
An Overpowered Demon Lord (Tensura Fanfic)

An overpowered MC. An overpowered enemy. An overpowered ally. What could possibly go wrong? Notice: This story takes place within the TenSura/Tensei world. It includes original characters as well as characters from the TenSura series alongside characters from Overlord. Hope you enjoy! Ps. This fanfic is not mine Owner: Devvy2015

Mitsuyakun · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Character Introduction Cecilia

Name: Cecilia Carstein

Threat Level: Catastrophe-class (Special S Rank)

Species: True Ancestor Vampire

Title(s): Queen's General, Goddess, Black Rose

Weapon of choice: Unarmed / Spatial Sword

Age: N/A

Gender: Female


Magic Abilities

Warp Portal: A type of elemental magic that allows the caster to draw the same series of symbols at the entrance and exit. These symbols worked strictly as pairs, so stepping into a Portal would always bring you to the same destination.

Anti-Magic Area: Magic formed by rewriting the laws of the world to create a barrier that prevents the usage of magic.

Summoning Magic: Magic that can be used to summon other beings such as spirits or demons.

~ Skills ~

Common Skills

> Coercion: Enables the user to intimidate a range of targets. Scales to the strength of the user and the targets' ability to resist it, the effects range from feeling hostility to feeling fear up to losing consciousness.

> Thought Communication: A higher-level version of Telepathy, letting the user build links and talk with multiple people at once. Remains effective across a range of about one kilometre.

Extra Skills

> Shadow Motion: This allows the user to move within shadows, and very quickly move to people and also places the user had been to before. To use it the user still has to move through the shadows to the destination but is not hindered by any obstacles whilst within the shadows.

> Spatial Motion: This allows the user to be able to transport himself to a place he has visited before. It usually takes several minutes to connect spaces, but Spatial Motion is capable to have the user escape from Ramiris' Labyrinth ability.

> Dress Change Magic: A type of magic that lets the user swap clothes and equipment at will.

> Spatial Magic: This allows the user to manipulate spatial particles to create spatial pockets which can be used to store large amounts of items.

> Hyperspeed Regeneration: Near instantaneous regeneration. Regenerates fast enough to prevent most fatal wounds from being fatal, including beheading. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

Unique Skills (Start of Story)

> Deus Vult: Passive ability which grants immunity against all but a few attacks. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

> Ámesi chrísi: Allows the user to instantly cast any spell without the need for incantations. Also allows the user to learn magic skills/abilities much faster than normal.

> Krývo: This allows the user to become invisible to most beings. Also hides the true extent of the user's power to be hidden, almost completely. However, certain abilities such as Milim Eye can bypass/ignore/override this skill.

> Ektelestís: Ability to fire a bolt of pure energy (or multiple bolts at once) at a specific (or multiple) target(s). Instantly kills all beings with a Threat Level lower than A (Hazard-class). Injures those of a higher rank with the severity of the injury varying based on the strength of the target at the time of impact.

Ultimate Skills

> Eye of Hera: An Ultimate skill granted to Cecilia upon her creation thanks to Myra's inability to completely control her Genesis skill at the time. The quickest explanation would be, it's a combination of all-powerful skills. Its main subskills are:

Hera: Bewitches all who are weaker than the user who looks her in the eye. Bewitched individuals remain under the user's control until the user breaks the bewitchment. In the event the user dies, all bewitched individuals are instantly killed.

- Has power over the skies granting her the ability to not just fly but also manipulate the skies in any way she's fit. This in turn grants her access to all Sky related skills including Veldora's Storm of Destruction and Death-Heralding Wind skills.

- The ability to distribute truly devastating curses or blessings on individuals she comes across.

Requiem: Grants the ability to resurrect beings created by her Oikogéneia skill. Also prevents the death of those she drinks from unless she wishes to kill them. Lastly, it grants her the power to raise the dead, turning anything she raises into a being(s) of her choosing.

Allaxiéra: Allows the user to change their appearance into that of anything/anyone they've met or seen regardless of whether the person is stronger than them or not. Allows users to create clones.

- The Eye of Hera also analyzes and assesses targets identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential weak points. (Works in tandem with Manas "Laela")

> Cecilia Carstein: Allows Cecilia to instantly transform between her various vampire forms. Also grants her the ability to fly without restrictions. Grants the ability to recover from a wound that has killed her three times per day. Each time she recovers, she is restored to peak performance. Also grants her ridiculous levels of speed. Subskills:

Oikogéneia: Allows creation of and complete control over a Sire Line. Allows for the creation of additional vampires with varying strengths and abilities.

Blood Oath: All subordinates can take a blood oath of allegiance to the user. This blood oath binds their souls to that of the user. When such subordinates are killed, their souls will return to the user where the user can reincarnate them successfully with a 100% chance of success rate.

Tromázo: Amplifies the user's magical prowess to astronomical levels temporarily. Lasts for a total of five minutes but while active, most A-rank beings (and below) that look at the user will drop dead from fright. The user will maintain the increased strength for the full duration of the 5 minutes after which their strength will steadily decrease until it has returned to normal.

> Manas "Laela" / Lael: Manas is a very unique existence as it can be considered a combination of a spirit, a pseudo-soul, an ultimate skill, an individual character, and an ego; or non at all.

- Contains all the skills of the Sage and Great Sage skills.

- Lael: Increases Cecilia's rate of thinking exponentially. Analyzes and assesses the target. (Works with Eye of Hera) Also Operates on any matter she wishes to analyze, separating it from the regular thought process. Any process under parallel operation is sped up exponentially. Also provides full coverage of all non-concealed phenomenons. Uses Eye of Hera's ability to analyze independently to simulate Universal Detect through Cecilia's normal eye.

- Can be placed in her own body but unlike with Rosetta and Myra, she'll still maintain access to Cecilia's skills. This allows her to use all of Cecilia's skills and allows Cecilia in turn to use taxing skills without affecting herself.

- Cannot be killed. If the body she's in gets killed, she loses control of it but as she didn't actually leave Cecilia's consciousness, she remains unscathed.

Additional Notes

- Gained the Deus Vult, Ektelestís and Ámesi chrísi skills during creation thanks to being created by Genesis before the Voice of The World restricted its abilities.

- She is ranked as a Special S Rank because of her Eye of Hera & Cecilia Carstein skills. Yes, they are that terrifying. The Aphrodite subskill, for example, has the potential to subdue anyone.

- In case you were wondering what the flower eye patch is there for, it covers the Eye of Hera particularly because most of its subskills occur passively and as such cannot be fully controlled.

- Cecilia Carstein is (obviously) a skill that cannot be attained by anyone but Cecilia. It's a skill that was engraved on her soul when she received her name.

- Eye of Hera is another skill that cannot be obtained by anyone but Cecilia as it's a physical and spiritual eye. It can be cut out but this would only momentarily prevent her from using it as it'd regenerate mere seconds later. Once the eye has been separated from its spiritual source (Cecilia), however, it crumbles to dust.

- Lael is another skill that is unique to Cecilia. All of Cecilia's skills are managed by Lael.

- Tromázo takes a large amount of magicules or life force to use. Lifeforce, in Cecilia's case, refers specifically to the energy she takes from the living when she feeds and as such, it can be replenished by feeding. Her magicules on the other hand can only be recovered quickly through dark meditation or sleep. Without either process, her magicule count will slowly increase over time but will take a few days to fully replenish.

- While her ultimate skills are powerful, they both consume magicules and life force at rather alarming rates and as such, are generally used sparingly. That being said, they aren't one use per day skills like Myra's Thanatos (pre-awakening) and can indeed be used multiple times even at full strength.

- Cecilia can in fact be killed but much like her other vampire counterparts that were created by Genesis, she'll simply return to Myra where she can receive another replica of her body.

- Her Goddess title comes from her cult following. Death is also a title she earns later in the story which pleases her as it made her feel much closer to her Queen/Master who's known as the Queen of Death. More coming later in the story.

- She doesn't really use a weapon because her body operates as the perfect weapon in the unlikely event that she actually needs to do the fighting herself. That being said, she does own a sword similar to that of Rosetta.

- Currently the only named being to receive two names from Myra.