
An Unplanned First Love

Joanna is a freshman at university and she has never been in love, which suits her just fine since she wishes to focus on her career. Unfortunately, she quickly falls in love with not just one but two other students. Will she focus on her studies and become the world renowned scientist she longes to be or will she give into her heart's desires?

ElTheGhostWriter · Teen
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19 Chs

Chapter 18 - Married life

Koresh drove up to Sherman's house at the coast. Joanna got out of the car and looked upon the house. It was bigger than she had expected, and more sand colored too. She didn't know until she saw it, but she had imagined the house as made of either wood or cement, but it was in fact primarily built of sandstone.

Sherman walked up to her and lifted her into his arms, "what do you think?" He asked as Joanna gasped for air and swung her arm around his neck to keep herself steady.

"It looks great from here," she smiled and wondered if she would have her own office, or if there perhaps was a library. She had always wanted a big library in her own home.

"Just wait till you see the terrace," Sherman walked down the path to the front door and struggled to open it with Joanna still in his arms. "It's turned towards the sea, and there is a pool as well. You enjoy swimming if I'm not mistaken?"

Joanna laughed at his attempt to open the door but didn't suggest putting her down as she enjoyed his efforts. "I do. It's so refreshing after a long day."

"Then you might consider taking a swim when the sun sets. It's a wonderful experience."

"I hoped you have a swimsuit in this house then," Joanna said.

Sherman chuckled, "but of course I have. Everything has been prepared for your arrival. Now... Allow me to show you around," Sherman suggested still carrying her in his arms. "Koresh will carry the bags in for us."

"Do I have a choice?" Joanna lifted her eyebrows suggestively.

Sherman looked to be considering the question for a moment before he looked into her eyes and said, "you know, no I don't think you do actually. Alas, it shall be my great pleasure to show the queen her newest castle!"

Joanna rolled her eyes at his goofiness; she had never expected him to be so serious one moment and silly the next. To be true, she had never really considered what he would be like in real life when she had seen him in movies and plays earlier. She felt bad that she had never considered him as another person outside of his job, but of course, he was. It would perhaps be most interesting to get to know him like this, she thought, as he carried her through the kitchen, the living room, the office, and the cozy little library, she had hoped would be there.

"I think we will save the pool for later – the view is better in the light of the sunset," he explained as he opened another door, "but first, let me show you… the master bedroom." He pushed the door open and walked in.

The bedroom wasn't as big as most of the other rooms in the house. It was centered around a big bed with heavy pillows and duvets covering it, and the rest of the room was mostly empty, just a few comfy chairs, a wardrobe, and windows with room enough to sit in the sill of them.

Sherman walked over to the bed and placed her down on it. "Now, would you like to continue your nap or…" he paused and sat down on the bed beside her. "Perhaps use this bed for other purposes."

Joanna panicked for a moment, this wasn't late enough, and she had already experienced plenty for the day. "You know I think I have slept enough... I should read my homework."

Sherman didn't let the rejection bother him and instead smiled and got off the bed, "I will go get your bags."

Joanna finished her homework after four hours. Being worn out both mentally and physically she walked into the kitchen to grab a snack, even though she supposed it would be time for dinner.

Sherman was standing in the kitchen, when she walked in with his back to her, as he was holding his head over the stove. "Hmm, what smell is that?" she asked as a delicious smell hit her when she walked in the room. It reminded her of something spicy she had tasted once but she couldn't remember where or when.

"You have to wait to find out. The dinner will be ready in thirty minutes," he said and turned around with a smile. "The sun is setting, why don't you go enjoy the view."

Joanna went into the wardrobe where she found a nice maroon-colored bikini she easily slit into. The fit was perfect. She walked out on the terrace, where the sun gleamed both on the water of the sea and the pool. It looked like the pool extended all the way out into the sea and towards the place where it would meet the sun. She walked into the pool one step at a time, enjoying the feeling of clean, slight cold water against her legs, around her thighs, stomach, and chest. The water moved with her as she walked toward the edge to see the sunset over the sea. She felt her mind slowly refreshing and recalibrating to her new life. It might be for the better, she thought as she viewed the captivating, magic sight of the sunset.

She heard Sherman's footsteps behind her but could bear to turn away from the sunset.

"A glass of rosé dear wife?" he asked and held the glass out towards her.

"Thank you," she turned around and took the glass with a smile, "why don't you join me?" She suggested in a moment of impulsiveness.

"There is nothing I would rather do," he said, and Joanna realized that she was paying extra attention to his lips as he spoke. "However, I only have a few minutes before the food must be taken off the stove."

"A shame," she said, moving closer to him and reaching out for his tie.

Sherman stood up quickly, moving away from the pool, "oh no dearest, I can't allow you to destroy this suit." He laughed as he backed away and walked back into the house, leaving Joanna both annoyed and filled up with excitement and anticipation.

Perhaps she would take him up on his suggestion for the use of their bed this evening after all...