
An Undead’s rise to Godhood

Reality is often disappointing, merciless, and unpredictable. One such fates befalls without fail on one human. Seichi Kurotachi, a boy with slightly below average in everything. He's a boy who is the talk wherever he goes, from his poor academic ability to his poor physical appearance and health, he gets the full treatment of a cruel life. Upon his death, he was met with an opportunity. One that is presented only to those few that represents Humanity's best and worst. It is a calling, a saving grace for an insignificant boy to rise up and meet face to face with Humanity's most fearsome monster. See as a boy makes his way through the innumerable Floors that others have gone through in the past. Discover ruins, meet friends and comrades-in-arms, and defeat monsters of various sizes and abilities. Hardship awaits him, but even so he'll struggle, and struggle, so that he could hope to see the glimmering light of another tomorrow. "The only thing that is real is the things you put effort in. Even if it's the World itself." ************** Hello, author here, this won't take too long, just some heads-up before you go in reading. Chapters are at least 1000+ words, an unhealthy habit of lengthening chapters of mine. Slow progress most of the times because of the first. Characters may seem... off? I don't know how to write good characters, so I mostly will just go with the flow and shape their characteristics as I write. Another is you readers can decide on the story progression, your input will and can be taken into account if I find it interesting/fitting enough. And I also hosts some events on some chapters as well for the fun of it. I sincerely hope you can bear with me, an inexperienced young author (not kidding), as I write His story (and possibly many others). Thank you for your time :) Note: I don’t own the cover art

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


I was trash.

"Ridiculous, how can there be beggars as shameless as that kid?"

''What do you want, mutt. I don't even have scraps, so get lost."

"Oh? Want some food? Beg for it then, little boy."

From men to women, they all despise me as they look at my appearance.

"Mommy, is that a monster?"

"Don't look at him, son. You shouldn't get anywhere near him."

I am what's known as a Pathless.

"I'm sorry, but your son doesn't appear to have any aptitude for a Path."

"So useless! Why did I even give birth to you!?"

"Son, you should leave. We can't… we won't provide you anything if you stay, so it's best you go out into life early."

I was nine when my own parents disowned me.

"Heh, look, it's the loser trash of the class."

"Ohoho! Guys, it's the Pathless little shit. What should we do to him?"

"We're sorry, but the school can't help you with anything."

My life has been nothing but ridicule and embarrassment. Hope was not in sight, only the darkness of Death that approached each day.

"Heh, no one's gonna care, so why not test our Spells on him? I need live practice if I want to be selected for the Tower anyways."

"Bruh, c'mon, that's such a good idea! Why didn't you think of that before, leader?"

"Haha, well, now I just did."

And my meager life, my unknown existence was reduced to a burnt mess dying in an alleyway.


My own voice, I don't even know if I have one to begin with.

"Why is my life… such a waste…?"

I cursed my existence. I curse my helplessness, my inability to act and defend even my own life. And now, for that inability, I'm near death's door.

"........I don't want to die."

Everyone has such a desire, more so when they're young. But that desire, that wish, it isn't going to come true just because I said it outloud.

"....Can anyone, save me?"

Of course, such a weak plea in an empty alleyway might as well become like the wind.

However, it didn't become like the wind.

[You wish to live?]

".....Yes. Please."

[A Summon Request has been issued]

A calling to the most qualified of Humanity. An invitation to become a Legend, and to be recorded in some place called the Hall of Fame. It is a calling coming from a 'tower' in another World. Some place designed by something, someone known as Absolute Death.

[Would you like to abandon your life?]

"......Yes. Please."

[Assigning you a Meeting]

[Welcome to the Tower, dear Challenger]

I'm back, got something cooking :)

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