
Chapter 26

Next day I reach school around my first lecture timing because its my first day after vacation so, football practice hasn't started yet. I intentionally stopped my cab at some distance so, I could walk to school as it relaxes my mind (I learned from my trip). While I am walking, my mind as usual doing multi tasking and with this I mean my all sense are aware like I am hearing all sought of noises happening in the environment (including birds chirping, peddle sounds while walking, people speaking at distant), smelling each and every fragrance or stinking smells, seeing everything, feeling touch of wind and lastly my mind lost in thoughts.

I am just few meter away from school, but I am feeling as if someone is following me so, out of curiosity I turned back and come face to face contact with Erik.

Erik: Hey

Siya: Hey

We continued to walk toward the school plus we are talking too.

Erik: Hey I have planned a party, some of my friends are attending and you are coming too.

Siya: (eyes rolled) what kind of party it is?

Erik: Just a simple party, alcohol would be there and me too so that I could watch over you, what if you get highly drunk. And yeah you can also bring one of your friend too.

Siya: When this party will happen? (And I know whom can I ask to come with me for this party)

Erik: Tomorrow

Siya: Hmmm Okay

At the end of the conversation we reach in the school near the notice board where now a help desk is also there, here a girl is sitting who is giving new schedule to all of the student. So we too go and stand behind few students who are basically waiting for your their turn to take their schedule. While we wait for five minutes, then we took it and start studying it.

After this we move toward the canteen, Erik walk toward two boys and I stop in my ways to look in the whole canteen to see any of my friends so, that I could also go and sit with them because now Erik is going to be busy with his friends. Though, unfortunately Erik turn back and call my name,

Erik: Hey Siya, come here. Join me in with my friends

Siya: (hesitantly and nervous) Ummm no its fine, I can sit with my friends you can continue here with your friends.

Erik: (sternly and coldly, with rude eyes) come and sit.

Siya: Okay

I go and sit with him, then only I got a close look of both the boys. One with straight and silky hair plus honey brown eyes has dark complexion body but he is handsome and the other one is with curly and rough hair plus light brown eyes has wheat color complexion of body and he is also handsome. Now I got a proof that color complexion of body doesn't matter that much, ever person is beautiful in their own way.

My thought process get a break because of Erik voice, he begins with the introduction.

Erik: Siya this is Rhett (one with honey brown eyes) and Rhett this is Siya. And this is Troy (one with light brown eyes) Siya and Siya this is Troy.

Rhett & Troy: Hey

Siya: Hey

After this they trio start talking, I am feeling left out and getting bored so, I took out my phone from the jeans pocket and start playing game.

After the lunch break (around 2:30pm)

I am standing outside the canteen, I called Ketty to ask her to contact and meet me in here because I am thinking to ask her to join me for the party. After waiting for ten minutes probably, she come and we sit at the corner table. Here I initiated the conversation.

Siya: Hey want to join me for a party that Erik is hosting tomorrow?

Ketty: What kind of party it would be and who else is coming?

Siya: Alcohol party and may be drugs one too, though I am not sure about it. And except me all the one who are coming are his friends only.

Ketty: (excitedly) Cool. I would love to go there, we will enjoy together. And finally we would become adult by having drinks and all, this would surely be fine.

Siya: (unconfidently and somewhat nervous) I hope so, though I am not feeling this is right. I mean drinking and drugs I have never done it, though it excite me some way but what if what we do something wrong.

Ketty: Chill babes don't be stupid. We should live our lives for once and not to thinks negative always. We are going and enjoying tomorrow just let me know the details of the location.

Siya: Okay.

After the discussion we leave the school and reach home, I found whole house is in some kind of chaos. As I am stepping more and more into the house, following the shouting of the paternal Aunt and when I reached there I can see the broken box of dry fruits there with dry fruits spread on the floor plus she is crying and shouting as usual. Here, I just ignore it for now and go to my room and to fresh up.

During dinner time (at 8pm)

I started eating dinner father and mother, there she told me the whole matter which is basically "both mother and father having conversation on some issues but at some moment Aunt start speaking between them and here mother just told her to keep quite and not to speak when husband and wife are talking in a bit higher and stern voice. This infuriates Aunt she started nonsense and start throwing things."

After listening to this I felt like what kind of behavior is this, such things usually gives me a headache. In what kind of family I am leaving, I am just fed up of all this and sometimes I really wish to have a escape from such environments. However I finish my dinner and go to my room, check my phone for any kind of message or call and there is just one message from Erik which says about the party location and I replied him with a okay plus also told him one of my friend is coming too. Soon I forwarded the same message to Ketty and we decided the middle place where we both would be meeting and then reaching at the destination together. After setting everything for tomorrow I called it a night.

Next day me and Ketty met at the middle place where we choose to meet yesterday and then we both took a cab reached at the place where party is to be held and Ketty is very much excited to enter in the house. Well this place is more a kind of flat type from the outside, its look simple and we ring the bell (though internally I am freaking scared and nervous because I haven't told anyone about this especially about my family, what if they get to know or I got caught). Here, Erik opened the gate and when he see me, he excitedly drag me in and I smiled brightly but it is fake.

Though when we enter in the house, I quickly observed the area and the persons present here and there are five boys including Erik are present, except me and Ketty there are other girls but they all are wearing thongs plus there are both alcohol and drugs and trust me whole scene looks horrible disgusting as in I am in some kind brothel. After seeing this Ketty look at me once, we have an eye contact for seconds but thankfully she come to me and stand by my side she whispered in my ear something,

Ketty: This is not a normal party babes. I think we are stuck up here but don't worry I am here for you.

Siya: Thank you.

After like 10 minutes we both got settled and Erik started the party, though all his friends and even him look like pretty high but still they are doing it continuously doing. Soon he come near me and I start becoming nervous though Ketty's closeness relaxes me.

Erik: What you both would you like to have?

Ketty: We would like to have Vodka with cold drink.

Erik looked at me as if to confirm it with me and I just nodded in my head, he goes and start preparing the drink. Here I am just stuck in my own thoughts which are making me feel nervous and a scare of all the possible future scenarios. However, before I could think anymore Erik come with my and Ketty drinks and sit beside me on the other couch.

With drinks I am feeling a bit hesitation, nervous but excited too. So without having second doubts I start drinking it sip by sip and it taste bitter but I don't want these persons to look at me like, someone being spoil sport or someone who is being looser and always behave like a complaining box. However, I finished my drink pretty quickly and to my surprise it give me a boost of confidence and energy and with this I put the empty glass on the table, soon Ketty too kept it beside me. Erik looked into our eyes curiously

Erik: Want some more?

To my surprise I am the one who spoke in affirmation

Siya: Yeah bring it on.

Ketty: Me too, lets begin the fun

Erik grinned at us, bring one more glass, me and Ketty took it and grinned happily by looking at each other. Soon we both are four pegs down and I am feeling quite light headed as if there is no pressure on me and I am loving it. Though Ketty asked asking for some more and she is on the lap of one of the guy friend of Erik the doing nothing intimate but enjoying themselves. Soon I can feel Erik close to me, he sit beside me on the same cushion and may be because of light headed effect I leaned my head on his shoulder and it somehow felt comfortable. Though with my behavior he got stiff for some second but soon he got relaxed and he start saying something,

Erik: You know thanks to drinks or else in full consciousness you have never come close to me that too that much. I don't know why you hate me that much, sometimes I feel like to stop having no physical contact with you.

Siya: (Happily and smiling) Hmm you know I am feeling like flying without any emotional and mental pressure. Now I know this can be my escape from all the issues. Thank you.

Erik: (panic voice) What kind of issues, are you okay? Is everything alright?

Siya: (Total drunk) Thank you. Ketty where the hell are you come to me I want to cuddle with you.

Ketty: (Drunk and singing voice) O yeah Yeah I am coming to you my darling.

With this we (as in me and Ketty) both get up from our place and with lurk legs may be we walked towards each other and met in the center of the room where we hugged each other but we lost our balance and fall down, we laid there hugging each other.

May be I have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes next, I look in the surrounding and except Erik all of the huys are sleeping in the intimate position with those girls. And Erik is laying beside me but at safe distance and I am okay with it, Ketty is till hugging me and sleeping like a baby. Erik voice startled me.

Erik: You both should leave as its already evening and by leaving now you will reach home before night.

Siya: Okay and thank you.

With this I wake Ketty up, though we both are still feeling light headed but we leave from there and booked different cab for us. While waiting for the cab Ketty initiated the conversation,

Ketty: Thank you, I enjoyed a lot though initially the environment scared me but nothing goes wrong, these bad boys are quite gentleman. With this she laughed slightly.

Siya: Thanks to you too and yeah I thought same too.

And our cab come, while I am in the cab that is moving toward my house anxiety kicks into me but light headed kick it away. When I reached home I directly go to my room, go into the washroom brushed my teeth and a bath too, goes into the canteen where mom is. Though today also some kind of issue happened but it is not affecting me that much, I eat dinner early because I am feeling sleepy and after that I go back to my room write something in the diary. Finally after an hour I called it a night.