
An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds)

Imagine reincarnating. But not into some godly being with OP powers, but into Probe from StarCraft. But at least MC is not absolutely dumb, so he understands that he have potential because he can call upon mighty protoss on his journey. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this strange situation. ____________ CAUTION: has some parts of gender bender. If you don't want to read about it, don't read. That part of the story sucks, anyway. ____________ I hope you won't be angry if release would be inconsistent and extremely slow. ____________ Image is taken from Starcraft 2 wiki, i don't own it.

Muravey · Video Games
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116 Chs

Shield is kinda OP

I was watching carefully, but no more movements were made. To my knowledge from earth, not many predators will just hunt something unknown without observing them for a long time. How long was I watched? How many is there? If any.

It is too quiet.

This stalemate continued for some time, maybe ten minutes and whoever it was, it is no longer there. Good for me. So I continued to move down and entered the Nexus as I suppose it is safer in there. Now that I am less thrilled about my situation it is time to look around and enjoy the Nexus's structure.

What is interesting, all crystals and lights have white color, not blue or any other known to me. Also its insides are much more simple then I thought, but still extremely beautiful. In the center there is a Podium - I think this is where [Main Pylon] will exist at some point. In the center I can see that Nexus have 3 main very High Floors.

1st Floor is where I am standing, it is the widest and tallest of them all. Thinking about it, maybe it is reasonable for the bottom floor of the main building. Lighting in here is surprisingly soft, even though ceiling is very high. It is emanated by what looks like continuous small panels without connections inbetween that crosses all the insides. From the floor, walls, to the ceiling. They interconnect, they separate and just permeate everywhere. I don't know what is it really, but it does not look like it is lighting only.

I can't really touch it, but looking at it I can see that it is not absolutely still. It looks likes gelatinous or maybe thick liquid. I don't really know if it is thick, but from outside it looks like it. For now I think I will call it just [Light ways].

"Hmm I can't see other floors from down here. How do I get Up?" I said loudly in my mind, but no voice came out of the body. Still can't get used to it.

Searching for the way to get up I can only see 3 possible ways to get up.

First is There some function on control panel or I need to unlock a way to get there from this panel.

Second is the central podium that I assumed was for [Main Pylon]

Third is I need to upgrade myself to be able to fly, teleport or jump up there or something like that.

As I am close to the Podium going there first to look around is the obvious choice. After looking around nothing was found. Nothing that looks like I can interact with.

"I hope Control panel will have something to help me"

In the control panel I began searching for anything that have 'Lift' or 'Elevator' in it, but I found nothing. Not loosing hope so fast, the obvious choice is to look manually because it can be called anything so I will have to look through all unavailable and cheap stuff because most probably Elevator will not cost a lot.

While searching I saw stuff like small Shield generator that could create small Shields around it, but could be mounted only in the Nexus. Small Photon cannons that had many different variations.

I found out that i can build walls, doors, windows and all other essential stuff like staircase that could help in my situation, but it would have to do if I don't find something resembling elevator.

At last, I found the closest things to elevator:

[Small Gravity Tunnel concentrator]: creates a tunnel that moves everything in it in certain direction. Must be placed every 10 meters if needed to make it longer that 10 meters. Every other concentrator can have different direction, so it is possible to make complicated gravity pathways.

[Small Teleportation Platform]: Creates a platform that can teleport you between [Teleportation Platforms].

Maybe there are other things like that, but those are the cheapest.

Even though they are cheapest, they still need to be researched. And research cost is the same as Nexus costs. Strangely pricey. Why did Nexus cost 400, but everything else costs so much? I decided to look at the building menu again and the price of the Nexus surprised me. It costs 400m Minerals now. "What the FCK!"

~after some stress release~

"Hmm maybe the first Time is the cheapest, or every time I build one - next one will cost more? Must be first time discount..." This conclusion was the result of the past minutes. After this I decided to look at prices of all other buildings and it seems that they are the same as before.

It seems that all other buildings or first-time cheap or will cost like that all the time. Eventually I will Find out, but for now, I better stop searching for a way to get up. it is not really that necessary for now.

For now I think I will get outside and look around some more.

After walking out and coming closer to the forest I see that I have some uninvited guests. I can see around ten to twenty alligators coming out of the forest and getting closer and closer.

"Wah WOah. stop! don't come closer!" I shout like some dumb idiot forgetting that I can't talk and they won't understand me. And even if those two were possible, I don't think they would listen.

While moving back slowly and looking at them they began moving faster towards me all faster and faster, so I decided to run backwards and it seems that for probe this speed is the same as moving forward. But alligators began to rush at me full speed. and it is scary.

"AAA!" they are faster then me! "fck fck fck!"

They got so close to me that they were preparing to jump onto me and destroy me. The moment they jumped they hit some kind of white-like transparent wall and looking at it - it seems to be Nexus's shield. wow. Not even a single fluctuation was seen or vibration felt. This is amazing.

While pondering about shield Alligators kept attacking shield, so I decided to try to attack them through the shield if it is possible. Let's find out. As I kept getting closer and closer Alligators began attacking more frantically, this is strange, why are they so insistent on getting me?

The moment I got close enough to attack it happened. The manipulators tendrils came out, and with fast speed darted right through one of them. I wanted to hit them and it seems that was the result. Absolute and total penetration with my 2 manipulator tendrils. Both right through its scull. As easy as through trees - with no resistance.

"Uff. its coooool! yeehaw!" Were my words the moment I understood that it is safe and it is easy to destroy this danger. So I began killing them as fast as I could, until they begin to run away.

So I rushed at it. Tried slashing them like with a knife and it worked, after this I efficiently killed half of them until they began running away with speed much faster then they were running at me. I tried to rush after them and it was useless. They were so fast that I had no chance to follow them, so the obvious decision was to try and sell their bodies!

So while collecting them I thought about the strangeness of all this trading. How can it be worth transporting something cheap over to who knows where? Maybe it is like rarities collectors? But trees does not seem to be rare, maybe it is transporting them somewhere outside of this planet or even world? It looks like this is where my thoughts stopped and I began trading those bodies to the trader.

But before that, I should get back and check how much damage shield recieved, as on control panel there was this kind of information available. After checking it seems no damage was recieved at all. This is seriously OP, those Alligators were looking scary and looking at how they hunt and their speed, their attacks should have been pretty strong. GOOD. Time to sell them all and check how much it gives me

After transaction I saw that each body got me 20 minerals. In the resulting window I could see that as it is just a body, and not a living creature it's cost is just 10% of the possible price. Also for rare breeds or anomalies of this species I would get additional minerals if they would be alive.

In result I recieved 200 minerals. Now I have total of {1000 minerals}. This is good. Time to get [Modification station].


```Author's Note```

`` 80+- words``

Thanks for reading. Most probably this will be Star Wars Universe.

Progress will be Kinda slow. I want to enjoy writing it and making MC OP fast will make it hard for me to think of what to do. It is hard to write OP character good enough so it will make sense and will be interesting.

This chapter is a little shorter. Around 1400-1500 words. This is because I want to try and apply the art of cliffhanger :)

Thank you for reading. Enjoy.


62 "I" in main story


2 "I" in Note

Muraveycreators' thoughts