
An Unexpected Love Volume 2

Seven friends, seven different personalities. They work and play together, never actively searching for love. However, love comes when one least expects it to. Follow the love journey of these seven friends as they navigate their way through romantic and familial relationships, friendships, and everything else life throws their ways.<br><br>Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Falling for His Best Friend</strong>: Keenan and Pablo are reunited after years of being separated. They begin to hang out once again as friends, but they don’t expect for their feelings to grow deeper than mere friendships. Neither of them are aware of the other man’s feeling, and both men are unwilling to confess their feelings to each other at the risk of losing their friendship. Maybe it’s better this way ...<br><br><strong>Imperfect</strong>: David has had the worst crush on Tobias, but Tobias sleeps around too much. Tobias has been infatuated with David for years, but grows frustrated and furious after being repeatedly rebuffed. That’s why he enjoys arguing with David. It’s the only time David will pay any attention to him. Can the two men work through their issues and find their happily ever after with each other?<br><br><strong>Lunar New Love</strong>: Vincent Yang and Anthony Lim meet a couple of weeks before Lunar New Year. They’re instantly attracted to each other. However, their individual relationships with their respective families are already strained enough because of their sexual orientation. Will Vincent and Anthony’s burgeoning romantic relationship survive the disapproval of their families?

Casper Graham · LGBT+
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122 Chs

Chapter 42

“It’s my pleasure, and thank you for inviting me. Happy birthday again!”

Keenan also thanked Pablo’s mom before standing aside and waiting for Pablo to bid farewell to his parents. Then the two of them made their way out, hand-in-hand. The evening wasn’t completely smooth sailing, but he considered it a success overall. He had also thought of an incredible date idea that he wanted to implement the next time he met up with Pablo. He still owed Pablo one amazing date after ruining their first date together. He was determined to give Pablo a memorable date. Pablo would love it. At least he hoped so. 14