
An Unordinary Extra

"In a world where even the shadows have stories to tell, I discovered that the forgotten can wield the mightiest tales" ______________________ I, an ordinary reader of the world's greatest series, found myself entrapped in its world after a seemingly ordinary sleep. "Why am I in this goddamn world? Especially in the body of this guy?" I was now Class A's most overlooked figure—Arthur Nightingale. A magic swordsman who managed to rank 8 among the first years. A character no more than an extra. But I could live a nice life with the talent this body has and my own knowledge right? Or so I thought. "This was the only way," the voice said once more, "This was the only way she could be stopped." Who knew just how special Arthur Nightingale was and where this journey will take me... https://discord.gg/FK9GfrSjtb I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

WhiteDeath16 · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Mythical Creatures

Alastor Creighton's tutelage was everything I'd hoped for and more. His magical prowess was legendary, and I felt incredibly fortunate to be learning under his watchful eye.

After our initial training session, he'd generously shared additional details about basic five-circle spells and the elusive Laplace technique – knowledge invaluable for when we reached <White >-rank. Days had melted into each other at the Creighton estate, filled with shared training sessions with Rachel and an ever-deepening understanding of magic.

A sudden splash jolted me from my introspection. Water dripped down my face as I whipped my head around to glare at the culprit – Rachel, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. She tried to stifle a laugh, her cheeks puffing out momentarily before collapsing into a fit of giggles. "What's so funny?" I grumbled, wiping away the water.

"The look on your face!" she exclaimed, wiping a tear from her eye. "You always get so grumpy when I do that."

I sighed, forcing a smile. "Maybe a little," I admitted. My gaze, however, involuntarily drifted down, catching a glimpse of what her white robes dared to reveal. Seriously, I thought with a groan, did she have to look like a walking Greek goddess? Didn't she realise how difficult it was to keep my eyes from wandering where they shouldn't?

Unlike Cecilia, Rachel wasn't one for playful teasing, at least not that I'd noticed. Maybe her serious nature masked it."Are you heading out to the Kobold Sea tomorrow?" she asked, stretching languidly.

"It's definitely time," I replied. I needed to find a way to awaken my beast will.

"But wouldn't it be more productive to train here? You're learning from Alastor himself, one of the most powerful mages in the world!" She raised an eyebrow, a hint of protest in her voice.

"I crave a more volatile environment," I offered, masking my true purpose. "While Alastor's guidance has been invaluable, training in the wild will sharpen my senses in a different way."

Rachel pouted, her disappointment evident. Just then, Alastor's voice cut through the tension. "Arthur's right, Rachel," he said. "While I've offered what I can, facing the unknown will undoubtedly hone his instincts."

"But Father, can't you take my side for once?" she pleaded with a playful frown.

Alastor chuckled. "There's always next time, my dear. Speaking of which, the three of us will be having dinner together tonight. I would have loved to introduce you to Kathyln, but she's currently stationed at the Slatemark Empire's magic tower."

Kathyln Creighton, Rachel's older sister by seven years. A prodigy in her own right, a 7-circle mage, but overshadowed by Rachel's immense potential. With her Saintess Gift, Rachel possessed the potential to become a 9-circle mage, surpassing even her own father in the future.

Dinner at the Creighton manor called for a change of clothes. Although it was a small gathering, I wasn't about to show up looking like I'd just rolled out of bed. I activated the AR mirror in my room, its virtual projection allowing me to experiment with different outfits.

Sleek black, that was the answer. A crisp black shirt paired with a dark grey, spotted blazer – both tailored to perfection. Custom cufflinks added a touch of personal flair, glinting in the virtual light. To finish things off, a solid tie bar adorned with an obsidian die, a subtle statement piece.

Satisfied, I stepped out of my room, ready to face the evening.The Creighton manor was an imposing sight. Massive spires scraped the sky, a testament to the family's wealth and power. The guards, already alerted to my arrival, nodded respectfully as I approached. The automatic doors whooshed open, granting me entry. Following the familiar path, I made my way to the dining room, designed for intimate gatherings rather than grand banquets.

A long mahogany table stretched before me, adorned with a dazzling array of dishes that could feed a small army. At the head of the table sat Alastor Creighton, his regal bearing softened by a warm smile. Rachel, resplendent in a flowing sapphire dress, sat next to him, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Ah, Arthur, there you are!" boomed Alastor, his voice rich and welcoming. "Come, come, take a seat." He gestured towards the empty chair beside Rachel, and I felt a flicker of nervousness under their attentive gazes. Pushing past it, I strode towards the table, the plush chair sinking slightly beneath my weight.

The initial small talk flowed easily, filled with lighthearted conversation. Then, Alastor's gaze turned serious. "Arthur," he began, "tell me, what is your ultimate goal?"Rachel's blue eyes, mirroring her father's sudden seriousness, locked onto mine. My true goal – a simple life in a peaceful world – felt woefully inadequate in this grand setting. But this world was far from peaceful, and strength seemed to be the only true currency. With a sigh, I voiced the answer that felt most appropriate."To become strong," I replied. "The strongest, if possible."

Alastor's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Rachel's jaw dropped slightly, her expression a mix of awe and disbelief.

"Ambitious, aren't we?" Alastor chuckled. "There are many powerful mages out there, Arthur. Even among your peers, there are those who have surpassed you." I knew who they were. Lucifer Windward, Ren Kagu, and Jack Blazespout, the main antagonist of this novel, were all stronger than me at the same age as me, especially Lucifer and Jack.

Alastor threw me a curveball. "Speaking of strength," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "do you know the history behind the very rank you aspire to achieve – the <Radiant >-rank?"

"Actually, I do," I surprised myself by saying, stepping up to the challenge. "The Radiant rank came about after we figured out a way to surpass the limitations of the beast-based star mana evolution method. We condensed the equivalent of seven to nine stars into the Ascendant and Immortal ranks."

Alastor nodded, a flicker of approval in his eyes. "Indeed. But do you know what sparked the idea of going beyond the nine-star limit in the first place?"

This one stumped me. "The desire for more power, I guess?" I admitted, unsure if that was the full answer. The novels hadn't delved into this specific detail.

Alastor's smile widened. "Close," he said. "The key lies in mythical creatures – dragons, phoenixes, qilins, and basilisks. These legendary beings transcended the nine-star limit simply by existing. They became the inspiration for the Radiant rank."

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And the first emperor of the Slatemark Empire, Julius Slatemark, played a pivotal role. He managed to bond with a qilin, an incredible feat that provided the foundation for the new mana evolution method we use today."

Rachel's jaw dropped. "A qilin?" she breathed, her voice filled with awe."Indeed," Alastor confirmed, his gaze flickering between us with a hint of amusement. "There's something particularly fascinating about these mythical creatures. A qilin is said to possess the ability to read fate itself, and the one it chooses as its master is believed to be destined for greatness – perhaps even ruling the world."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "Julius Slatemark, the first Radiant-rank mage, was certainly a capable leader. Tragically, his reign was cut short by demonic forces."A cold shiver ran down my spine. "So, you're saying a qilin chooses someone destined to rule?"

Alastor's eyes narrowed. "That's the prevailing theory," he replied.Unease gnawed at me. The novels hadn't delved into why Lucifer was chosen by a qilin, everyone just assumed it was his raw talent. But what if it was something more? What if the qilin simply recognized the potential for world domination within him? And what did that mean for me? Would a qilin ever appear before me, or was my fate sealed by another's destiny?

A flicker of curiosity sparked in Rachel's eyes. "What about the other creatures, Father?" she inquired. "Dragons, phoenixes – anything you can tell us?"Alastor chuckled, scratching his head thoughtfully. "Well, dragons… you might be familiar with Tiamat, the legendary dragon affiliated with the Viserion family in the South. Dragons are said to possess an affinity for all elements, making them true masters of magic. Phoenixes, on the other hand, boast the incredible ability to be reborn from even the smallest fragment of their essence. And as for basilisks… well, their power thrives in death and decay itself." He paused, considering his words. "In terms of raw strength, dragons are undoubtedly the top contenders, while basilisks are generally considered the weakest. However, the debate rages on regarding the relative power of qilins and phoenixes. Some believe qilins hold the edge, while others maintain they're evenly matched."

"Enough talk of fate and mythical beasts for one night," he declared. "Let's focus on the present and raise a toast to new beginnings, to Arthur's journey, and to the bonds of friendship that unite us."

As the final embers of the fire cast long shadows across the room, Alastor stretched with a yawn, his eyes crinkling with fatigue. "Well, this has been a delightful evening," he said, pushing himself up from the table. Alastor's gaze then shifted to Rachel, who was gazing intently at me, a flicker of unspoken yearning in her eyes. He cleared his throat, his gaze locking with mine.

"Arthur," he began, his voice surprisingly serious, "I have a question."

"Yes?" I asked, surprised by the intensity of his gaze."Lucifer will be accompanying you to the Kobold Sea, is that right?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

Alastor hummed thoughtfully, his expression unreadable for a moment. Then, his gaze flicked back to Rachel, a mischievous glint sparking in his eyes. "How about we add one more person to that little expedition?"

My eyes widened in surprise, and I glanced at Rachel, who mirrored my expression, her jaw slightly slack from shock. The idea of having her accompany me wasn't unwelcome – she was a top-notch 4-circle mage, and her magical expertise would be invaluable.

"I'd be happy to have her join, if she's willing," I replied, trying to mask my surprise.A satisfied smile spread across Alastor's face.

"Oh, she's willing alright. Just be sure to keep an eye on her," he added, his voice hardening slightly. A playful glint flickered in his eyes, but there was a hint of paternal protectiveness that sent a shiver down my spine.

Ah, of course. Alastor, the quintessential overprotective father, how could I forget?

I will try to update 2 chapters daily till 23th April as I have my exams from then on, then I'll be updating a few times a week. Please keep supporting me with power stones and comments!

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