
An Uchiha's Rise

A man reincarnates into a Uchiha, watch as he strives to accomplish his goal of being able to laze around without being worried about someone massacring his family every day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apart from original content, the rest is made by Masashi Kishimoto. The artwork is not mine, it is made by Tite Kubo. The MC isn't an SI, he's an OC. This is my first ff so any criticism is greatly appreciated

Riklent · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

A Night For Idiots

Another chap for you guys

Also on Friday and Saturday, I'll be busy with exams so no chapters on those days.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter :)

[1936 words]


A Night For Idiots

{Masahiro POV}

After the shock he gave me with his iaijutsu, we moved on to the next areas of kenjutsu, and all I could say about him is that he was just…average. When I saw his aptitude with the stances, I tried to hold my laughter but I just couldn't. HIs face oozed frustration, while I could literally hear his body scream in abhorrence to the stances he was attempting.

''Hahahahaha!!!, take that. Now do you understand how us commoners feel, that's what you get for trashing all over my dignity as a iaijutsu swordsmen. Hahahaha, sucks to be you''

I laughed and laughed until my lungs couldn't take it anymore. I annoyed him so much that he dropped any form of formality between us, and swore to his heart's content. He swore at me so much that he even developed new swear words midway through his rant.

''Damn old coot!, just you wait, I'll shit all over your dignity once we start iaijutsu practice again, I'll learn all your techniques and make them five times better than your crappy versions, i'll leave you with no dignity to even use, just you wait, you fucking cunt''

Seeing him like this was a first. The kind and respectful boy was long gone and there stood a raging behemoth of insults . He swore words I didn't even know were possible to use as an insult. His words were so colourful that I honestly thought he could write a dictionary for insults.

Still his outburst made me laugh even more, which obviously annoyed him to a great extent if the visible veins on his head were any sign.

However,in all honesty, his talent was just average compared to his talent in iaijutsu. If we compared his talent to a random person, he would then be counted to be quite talented. Meaning that he had enough potential to branch out his future iaijutsu forms into other sections of kenjutsu without much difficulty, but, he would have difficulty solely using the other sections.

After my long bout of laughter and getting on Arata's nerves. We then moved on to bukijutsu, a rather important branch for shinobi. Once he tested most weapons, I concluded that he was talented enough to use each weapon without difficulty in battle but he could never master them. It was a better result than I expected. If he showed anymore talent on the level of his iaido, I don't think my heart could hold out. However, there was one weapon he seemed to show a large amount of potential in. He seemed to be a natural with the Gunbai, a rather particular weapon, but a weapon that once again sent excitement down my bones. A gunbai and a katana, a weapon to counter long range attacks and a weapon to counter short ranged attacks. It was a match made in heaven.

We then moved on to shurikenjutsu, once again he showed enough potential to be above average, potential that with hard work he could reach to advanced levels of shruriken mastery. All in all, it was quite the eventful day, still, there was one thing I wanted to do with him before we retired for the night.

'' Arata, go get washed and meet me at the rooftop''


{Arata POV}

''Artata, go get washed and meet me at the rooftop''

Rooftop?, that's weird since when did we go to the rooftop?

Ever since grandfather laughed his head off at me, I've been in a fussy mood. Granted, it was most likely due to my young Uchiha body having unstable emotions,especially when it came to pride I seemed to lose myself and since he squashed any semblance of my pride, I lost my top and lashed out which made him laugh even more.

Digressing from my emotional state, I wondered what he would need from me at midnight on the rooftop. Well I'll just wait until he tells me.


{30 minutes later}

I steadily walked up the stairs after washing my body. Once I reached the end of the stairway, I could see my grandfather waiting for me with a sake bottle and some cups. Sake? Why would he bring sake with him?

''Masa-jii, why do you have sake?'' I asked in confusion

''Just wait a few seconds, boy'' he replied as he opened the tatami doors to the rooftop.

The sight that awaited behind that door was truly a sight to remember. I had never seen something so beautiful. I had opened my sharingan without releasing just to remember the scene before me.

Behind the doors, I could see an array of trees huddled together, their branches intertwined as if to display their close bond to one another. Their vibrant pink leaves fluttered through the gentle breeze, one by one falling, swaying from side to side and gently landing onto the river's protective embrace. The insects and birds chirped, their noises creating a symphony to accompany the leaves' slow dance, a dance that signified their return to nature. The river tenderly huddled the fallen petals one by one with its currents. The petals glowed ever so brightly in the moonlight exhibiting their radiant colours once more. Their pink hue shimmered underneath the darkness of the trees shadows as if to symbolise their love for nature; Responding in kind, the river gently pushed the family of leaves down its body, its currents humming a soft lullaby throughout the petal's journey. The river delicately swayed the petals side to side like a mother caressing its children to sleep. Upon such a sight, the moon softly shined brighter like a guiding light for the departing children.

My grandfather sat there before that view as his hair swayed with the occasional light breeze. A small smile adorned his wrinkled face as he stared up at the moon in a daze with his eyes glistening with tears.

'' Come sit down with me, Arata'' He lightly said as he patted the seat on the roof tiles beside him.

Sitting beside him, I continued to stare at the enchanting sight before me, with the sharingan both present in our eyes as they ingrained the image before us into our minds.

'' You know, this is a family tradition I created...every year I would take your mother and grandmother to see the cherry blossoms...your grandmother would always nag me to death to stop drinking sake and focus on the sights'' He slowly recounted as tears slowly streamed down his face.

'' Each time she said that, I would whine that I need a boy to drink with...and here you are, my boy. You may be young but as you can see I don't have much time left in this world so let's drink every year until I join Izumi and Akane'' he said as he slowly poured the sake into a sake cup. He passed the bowl like cup to me and poured another for himself. The thought of him leaving me strained my heart. I could feel the tears pile on my eyes. What was I going to do without him. He was like a brother to me. He was a friend to me. But most importantly, he was my parent, my grandfather and he was...he was truly the father I never had. A father I always wished I had. Someone I could run to when I cry...someone I go to when I'm confused...someone I would go to when I was scared. He raised,cared and taught me. He was...he was my everything in this lonely world.

When those words resounded in my mind, the dam broke. I cried and cried. My tears piled up on the sake cup as the wind howled as if to muffle my sobs.My grandfather sat beside me, providing a comforting silence. Before him, I somehow always became a child with no hold over my emotions.

''What...what am I supposed to do without you jii-san! You're… you're everything to me!'' I said through my sobs.

''Who's supposed to teach me now!...Who's supposed to eat with me now!... Who's supposed to play with me now! Who's supposed to train me now! Who am I supposed laugh and joke with like a dumb idiot!'' I shouted through my sobs, my emotional state in tatters.

''Please...please don't leave me Jii-san…I...I need you!'' I shouted as my voice echoed through the wind.

My grandfather slowly lowered his untouched sake cup, and reached out to me and pulled me into an intense and warm hug, filled with pure love. His hands were shaking and I could hear the muffled sobs he was hiding from me.

''Silly,silly boy...You are my everything too...I have nothing left in this world but you...All I need is you as well... You are the greatest gift anyone could have given...Whenever I see you, you fill me with so much warmth, warmth I only got from Izumi and Akane'' He whispered in my ears, trying his best to continue through his sobs.

''Silly boy, I don't want to leave as well...I still want to see so much of your life...I want to see you grow...I want to see you become a genin...a chunin...a jonin…I want to see who you marry...I want to see your children...I want to laugh and drink buckets of sake with you as we stare at the moon like today, then your wife would chew our ears off for drinking too much...I...I want to laugh together with silly grins on our faces'' His sobs became louder and louder.

''I want to see so much of your life just like how I experienced how you grew into who you are today...Once again, Arata… you are my child… you are my treasure...you are my pride...so please when I leave this world lets share one last sake cup together with silly smiles on our faces as we laugh so loud that all of the Uchihas hear us''He said as he pulled me away and picked up our tear filled sake cups.

''We'll drink on that day, just like how we're drinking now'' he said as we both chugged down our sake as we sobbed through our tears.

''But,who am I going smile with after that Jii-san?, after that I'll have no family and no friends''I struggled through my tears

''Then make a family, make new friends...life doesn't end when one person dies, so continue to live your life with pride and continue to live your life with happiness, and like you want, with laziness'' He said with a silly grin adorned on his tear filled face.

On that day, we both cried together with silly grins on our faces as my grandfather told stupid tales of his past. We both chugged and chugged sake while we laughed and laughed like idiots.

That day was a beautiful night to me. It was a memory that I would protect with my life. It was a night where I chugged sake with an idiot. An idiot that I loved to the fullest. An idiot who taught me everything there is to life. He was what made me strive to also become an idiot like him. An idiot who reserves his best smile for his family.

It was a night for idiots.

I hope you liked the chapter.

As you can see Masahiro finally addresses the elephant in the room and with that came our Mc's breakdown. I tried my best to make it as emotional as possible, so I hope it was good and it wasn't cringe-worthy.

The pace will increase a bit now, just so we can shuffle through his training faster.

Once again any criticism is greatly appreciated

Thanks for reading :)

Riklentcreators' thoughts