
Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

"The world is your lemonade, within your lemon veins, and your heart's a lemon grenade." Awakened to the future where humanity is a rare flower amongst many bioengineered demi-human developed by an underground civilization, in order to survive the calamity brought by none other than the above. Ironically, an Angel was supposed to be a sign of hope and purity, not brutal massacre and destruction. It starts with a feeble soul being chosen by two shady entities who speak nonsense and then brought to the body of woman with a weird name. Lacking any proper knowledge and common sense of the new world, it's the time to learn how to do spells and formation! People deem magic as a superstition of false input to the human brain, but here? Magic is a scientific phenomenon that was made into reality by one of the noble pantheons, giving the rebels of fate a chance to send a gigantic middle-finger sharp clear to the sky. Using the Mana Sea within one's body, they can develop a path to glory and immortality to usurp the throne we call life. Expand the miniature realm of your mana depository to research Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb, and many other powerful discoveries within hidden realms with great secrets to uncover! But magic alone is not enough, you need to gather allies, develop your own blade, and enrich your dopamine in the face of danger. So rejoice, as the only way to survive this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity and the future danger for thee who's wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis. — The one of a kind Second-Person Pov, ready to give you a seat to an action packed and emotional rollercoaster. A brand new experience, to a colorful memory. Become Long Leggy, and venture the broken world with no clear information given, with some slick reference and comedy thrown along the way. The cover belongs to its rightful owner, the sauce is in "General Info." — Unused to read second person pov and still reluctant? Read "Enter Me! The Skillionaire Says In Parentheses"

Yokoyokai · Fantasy
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99 Chs

General Info

Chapters will be published randomly at times, on some occasion I will update more than that so who knows if I had a change of heart as I also need fuel to write this. It was a hobby mostly. It was supposed to be 4 chapters minimum but expectations doesn't meet with reality and damn I'm busy.

Update: Chaotic schedule for now, will be normal after some following weeks.

50 powerstone: 1 extra chapters by the end of the week.

100 powerstone: 2 extra chapters by the end of the week.

300 powerstone: 3 extra chapters by the end of the week.

The amount of the original minimum chapters will be raised each time this books get 1500 collections. So more readers: More chapters. Heh, I did this because I'm sure not many will read it.

Again, it was called "Minimum (numbers)" for reason because I might ended up publishing more chapters per week than usual. So I'm actually doing this for self motivation because passion isn't enough to publish chapters everyday.

The story pace might be a lot slower at the beginning but it will gradually increase throughout the story!

English is not my first language so be sure to expect some kind of imperfection within my glorious buttcheeks. Feel free points out anything uncanny because I'm a published-editing maniac.

Oh, and if you by any chance finding out that this book belongs in Male-Lead category it was because this book have more action, power growth, and world building in which where I'm not seeking a reader who are expecting some romance-heavy story. It does have a romance sub-plot but it will comes veryyy late on the story.

Main Tags:

Second Person POV: This story will be narrated with you as the protagonist. I rarely found this kind of pov on any kind of platform (Except fanfic), probably because it was unnatural and hard to do an original long story with it. You will not get used to it at first but be fret not, as I shall hymn the glimmers of truth to your pedestal! Jk Jk, I'm still learning. Although I did ended up using all the three pov for more familiarity in different scenarios.

Female Main Protagonist: Guess it counts as gender bender if the reader is a male, huh. Should I add genderbender tag? Nah, it won't affect the story. Beside, 12.000 years in the void already corroded her memories whether she was formerly a female or male.

Yuri: Yes.

Sci-fi: This might be weird but I have the urge to add this because of how I lead the story lately. Not that futuristic sci-fi, I'm taking the "Science" so expect some of that stuff.

Kingdombuilding: Will happens much much later, otherwise why would this novel is called "Queen of the Apocalypse."?

R18: There is gore and there will be lenny. Not the main focus but it was included.


Extra info

The MC herself had some questionable background and history within this universe but you will uncover them slowly throughout the interaction between the one who knows the old her before the readers who started to reside within her boob— body.

Oh yeah, I will also do some switch pov both style and character following the development of the story if necessary, so I will also include three-person pov and first-person pov depending on the scenario I'm trying to convey. [Yksi] will be the indication that the chapter will be written in first person pov, and [Kolme] chapter will be a third person pov.

There is an Extra Story on the end of the first volume, it was written by another author which will be related to the future plot.

This book is contracted but I'm not gonna lock it below 100, atleast 80 is the minimum because my friend and I are reminiscing the time where older original books have atleast more than 80 free chapters to be locked, it was a hassle to wait for that fast pass so I don't want mine to be like that. Beside, 40 free chapters isn't enough to deem if it was worth the coins or not.

And if you need any general information, feel free to comment on this page and ask me anything. Although I will refrain myself from spoiling you folks with anything that has not been published.