
Chapter 67: Hair-Raising Auditory Hallucinations

Lin Yi took a heavy step forward.

As he moved, Lin Yi's entire world seemed to be on the verge of collapse. He knew his vision was finally failing him. In a shattered world of light, shadow, and warped greys, maintaining normal sight was proving to be incredibly difficult.

Without ceasing, he reminded himself, "I am a student, my name is Lin Yi, my Student ID card number is X0230506098," focusing all his attention on the 'Dormitory building-096' lamppost.

With each step, it felt as though he engaged a gear.

The turning gear moved the jigsaw that made up the world, causing the lamppost in front of him to unfold like a blooming flower, along with its base and the Cobblestone beneath, until the whole world seemed to lose its X, Y, Z axes, turning into a lump of limp dough.

Moving through the world felt like trudging through a swamp, each step extraordinarily strenuous.