
An Unattainable Magic

Absidae was orphaned, abandoned, left to her own devices. To protect herself, she developed an unattainable magic. Ayden has been trying to win his freedom, and now might be the best chance he has. Maybe they could be a family again...

Simple_Worries · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Cuddling A Werebear?

Absidae looked over her shoulder at the massive bear that was now sleeping behind her in the sunlight. He seems much calmer in bear form. I know it's all got to do with the moon, but I wish I understood more about why, Sid pondered to herself, her blue leather notebook open on her lap as she perused through the plants Noc had lead her towards; she had asked where the burn balm plants were after Orion had taken his bear form so as not to irritate him. There was something comforting about leaning against a large, warm bear, and for the first time in a long time, Sid found herself relaxing, enveloped in her work. 

    "I just don't see why you want to play chess! You hate chess, and I always beat you…" Sinclair's voice trailed off as he burst through the back garden door, causing Absidae to jerk in shock. This woke Orion, who raised his large bear head and looked over to his yellow eyed friend, his face annoyed at being woken from his nap, before he lowered his head back onto his paws. "Oh, sorry guys…Cedar said there was something going on in the garden that she didn't want to interrupt. I should have just listened to her," he rubbed the bald side of his head, chuckling awkwardly. 

    Sid cocked her head in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Cedar, what do you mean? Orion is just helping me study," Orion snored as if on cue. "Well, sort of. He was showing me where the plants Tristan asked me to gather were, and he just sort of fell asleep while I was going over my notes. What did you think was going on, Cedar?" Absidae teased, smirking playfully at the other girl.

    "I just…I didn't want to…you just…" Cedar paused, gathering her thoughts. "You scare so easily, and you looked enthralled in your work, and so relaxed, I just didn't want to come out here and disturb you, that's all. I didn't think anything weird was happening, that's for sure. I mean, we've all seen Orion in his bear form…he just usually doesn't let anyone…um…cuddle him?" Cedar took a breath after rambling, her final words coming out as more of a question than a statement. Absidae looked confused for a second, then laughed. "What!? You two were clearly cuddling!"

    Sid walked over to Cedar, shaking her head. "First, I was more using him as a chair than anything. Second, he did explicitly state before he transformed that he is not a teddy bear. And…and third, well, you could have come out here, anyway. I wouldn't have stopped what I was doing! Not unless I was done, of course, which I am now; I have to get these upstairs, so that I can try my first practical application." She smiled (albeit still shyly) at Sinclair and Cedar. "I'll see you both at dinner," and without another word, she floated gracefully through the back door. 

    "See, I told you there was nothing weird going on back here," Sinclair said matter-of-factly. "She's just trying to find where she fits in here. Maybe she just feels comfortable with Orion because they're both so…quiet? Understated? I don't know what word to use, but you know what I'm saying." Cedar nodded, sighing. "It's okay. She'll get used to all of us eventually. Maybe you and I just need to tone down the excitement until she's more comfortable. Until then," he tagged her playfully, "magic tag! You're it!"

    "We aren't fourteen anymore, you immature lizard boy!" Cedar laughed, taking off running after him.

    Their laughs drifted behind Sid, and she sighed longingly. Maybe one day I'll be comfortable enough to just be carefree and actually spend time not worrying about everything, Sid mused to herself as she climbed the stairs to the alchemy tower.