
An Unordinary Extra

"In a world where even the shadows have stories to tell, I discovered that the forgotten can wield the mightiest tales" ______________________ I, an ordinary reader of the world's greatest series, found myself entrapped in its world after a seemingly ordinary sleep. "Why am I in this goddamn world? Especially in the body of this guy?" I was now Class A's most overlooked figure—Arthur Nightingale. A magic swordsman who managed to rank 8 among the first years. A character no more than an extra. But I could live a nice life with the talent this body has and my own knowledge right? Or so I thought. "This was the only way," the voice said once more, "This was the only way she could be stopped." Who knew just how special Arthur Nightingale was and where this journey will take me... https://discord.gg/FK9GfrSjtb I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

WhiteDeath16 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Elder Dark Treant

An Elder Treant.

The Elder Treant loomed before us, a colossal figure rooted deep within the earth. Its bark, weathered and gnarled, stretched like ancient armor, adorned with moss and vines that whispered secrets of centuries past. Branches, thick as oak trunks, reached skyward, crowned with foliage that rustled with an otherworldly wisdom.

Its presence commanded reverence, an embodiment of nature's might and majesty. Each step it took resonated with the weight of ages, shaking the very ground beneath us.

"It's a 5-star beast, just like the Thunderclaw Griffin," I muttered, noting the similarity in classification but recognizing the vast gulf in power between them. While the Thunderclaw Griffin ranked low among its peers, the Elder Treant stood near the zenith, poised for ascension to 6-star status through the consumption of dark magic beasts.

Thick roots surged from the earth towards us, prompting swift retaliation. Rachel's light lance seared those nearing her, while my flames incinerated those threatening me. Yet, many Howlers found themselves ensnared by the treacherous tendrils.

The Elder Treant seized its prey, dragging them closer before consuming them with a grotesque crunch of bones. Rachel's complexion paled at the macabre spectacle.

It was feeding on the Howlers, dark magic beasts, to fuel its evolution. However, its arrival was premature, and my attempts to contact Lucifer remained fruitless.

"Focus Rachel," I said to her, snapping her out of her daze as I prepared myself. I can't hold back nearly as much as I thought against this beast.

Goosebumps prickled across my skin, warning of another assault. With a swift leap, I soared into the air, weaving a path with wind magic to evade the incoming attacks.

Amidst the evasion, I conjured the 4-circle spell: Flame Lance, directing it towards the Elder Treant. Its foliage rustled as it erected a barrier of roots to deflect my onslaught. Though my spell breached several layers, it failed to reach the creature within.

Yet, a brilliant lance of light followed, piercing through the root defenses and striking the Elder Treant. Its stoic silence belied the potency of Rachel's spell. The Elder Treant boasted formidable attributes: high attack and defense coupled with mobile roots for offense.

A formidable adversary, indeed.

As the skirmish unfolded, the battlefield crackled with elemental energy. Roots surged from the earth, seeking to ensnare us, but we danced between them, our movements fluid and precise.

I unleashed a barrage of spells, each one aimed with precision, only to be met by the Elder Treant's resilient defenses. Flames licked at its bark, while bolts of lightning crackled against its foliage, yet the ancient being stood firm.

Rachel's light magic illuminated the fray, her spells weaving through the chaos with grace and determination. Each lance of light struck true, piercing through the Elder Treant's barriers with a blinding radiance.

Yet, for every blow we landed, the Elder Treant retaliated with equal ferocity. Its roots lashed out like whips, forcing us to dodge and weave with agility born of necessity. Each strike carried the weight of centuries, threatening to overwhelm us with sheer force alone.

"The beast is holding back," I observed, noting its measured responses to our attacks. "We could end this now, but... I need to wait for Lucifer and ensure its evolution."

Just as I pondered our next move, thunderous booms reverberated around us, heralding the arrival of two powerful entities locked in combat. One clearly dominated the other, its prowess evident even from a distance.

A shadowy figure skidded into view as another landed beside us.

Tall and imposing, with shimmering blonde locks and piercing emerald eyes, stood Lucifer Winward. Despite minor injuries, he exuded an aura of superiority.

"Lucifer!" Rachel gasped, astonished by his sudden appearance. Across from him stood his adversary, the Shadow Leopard, a 5-star beast. Clearly worse for wear, it trembled from the injuries inflicted by Lucifer.

"Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Had to deal with a few 5-star pests," Lucifer chuckled, his nonchalance belying the gravity of his accomplishments. Unlike their real-world counterparts, Shadow Leopards didn't coexist peacefully, meaning Lucifer had vanquished several before encountering this one.

Our attention snapped back to the present as the Elder Treant seized the Shadow Leopard, devouring it in one swift motion.

"What in the world?" Lucifer exclaimed, drawing his sword in readiness. The Treant's unexpected action caught us off guard, save for my vigilant watch.

With a deafening roar, the Treant's leaves morphed from verdant green to a menacing shadowy purple hue.

It was evolving into the Elder Dark Treant.

The atmosphere crackled with energy as the Elder Treant underwent its transformation. Its towering form seemed to pulsate with dark power, tendrils of shadow intertwining with its branches like veins of corruption.

The once serene foliage now exuded an ominous aura, casting sinister shadows across the battlefield. Roots writhed and twisted, taking on a malevolent aspect as they dug deeper into the earth, anchoring the creature to its newfound strength.

With each passing moment, the Elder Dark Treant grew more imposing, its presence commanding the attention of all who beheld it. No longer bound by the constraints of its former self, it stood as a harbinger of darkness, ready to unleash its newfound might upon any who dared to challenge it.

"Stand back, Rachel, Arthur," Lucifer's voice carried a dangerous edge as he prepared to unleash his full power. His eyes gleamed with determination as he stepped forward, activating his Gift.

Ice and fire erupted from his being, a dazzling display of elemental mastery.

"Come at me," he challenged his opponent, launching himself into the fray with unparalleled ferocity.

As a 6-star beast, his adversary wielded ambient magic, but against Lucifer's <Yin-Yang Body>, such tricks held little sway. With wind magic aiding his movements, Lucifer deftly dodged incoming attacks while striking back with relentless precision.

But I couldn't stand idly by. With the gateway to the Qilin awaiting activation, I leaped into the fray alongside Rachel.

"We can't leave Lucifer alone, Rach," I declared, meeting her determined gaze before joining the battle.

Lucifer bore the brunt of the aggression, his unmatched prowess allowing him to go toe to toe with the 6-star beast. Meanwhile, Rachel and I focused on exploiting any weaknesses the creature revealed, chipping away at its defenses with every opportunity.

Amidst the chaos, I searched for the telltale signs of decay caused by the beast's dark magic, a crucial waypoint for our mission.

Using wind magic to maneuver through the air, I danced between attacks, evading vines and dodging globs of decaying darkness. At times, I wielded fire magic or my trusty sword to sever the tendrils that threatened to ensnare us.

In the heat of battle, elemental energies clashed and intertwined, painting the air with vibrant hues of fire, ice, and darkness. Lucifer moved with the fluid grace of a seasoned warrior, his every motion a testament to his mastery over his dual nature.

With each step, he left a trail of frost and flame, his power an awe-inspiring spectacle to behold. The 6-star beast, its form wreathed in shadowy tendrils, met his onslaught with equal fervor, its attacks a deadly dance of darkness and decay.

As Lucifer engaged the beast head-on, Rachel and I moved with synchronized precision, our movements a seamless blend of offense and defense. With wind magic propelling me through the air, I darted and weaved around the battlefield while Rachel supported me with her ranged light magic.

I unleashed torrents of fire, the flames licking hungrily at the beast's twisted form, while Rachel's light magic pierced through the darkness with blinding brilliance. Together, we sought out the creature's vulnerabilities, exploiting every opportunity to chip away at its defenses.

But the beast was relentless, its attacks coming fast and furious. Vines lashed out like whips, while globs of dark energy threatened to engulf us. Yet, with quick reflexes, I pressed on.

As decay-dark magic seeped from its roots, ravaging the forest around us, my senses honed in on the waypoint opening in the periphery. Seizing the opportunity, I prepared to make my move.

But I couldn't simply vanish mid-battle. With determination coursing through my veins, I unleashed my strongest attack: God Flash.

My body blurred with lightning as my sword sliced through the beast's roots, delivering a devastating blow to its form. The Elder Dark Treant roared in fury, retaliating with a powerful strike that sent me hurtling through the air.

I crashed to the ground beside the exposed waypoint, my body battered and broken. Despite the pain coursing through me, I knew time was of the essence. With blood staining my lips, I staggered to my feet, adrenaline lending me strength as I limped towards the shimmering blue sphere.

I reached out, fingertips grazing the surface of the waypoint just as space began to distort around me. With a final surge of determination, I leaped into the unknown, leaving the chaos of battle behind.