
An Owl's Rise

Evelyn had a normal happy life until the untimely death of her mother. Her loving father soon became an abusive drunk that would constantly beat her and her older brother Mason. After years of abuse one day Evelyn and Mason managed to escape the terror of their father, when Evelyn finally snapped and killed him. Unfortunately, even though they escaped their rotten father, their lives came to a violent and early end at the hands of a cruel fate. However, when Evelyn woke up after dying, she found herself in a dark damp place. And when she broke free from what confines her, she finds herself reborn as an owl. Follow along as Evelyn lives her second life as an owl in a world of magic and mystery, as she aims to rise up and become the strongest. So, no one can ever dictate her fate again. Warning: This novel is going to be very dark in places, especially the prologue. If you are faint of heart, I recommend you not read this novel. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · Fantasy
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460 Chs

Chapter 61 The Records Hall

After Melisandre told Evelyn they were going to a place called the records hall, she jumped off the floating platform they were on and took off towards the city of trees in the distance.

Following behind her Evelyn flapped her wings vigorously to catch up, as Melisandre even at a leisure pace was traveling quite fast.

Soon they made it over floating forest in the sky that doubled as a sprawling city of owls.

It was all very unusual for Evelyn architecture wise, as there were pretty much no stairs or walkways due to how everyone could fly.

Though now that she was closer, she could see that sections of the forest were separated into season and climates, as certain owls felt more comfortable in different areas.

It was all very fantastical, especially with the small floating motes of dim light that provided the slight illumination that the owls needed to see.