Aki and she was lying on the bed. I was hungry so I'm going it for a snack. Nope your princess commands you to come back to bed. Do I really have to I'm hungry. What if i die while sleeping you wouldn't forgive yourself.

Then she said fine I'll go with you. When they got to the dinning area everywhere was dark. Then Kaleth run out the kitchen screaming. They asked him why he just run away and didn't answer. Start running he screamed from behind them, Running from what