
An Unordinary Extra

"In a world where even the shadows have stories to tell, I discovered that the forgotten can wield the mightiest tales" ______________________ I, an ordinary reader of the world's greatest series, found myself entrapped in its world after a seemingly ordinary sleep. "Why am I in this goddamn world? Especially in the body of this guy?" I was now Class A's most overlooked figure—Arthur Nightingale. A magic swordsman who managed to rank 8 among the first years. A character no more than an extra. But I could live a nice life with the talent this body has and my own knowledge right? Or so I thought. "This was the only way," the voice said once more, "This was the only way she could be stopped." Who knew just how special Arthur Nightingale was and where this journey will take me... https://discord.gg/FK9GfrSjtb I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

WhiteDeath16 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Mid-Terms II

The practical exams at Mythos Academy fully used dungeons. The ranking was determined not only by how quickly they cleared the dungeon but also by its difficulty, as not every student faced the same challenges. After all, the disparity between the first-ranked and the one hundredth-ranked first-year students was immense.

Typically, there were two tiers of dungeons: <Silver >-rank and <Yellow >-rank. However, Lucifer's existence necessitated the use of <White >-rank dungeon reserved for upper-years. The classification was based on the amount of mana measured within the dungeons, thanks to sophisticated devices. These devices could also measure the mana of individuals, with the limit being the peak of <Immortal >-rank. This meant that the mana of <Radiant >-ranks was considered immeasurable.

Dungeons, a staple of fantasy worlds, also found their place in this realm. Massive and intricate, dungeons resembled underground ecosystems. The majority of dungeons had been cleared by the world's inhabitants, leading to the closure of guilds after the civil war.

Although the remaining dungeons were already conquered, they were kept intact for training purposes. The dungeon before us was a multi-layered complex, with the academy installing artificial walls to create separate tiers. This design aimed to facilitate student training within distinct difficulty levels.

World rankings were maintained for everyone, including <Radiant >-ranks. Interestingly, the classification for beasts slightly differed from that of humans, elves, and dwarves because they utilized mana in a distinct manner. Beasts stored mana in 'stars,' a method used centuries ago before being replaced by the core method.

The strength of both the stars and core method was equal up to 6 stars and <Integration >-rank. However, the last three stars (7 to 9) equated to <Ascendent > and <Immortal >-ranks. Beasts couldn't reach the equivalent of <Radiant >-rank using the star method because there was no 10-star category. Beasts that did achieve such ranks transcended, much like those using the core method.

Furthermore, the relative strength of beasts was considered weaker due to the use of the star method, even with their greater physical prowess.

For simple use though, for beasts under 7-stars, people mentally clubbed them to ranks used by the sapient species since that made an easier comparison, which is what I had also done.

But that would be incorrect to do beyond 7-star.

'Not like such powerful beasts would be produced by the VR right now,' I thought. Even a 6-star beast, despite the lower relative strength, would be enough to destroy Lucifer, Ren and Rachel together.

We are far from that level.

Each level up was very significant. 

"Everyone, form a line according to your ranks!" Nero announced as the one hundred students formed a singular line from one to hundred.

At the forefront stood Lucifer, with me positioned between Seraphina and Luke, the top student from Class 1-B.

"Alright, everyone, please pay close attention as safety always comes first."

Gathering our focus, the professor, stationed by the portal, began explaining the details of the upcoming practical exam for midterms.

"Behind me is the dungeon designated for your practical exam. This dungeon is exclusive to our academy..."

Pausing to gauge the attention of the students, the professor continued,

"For your practical assessment, passing is as simple as reaching the other side of the dungeon. Just crossing over is considered a pass."

"However, your grade will be based on two criteria."

Raising two fingers, the professor adopted a more serious tone.

"The time taken to reach the end and the number of monsters you defeat will determine your grade. Each extra monster defeated earns you an additional point, with due consideration to the monsters' strength."

"Additionally," his eyes gleamed, "You also get points for eliminating fellow students." This caused many students to gasp from shock but they were able to soon realise the importance.

In the future, it will be important to fight against fellow humanoid beings as well, not just mana beasts.

"We, the professors, will supervise to ensure safety. In the event of our intervention, points will be deducted."

"Now, your current mana rank will be checked for proper assignment," another professor announced, revealing an orb-like device.

Why is it that fantasy novels always feature orb devices for measuring mana?

Regardless, this device gauges mana rank progress by measuring the purity of mana, providing an excellent indicator of one's advancement in mana rank.

"Lucifer Windward," Nero announced, prompting the tall boy to step forward. He placed his hand on the podium's orb.

"Infuse your mana," Nero instructed, and Lucifer complied without hesitation.

The orb, designed to display the color of the person's mana core, served as a convenient tool for everyone except those at <Integration >-rank and above. Despite this limitation, it proved quite handy.

The orb transitioned from black to a milky white hue, revealing Lucifer's mana rank as <White >.

In the hierarchy of <White >-rank, the 'stages' were determined by the volume of the mana core. Less volume was preferable, indicating successful integration into the body.

"Proceed to the <White >-rank dungeon," Nero declared with a stoic expression. I couldn't help but click my tongue at Lucifer's luck.

Being the sole occupant at <White >-rank meant he wouldn't have to contend with other students as they were in different dungeons. Well, for him, they would likely be nothing more than free points anyway.

Subsequently, every student underwent their mana rank check, queuing up for their respective dungeons.

As expected, Lucifer stood alone in the <White >-rank dungeon. Surprisingly, eight students qualified for the <Silver >-rank dungeon. Everyone from Class 1-A other than Lucifer including me and Class 1-B's Rank 1, Luke.

The remaining ninety-one students found their place in the three stages of the <Yellow >-rank dungeons, distributed accordingly.

'The only hiccup now is that <<Saga of the Divine Swordsman>> predominantly portrayed the story from Lucifer's viewpoint. As a result, I lack information about the layout of the <Silver >-rank dungeon.'

All I recall from other students' perspectives is Lucifer's sweeping victory over every first-year, thanks to his dominance in the <White >-rank dungeon. However, he fell short of defeating the boss solo.

The spatial portal before us promised to teleport us to random coordinates within the dungeon. Naturally, the teachers meticulously checked to ensure we didn't end up stuck in walls or surrounded by beasts from the outset.

"Silver-ranks, off you go," the Class 1-B professor cheerfully announced as the seven of us entered the dungeon one by one.

The world around me began to twist as the very fabric of space manipulated itself. Space mana contorted reality, crushing the distance between me and the target coordinates and causing me to materialize there.

I crashed to the ground, my body feeling unusually heavy in this first encounter with portals. After taking a few deep breaths, I managed to get back on my feet.

'They're really leaving us to our own devices,' I thought as I surveyed my surroundings. True to dungeon form, stone walls enclosed me. However, the walls' strength was deceiving.

Dungeon walls were heavily fortified with mana, a necessity given that they housed several <Silver >-rank beings.

With utmost care to minimize mana usage and sound, I navigated through the dungeon.

It didn't take long before I encountered my first foes.

Horned rats. Yes, horned rats—feeble 1 to 2-star beings. I regarded them with mild disgust before incinerating them with a 2-circle fire spell.

'I can't afford to waste mana,' I reminded myself. Maintaining peak condition was crucial for facing the real threats.

My objective was to steer clear of Ren, Rachel, and Ian, as I wasn't prepared to face them yet. Jin and Seraphina were non-combatants in my plans, although the latter's stance was questionable. Regardless, I was confident I could defeat her if the need arose. Cecilia posed a moderate threat, especially in tight corridors like the one I currently navigated.

I continued through the dungeon, dispatching weak creatures while conserving as much mana as possible.

"How much longer do you plan on tailing me?" I remarked, halting in my tracks. The person behind me mirrored my action, the stiffness evident in their stance.

Turning around, I found myself face to face with Luke Orden.

Luke Orden, heir to Marquis Orden of the Slatemark Empire, and more notably...

The one who ascended to Class 1-A Rank 8 after the midterms, surpassing Arthur—the character I replaced in the novel.

Certainly, I wasn't going to let that storyline play out with me in the picture.

"As expected, you noticed," Luke admitted, his expression remaining stoic as his hand casually rested on the hilt of his blade.

"How could I not notice a stalker?" I retorted, completing my turn.

He simply shrugged, a man of few words, it seemed.

"Are you tailing me because I'm the weakest?" I inquired.

"Yes," came his almost instant response, eliciting a slight furrow of annoyance on my brow. Truth or not, it was irksome.

"Then, let's put it to the test, Luke," I declared, adopting a combat stance.

[4-circle spell: God Flash].