
Anarchist Magoa

{ R-18 Novel } ‼️Gore scenes up ahead or later on!! Merikh Deimos Forsberg, runs away from their home right after their mothers excuctition. She comes across Verena later on, who was trying to find their way back home to London, surprisingly to say she was also trying to run away. Drystand, the right hand man of Merikh. Fled the scene when he was told to find the vampire princess, teleported into long hallway where he meets Oxi. Will they find peace, or remain in an unknown world full of technology.

Jupiterlov3r · Fantasy
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15 Chs

GameMasters : Part 3

Archibald walked down the halls as he was thinking about the plan that was mentioned to him by Quinn. He couldn't help but worry about the other humanhoid players.

He looked at a painting and realized that it was him and the other players, he had forgotten that they were asked to be drawn, just incase if they all never make it out alive from the games.

Archibald sighed and walked to the hallway sofa to sit down and watch over them through the paintings. "Wyren," Archibald whispered under his breath, as he sighed. "I'm sorry, friend."

Archibald heard walking down the halls, along with the noise he heard Takashi clapping down the hall. Like it's some sort of celebration happened. "Have you decided to accept the defeat Archibald?"

Takashi asked as Archibald sighed leaning into the wall while sitting down. "Kind of, but not really." Archibald said, as Takashi put his hand over Archibald.

"These games aren't easy at all, right?" Takashi asked Archibald and he shook his head as he was sighing.

Takashi took his hands off Archibald as he decided to fight the Game Master for self defense. Either way he's been waiting to fight Takashi for a very long time.

Archibald punched Takashi in the stomach and dodged right after the first hit. They continued to fight for a short while with bare hands, both of them sweating at the scene.

"I suggest that seven, players, win." Archibald yelled at Takashi as he was gasping for air, as Archibald yelled.

"That's a huge big deal coming from a king role player." Takashi exclaimed as Archibald was gasping for air at the scene, taking a seat atlas.

Taskashi was out of air once the fight ended, Archibald was taking a break from it when he backed off. "If it weren't for you and your new technology, none of this wouldn't happened."

Takashi was glaring at Archibald as he said that, he snorted and leaned into the hallway sofa. "Listen, Archibald. You're very skeptical of this right now, but it's the kings duty to do so, a villain."

Archibald rolled his eyes knowing he's being lectured again, he sat up and started walking away without notice. Takashi went after him but it was too late.

Archibald was already by the humanhoid players room, Takashi sighed and went beside him. "It isn't easy being the real life villain, but I assure you that everything will be okay in the end."

Archibald looked up at Takashi when he said those words and looked back down. "Wise words coming from a thoughsand year old werewolf." Archibald said in a pissed tone as Takashi was calming down.

Archibald finally entered his player role machine to go back in the game, after all it's still sunrise. Takashi sighed and walked away.