
Chapter 32: LAW

When I'd come home and found her note, I'd felt that sick panic in my gut. For the first time, I got a taste of what it was going to feel like when she was gone. I didn't like it.

I didn't want to feel anything; it had only been a couple of weeks, that wasn't time enough to form any sort of attachment to anyone, but it had left me feeling empty.

I listened to one of her lectures on everything that I was doing wrong, and now it was my turn to roll my eyes. You'd think she'd known me a lifetime with her million and one grievances.

She went to retrieve her rings, and I breathed easier when she came back into the room wearing them. Fuck if I know why that is.

"I don't see why I have to wear these; this is all very confusing." She turned her hand to study her rings.

"You keep saying I'm not yours; what I don't understand is why you didn't just let Mr. Davis have me or that other man you beat half to death?"