
An Villain's POV

NOTICE [ SEND 1 CASTLE, I'LL SEND 20 CHAPTERS] __ What is a villain? Is anyone born a villain? The answer is — no. A villain is made by their circumstances. Society is the one that creates villains. It’s pretty straightforward. These concepts are familiar to many, but does anyone care? No one does. As long as someone is benefiting from something or someone, it doesn’t matter to them what harm or anguish they are causing others. But then again, it doesn’t matter. Everyone perceives things from their own standpoint, believing themselves to be right and judging others accordingly. Everything is a matter of perspective. No one is inherently evil or angelic. We are the ones who decide what’s wrong and what’s right. This story explores that mindset. He is the one who is forced to become a villain in everyone’s eyes—a villain who, from his own perspective, isn’t evil. A villain who doesn’t care about others’ perspectives. This is a villain’s point of view. ~~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMERS-- This story follows the trend Villain's are not born but made—making the character development and story where there will be a motivation given to MC for his actions. I want to deal with emotional state of MC and give him a valid reason to be a villain, it's slow paced but immersive. You can try first chapter and based on that you would become aware about what writing style the whole first Volume will follow. Read now

Avi_Lekhak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Fountain Of Blood [4]



At that moment, more than ten soldiers rushed toward Eren.

But this time, Eren stepped back without hesitation.

Because the aisle was narrow, there was only enough space for three people to stand side by side.

Then suddenly, Eren stopped retreating because a thunderous shout came from behind him.

"Kill them all!"

"Wipe it away!"

More than twenty gladiators came rushing in, led by Gletch and Yutalo holding swords.

This time, it was not Eren who took a step back, but the overwhelmed soldiers.

"Hey, retreat first!"

As the soldiers ran away, Eren started running again.

Yutalo, who had just arrived, clicked his tongue at the scene unfolding at the exit.

It only took a few seconds to rejoin Eren.

However, both iron doors were wide open, and several soldiers were lying down.

As Yutalo watched Eren quickly leading the way, he had a vague thought that they might be able to escape from here.

Right then, Eren, who was about to go outside, suddenly stopped and shouted, pointing to the training warehouse.

"Everyone, raise your shields!"

At his shout, the gladiators went into the warehouse and came out with wooden swords and shields for training.

Although it was not a blade, it could still be a weapon sufficient to kill a gladiator.

"I'm going!"

As expected, Eren took the lead this time.

The moment he left for the training ground, an arrow fired from the second-floor terrace flew towards Eren's back as if it had been waiting.

Eren could feel it, the energy of an arrow flying against the flow of air. Eren put pressure on his toes and twisted his body to run. The three arrows narrowly missed him.

On the second-floor terrace, three or four archers had just finished preparing.

If given more time, their numbers would double.

There were no stairs going up from the first floor of the training center to the second floor of the main building.

This was to prevent gladiators from accessing the second floor.

In the end, the only way to get to the second floor was through the main gate surrounded by layers of iron bars.

But Eren thought differently.

He put the short sword on his belt and ran straight to where the training log was.

The gladiators who came out mercilessly beat the soldiers who had been chased out and blocked the archers' arrows with their shields.

Eren lifted the longest log and ran back toward the terrace.

"Stop him!"

The archers fired arrows, but they were no threat to Eren, who was hiding behind the log.


Eren lifted the log he was carrying with all his might and placed it on the floor of the second-floor railing.

And without a moment of hesitation, he stepped lightly on top of the log as if doing an aerial stunt, climbed up, and then jumped.


This would not have been possible without an excellent sense of balance and determination.

Eren, who went up to the second-floor terrace, quickly cleared out the archers with the short sword he had at his waist and ran inside.

The gladiators could only watch in amazement as Eren moved, reminiscent of a butterfly. No one dared to step on the log and climb up to the high second floor.


At that time, the heavy iron door at the main entrance to the training center opened, and elite soldiers fully armed in gray armor began to file in.

The blue blade and spear blade reflected in the light, making them frown.

The gladiators who took over the training ground swallowed dryly and watched.

"Half of them, block the entrance as much as possible so they can't get in, and half pile up logs!"

The gladiators, who came to their senses at Yutalo's shout, retrieved the weapons of the dead soldiers and reorganized their battle lines.

Some people put down their weapons and began stacking logs in front of the second-floor railing.

"Let's show the true power of gladiators! Let's all fight to the death!



The morale of the gladiators soared at Gletch's roar.

* * *

At the same time,

Dang dang dang!

Altanic woke up to the sound of the alarm and saw the supervisor hurriedly opening the door and coming in.

He had scars etched all over his body like tattoos and was wearing light armor and dual swords on his back.

"What the hell is the fuss about!"

Altanic asked, sitting on the bed with an annoyed expression on his face.

There was a female servant in the bed, as if she had fainted.

"Master! You must escape now."

"Escape? Where and from whom should I?"

"A gladiator rebellion broke out under the leadership of Gletch."

Altanic, who had a bewildered expression on his face, tilted his head and muttered,

"Gletch? Gletch isn't that kind of guy…."

He stood up, poured the entire water bottle on the desk, and shouted as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Are they close the underground entrance?!"

"That's right. They've already reached the first floor."

After hesitating for a moment, the supervisor answered in an awkward tone, and Altanic's face contorted grimly.

"Oh my, crazy! What about the soldiers? What were they doing?"

"All the management soldiers are dead, and I just sent in the elite soldiers from the detached building. But just in case, master, let's go here first."


Altanic slammed the desk as if he couldn't take it anymore.

What was important to him now was not issues such as safety.

He was even more angry that he had been humiliated as a city manager.

"Escape is a piece of cake! Hmph! I'm going to the podium! These bastards are worse than dogs! I fed them and put them to sleep, and then they dare betray me? I have to see their end for myself. You bastards! How did I raise them!"

"It's dangerous. They may have come up to the second floor."

"Hmph! What bastards!"

Even though he said that, Altanic felt a little uneasy.

After listening to what the supervisor said, he had a vague idea that they might have gone up to the second floor.

They made it through the first floor, but he wonder if they can't climb up to the second floor.

However, it is impossible to lose face and run away. Then he suddenly remembered Tripolas, who was currently staying in the annex.

"Anyway, what about Captain Bhatia?"

"I put the message in a separate box, so he will arrive soon."

At his words, Altanic sighed in relief. And he took the lead and went out to visit.

"Well then, there's nothing to worry about! Take the lead!"

"Still, you should avoid it first…."

When the supervisor tried to stop him, Altanic got irritated and roughly pushed him away.

"Hey! Get out of the way! You stupid bastard! It's because the man is so frustrating."

As soon as he left the door, what he saw in front of him was, absurdly, a boy standing with blood all over his body and holding a short sword.

"Hey! What is that guy? How did he get up here?"

Altanic flinched and took a step back.

Only then did the supervisor, who confirmed Eren's presence, come out of the room with a frown on his face.

"Please step back, master."

He stepped in front of Altanic, took out the dual swords on his back, and glared at Eren.

Empty eyes and facial expressions whose thoughts cannot be read.

Altanic didn't even feel a presence.It looked like it was standing there helplessly, but strangely enough, loopholes were not easily visible.

"Could it be… you planned this?"

Marku's tone had suddenly turned cold.

The panicked appearance that had appeared up to now suddenly disappeared, and a ferocious murderous spirit began to cover everywhere.

As his muscles bulged, the scars covering his entire body wriggled as if they were alive.

But Eren still looked at the two people in turn with an indifferent expression.

Then he slowly opened his mouth to the supervisor.

"Get out of the way…unless you want to die."