
An Underwordly Revenge

*** NOTICE *** This book will no longer be continued, so do not read it. If you are a writer and are looking for ideas, feel free to use it for reference or to continue its story.

Zedicus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Aeryn's eyes slowly opened, and he turned his head slightly to the left, surveying his surroundings. He noticed that he was in a dimly lit room which, unlike the other rooms and Chambers he saw, was lit by an actual candle rather than the ethereal-looking candles. There was a single table at the corner where the candle was placed, and the room seemed rather empty apart from the hard wood, which was supposedly a makeshift bed, on which he lay on.

As if just snapping back to his senses, he woke up with a startle as his hand quickly hovered over his chest, trying to discern whether he was alive or not.

"Master. You're finally awake." Said a feminine voice joyously. Out of a dark corner, Nyx immediately ran forward after seeing Aeryn wake up from his supposed sleep. She immediately sat on the bed and positioned her face directly infront his, staring happily like a kid who had just been treated to something nice.

Aeryn shifted a little backward as it was getting a little bit uncomfortable for him. If he was blushing, it wouldn't have been noticed due to the availability of little to no light. "Where are we?"

"Oh, we're in the servants quarters, or rather, the 'slaves' quarters. This is where the lowest of the demons reside. If you would compare them to your previous world, they'd be more like the beggers that usually plage the dark alleys." Nyx answered with a hint of disgust in her voice. She then rose from the bed and continued as she strode towards the wooden door of the room, "You were badly wounded from the earlier battle. I don't know how you survived a direct hit to the heart too, but after you passed out, I took you to the Queen and she healed your wounds and said to give you some time to rest. You've been out for quiet a few days. But she equally said as soon as you wake up, I should bring you to her." Then she opened the wooden door slowly.

Aeryn took a deep sigh as he slowly rolled our of the bed, "Right." He then wore his shoe and walked groggily towards the door. "Has she asked anything from you?" He asked Nyx.

"No she hasn't. She probably wanted to speak to you first before anything else. Surprisingly, she has been waiting in her throne room since the battle." Nyx replied.

"I see." Aeryn said as he exited the room. "Well, let's get this over with."


In the eery-looking throne room, Jezebelle sat quietly as she twirled a silver goblet in her hand, seemingly deep in thought. The liquid in the goblet looked rather too thick to be wine or any other beverage.

She cut her train of thought as the large double doors at the end of the room slowly pushed open, revealing a pair of figures.

"Good, you're here." She said as she placed her goblet on the arm of her chair. She then slowly woke up and walked down the short stairs that led to her throne. "Come closer." She said, signalling to Aeryn as Nyx took her place silently at a corner.

Aeryn gulped slightly as he slowly stepped forward. He remembered what happened to him on the first day when Jezebelle decided to show him what she could do. He didn't wish for that event to repeat itself again.

Once Aeryn was infront of her, Jezebelle placed her left index finger under his chin and raised his head slightly so she could stare straight into his eyes. She looked into his eyes for over a minute, her eyes increasingly darkening as she noticed something wasn't quiet right.

"Your eyes look a little too brown than it usually look. Did you do something to it?" Jezebelle finally asked after the silent starring contest.

Aeryn's brow slightly cringed in shock as he didn't expect that. 'Didn't Nyx say earlier that they were red?' He thought to himself.

"Just play along with it." A voice rang in his head.

"U-uh no, my Queen. I'm rather confused at what you mean. They've always been that way." Aeryn quickly said, finally understanding what was happening. Seemed Togh's power had more to it afterall.

"Is that so..." said Jezebelle, not exactly convinced. She still felt that something wasn't right. She then slowly tilted here head to regard Nyx. "Where did you both go when I sent you out earlier? And why did you take so long to arrive at the arena?" She asked after a brief moment of silence.

Nyx's hands had began to slightly tremble as soon as Jezebelle's discerning gaze swept towards her. Not knowing what to do, she unintentionally took a quick glance at Aeryn, and her trembling immediately stopped as she her eyes briefly met with Aeryn's, which seemed to shine it's signature red in a subtle manner.

"You know Aeryn, my Queen." Nyx began to say, her enigmatic smile back on her face. "He is the curious type and kept nagging me to show him around so he could get a feel of his new world. Since he is my master, I had no choice but to show him the other areas."

Jezebelle ignored the 'master' part and asked a follow up, "Is Tognarogh still in his cell?"

"Of course, my Queen. Where else will he be?" Nyx answered without any hesitation, tilting her head slightly to the side as a sign of surprise.

Jezebelle starred at her silently for a moment, then she let go of Aeryn's chin and walked back slowly to her throne, where she slowly took her sit. "Either way, that was a great fight the other day." She said, a smile slowly forming on her lips, "though I'm not quiet sure how you survived a stap to the heart."

"It probably was just luck, my Queen. The beast must have missed my heart slightly. And I probably wouldn't have made it without the gift you gave me earlier too." Aeryn said with a slight bow.

"Of course you would be nothing without me, though I'm rather getting fun of you finally being humble." Jezebelle replied after a light chuckle. "Now then, I have more important matters to tackle. Nyx, get him back to his quarters."

"Right away, sister." Nyx replied curtly as she walked towards the large double doors, opening them up for Aeryn to pass through.


Aeryn slowly walked into his room and the candle, which had been blown off by Nyx earlier, came back to life as if sensing his presence. He removed his shirt which still had a large gapping hole in the middle where the beast made its mark a few days ago

"Would you like me to spend the night and make you comfortable master?" Asked an enigmatic voice behind Aeryn, startling him a little.

"You're already here? Didn't you say you had something to do?" Asked a flabbergasted Aeryn.

"Of course. I went to get my things. I assumed you would want me to spend the night and make you feel good and comfortable master." Said an eager Nyx sincerely.

"You do know I'm only sixteen right?" Asked Aeren, a frown forming on his face.

"What does that have do with you being comfortable, master?" Nyx asked, genuinely looking curious.

"Whatever. No I I'm not interested in whatever you have in mind. Being together all the time will make things difficult and suspicious. So you need to leave now. We shall talk tomorrow" Aeryn said as he turned his back and continued doing what he was doing.

"Awww, no fair." Wailed a pouty Nyx as she turned around and slowly headed towards the door.

"Oh, and nice work earlier." Aeryn said before she could make it through the door.

"Huh? What do you mean, master."

"You didn't give me away earlier despite saying the Queen sees through all your deceptions." Aeryn asked as he slowly turned around.

"But that was just you master. I was able to lie because you made me to. So it's not really something that I can claim. But thank you for the praise master!" Nyx replied happily as she closed the door and left, leaving Aeryn in a state of thought.

"...huh." Aeryn muttered as he finally understood what happened. "So that was you too?"

"You're welcome. Now it's time to talk. I do not have much time."