
An Tear From Heaven

A Little girl....She has no home...She had no parents...She had no where to stay....But she will never cry....She said “I have a gift from god.....Every time I cry...Heaven cries....So I want to keep heaven happy...” One day...The little girl died...Her soul picked an special person so they can have that same gift......

Cxtie_Pie10 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

The Little girl

September 18, 1983

Hello....My name is Katsuki.....I'm 16 years old...My mother told me a story of this heaven girl....She said god gifted this homeless girl who was poor....Every time she cried heaven will cry...which means rain...so the little girl will never cry...She wanted to stay happy, heaven to stay happy, the world to stay happy and bright.....one day the little girl died...her soul gifted someone else with the power...she wanted to power to be safe....So she gave her power to me.....And That's when it starts....A few years later, my mother passed away....I cried....it started to rain....I kept crying and crying....I kept saying...."God....Why did my mother die....Please tell me why...She didn't nothing wrong....T-Tell me please...." I just kept crying and it started to rain harder and harder.....I lifted my hand out and I caught an Rain drop....I looked up and I saw my mother....She was an angle, So Beautiful and majestic...Those wings was brighter than the sun....She was glowing....I closed my hand and I knew she was watching over me...I smiled and I kept crying....."I love you mother..."

December 14, 1989

6 years later....I'm 22 now...I have a job at an local business...I get paid $230 every 2 weeks....enough to pay my bills... On day I met this little girl on the street begging for money..."well hello little girl...." I said....."I need money for my baby brother!!! He will die soon!!!" She said in horror.....so I gave her 100 dollars....I didn't know she was going to do with it...The next day I saw her and her little brother buying clothes and foods....I was very and an a tear came down my face....it started raining but more softly....That reminded me of my mom....she cared about me.. she'll do anything for me to be safe.....I started crying and it rained harder.....Then this small girl about my age came up to me...."hm?" I said and I looked at her...."I know you have that power....the power to make heaven cry...." she said angrily...I was surprised someone actually believes this myth...."wait you know about the heaven girl?" I said..."Of course I do!!! I read the whole book!!!! It's real!" She said angrily....."I wanted that power....I need it.....THAT POWER WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!!!!!" She said with more anger and pushed me over...."I'm going to kill you....when I kill you, you use your soul to give me the power....I will cry for days....Everyone will be miserable....They will have rain for days!!!~ She said evilly then started to laugh...

(That's all for Chapter 1, will Katsuki be able to escape or will she die?)