
An Overpowered Demon Lord (Tensura Fanfic)

An overpowered MC. An overpowered enemy. An overpowered ally. What could possibly go wrong? Notice: This story takes place within the TenSura/Tensei world. It includes original characters as well as characters from the TenSura series alongside characters from Overlord. Hope you enjoy! Ps. This fanfic is not mine Owner: Devvy2015

Mitsuyakun · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 5: Harvest Festival

By the time I awaken it is broad daylight. I have no idea how long I've been out but it's clear that it's been some time as we aren't in the same location as before. In fact, it seems we are on the edge of a field, just barely being covered by the trees of a forest.

Amelia: I'm happy to see you've finally awakened mistress.

I offer her a smile and sit up. Unlike before, I feel no pain this time and as such determined that it wasn't because I didn't eat enough. Still, when Rosetta comes over to where Amelia and I are sitting, I ask just to make sure.

Rose: Well, there are two possibilities though it could also be a combination of the two. On one hand, you could have drained your magicules to the point where emergency measures were taken by your body to prevent death.

Me: How'd I drain it though since I haven't been doing much. Now that I think about it, how much do I have?

Rose: You have, or rather had a seemingly endless supply of magicules at the time of our separation. Since then, however, you have created and named overly powerful beings. Both processes take an incredible amount of magicules.

Me: Naming people costs magic?

Rose: Well magicules to be exact and not just anyone. Naming monsters to be specific, costs magicules. The amount required depends entirely on the strength of the being at the time. Still, it scales kind of irregularly. By that I mean that even if you were to name someone of your strength it wouldn't necessarily take all your magicules but at the same time, there have been incidents where people have named weaker beings than them and it has knocked them out so...

Me: So basically it's a game of chance.

Rose: Well, that's one way of looking at it. The second reason why you could have fainted is that you didn't eat enough food.

Me: What do you mean? I ate plenty for a human.

Rose: Exactly, for a human but not for what you are.

Me: And what am I exactly?

Rose: I have no idea. That's one of the things that eluded us and caused me to be assigned to you specifically instead of a skill that would serve a similar purpose.

Me: I see.

Rose: In any case, your body may require more food than you'd think is necessary to sustain it for any length of time. Then, of course, there is my third theory where it could be a mixture of both issues since unless you actually managed to name yourself when you chose your name you should still have a large...you named yourself! Why didn't I think of that first?

Me: Isn't it normal to give a name to yourself?

Rose: Not for monsters, no. In fact, even in non-monstrous species, it is rare for someone to name themselves since they are usually assigned a name at birth. I have never even heard of a monster naming themselves though. It shouldn't be possible.

Me: Well, isn't that a good thing? I mean, it's not like naming changes anything, right?

Cecilia: Well, when you gave me a name I did technically speaking evolve but since I was already all-powerful my appearance didn't change and instead I just got a bump in my magicule capacity and some new skills.

Me: So naming can actually change you?'

Rose: Depends on what you are naming but yes, it can and as such not every being can give names to others. It's usually a minority in comparison to the larger population that possess such an ability.

Me: I see. Well, I guess if it was just the fact that I named myself and the fact that I am not eating enough then those should be easy to avoid right?

Necron: Well, while I hate to interrupt, we do have a choice to make. We are at the border between Jistarv and the Great Jura Forest. The question is do we head into the forest or stay in Jistarv?

Well, for all intents and purposes the plan was to build a nation then confront and defeat Clayman but if we are already here then it could also make sense to just leave his land entirely and explore the rest of the world. Still, I have a feeling that if I don't deal with him now he's going to come after us sooner or later. We did kill one of his high ranking personnel after all.

Me: No, we're going to take Jistarv.

Necron: Easier said than done. We'll be heavily outnumbered and most likely outmatched because of it.

Me: Have faith Necron. Shaun!

Shaun: Yes ma'am!

Shaun comes rushing over and kneels before me. It's a bit surprising but I guess after saving his life twice he's feeling some sort of allegiance is due.

Me: I'm not sure if the others have told you as yet but you'll be Amelia's protector going forth. Wherever she goes, you are to accompany her and make sure she remains safe at all times.

Shaun: I will not fail milady.

Me: I know, which is why I feel comfortable entrusting this important task to you. I have witnessed your devotion to protecting your charge first hand after all and I was very impressed.

Shaun: You honour me-

Me: Still, do rise. We have much to do. To answer your question more accurately Necron, we won't be fighting Clayman. We'll be destroying his kingdom completely and building my own on top of it. If you'd prefer, you can stay back while the others attack.

Necron: And miss out on all the action? Even if I think it's a suicide mission, I have sworn my loyalty to you and you have saved my life and my brother's twice. In my eyes, that means my life is now tied to your cause. Wherever you command us to go, I shall go without hesitation.

Cecilia: Just make sure not to get killed in the crossfire!

Necron: Haha, I might not look like it but I can hold my own. Besides, the only people to ever best me in a fight are Yamza, who's dead and Rosetta who's an ally. What do I have to fear?

With that, we set off, backtracking our steps before turning towards the capital of Clayman's Kingdom. Under normal circumstances, we'd move to conquer the other locations first but I think this will make things easier. As we are but a small group, we can move quite quickly. Still, even with the horses I created for the sole purpose of travelling faster, four days later we're still nowhere near its capital, Amrita.

We are resting near a lake when an orange looking dragon appears from above the clouds in a burst of fire. It circles overhead for a few seconds before coming down to land nearby. We watch as it transforms into a humanoid creature with a sword, wings, horns, scales and tail then continue to watch as it approaches.

Still, it's not until her hand reaches for her sword that Necron and the others draw their own weapons. To our surprise, however, she stops and drops her weapon before kneeling.

????: Forgive my intrusion, great one but I ask that you show my people and me mercy and grant this humble servant her request.

Looking around, I find everyone looking at me. Thinking there's something behind me or on my clothing I check around but there's nothing. Wait, do they think I am the great one she's referring to? That's impossible. I haven't done anything to warrant anyone thinking I am great. If anything she is most definitely talking to Rosetta who destroyed a whole city in one blow.

Rose: I think she's referring to you mistress.

Me: Why-

????: Yes, great one, will you hear my plea?

I'm still uncomfortable with being called great by a stranger, a dragon no less but I also don't see a problem with simply hearing her out.

Me: Sure.

????: You honour me. I am here to request your protection.

Me: My protection? Aren't you a dragon?

????: I am, but my people and I were cast out by the others and since then have been hunted by both dragons and other species alike. We try to fight back but we're simply no match for those named beings who are hunting us.

Me: I see. How many of you are there?

????: We were once many but now only five of us remain.

As she says this, four more dragons land behind her and transform into creatures much like the one before me. They are all different in both size and colour and even the layout of their scales and how human they actually look. First, there is the green one who despite transforming, seems to retain her dragon hands and feet in a smaller but still massive form.

Next, there is the shy red-skinned girl who has been hiding her face ever since she arrived. What's more, she's seemingly the only one that has managed to successfully change without keeping her wings and she's also the most human-looking of the five. Still, she looks the youngest and also the most innocent as she bends down to pick some nearby flowers before she begins playing with them.

Then, there is the red one which seemingly can't separate her hands from her wings. Perhaps that's why she also hasn't quite touched the ground. Something tells me she doesn't yet know how to really use her humanoid form. She might not yet even know how to walk. After all, it takes a human some time to learn how to do so properly and they are born that way. I can't imagine how much harder it'd be to use a form one isn't accustomed to.

Finally, there is the one that looks like she's the oldest of the bunch. She also looks like she's the strongest too but for some reason, she refuses to look me in the eye. Her wings are quite beautiful though. In fact, I'd argue that of the five she's by far the best looking but also the most dragonlike even after transforming being covered almost head to toe in scales, horns, claws and what looks like, from this distance at least, leather skin. She's also the largest, even in dragon form. Despite all this, however, she looks sad.

After they come over, those with me put away their weapons but remain on guard. I on the other hand find her story a little more believable now that I have seen the remaining party members. The mistrust and sadness in their eyes say volumes. I'd go as far as to say the only reason they are here right now is that they have no other alternative. It still bothers me though that dragons would be seeking my protection.

Me: Out of curiosity, what makes you think I can protect you?

My question seemingly heightens the mistrust in two of the girls which had already been eyeing me with dissent but the oldest one replies to my question as she steps forward to join the one that had initially approached me.

????: Your aura tells us all we need to know about your strength. It's radiating off you in waves. Even though we were miles away, we sensed it the minute it appeared and made our way here where we have watched from the distance. It was only after seeing how you protected one who couldn't protect herself, however, that the suggestion was made to ask for your help.

Rose: It's been a while since then so why now?

????: That's perhaps my fault. I simply didn't want to take the chance and risk you attacking us on sight as so many others have done.

That's fair. It makes complete sense that we wouldn't be the first group they approached. It also explains why they didn't all come at the same time and why only the first girl had a weapon out. After seeing that we didn't attack and instead chose to listen, the rest figured it was safe to come down.

Me: What are your names?

????: We don't have any names.

I am surprised by this at first but quickly remember that Rosetta and I had gone over this before when trying to figure out why I keep falling asleep out of the blue. Still, if they do join us, it would be difficult to address them if they don't have names. We can't just keep saying "hey dragon" after all. That's like saying hey lady in a room full of ladies.

Me: Well, if you are going to join me you will most certainly need names.

They all look saddened by this. In fact, a few look ready to leave before I continue.

Me: I'll give you some in return for your complete loyalty and devotion to me. How does that sound? In return, you'll be under my protection and will serve as my subordinates.

Their eyes light up at this and before long they are all kneeling before me pledging their loyalty from this day forward unto death. In my eyes, however, I've just resolved the issue of having only a few powerful companions without having to create a single person more. I think this is quite the party we now have. Three vampires, five dragons, Necron and his brother whom I have no clue what they are and me. After introducing everyone else that's with me, including Amelia and Shaun, I come up with a brilliant idea and put it forth to see how they'll respond.

Me: Now then, first, I'd like to see what you are all capable of so that I can think of a suitable name. We are currently heading towards Amrita, Demon Lord Clayman's capital where his palace is located. We are going to burn it to the ground and the resulting battle will be a perfect place to see you in action.

They all look troubled at this and the oldest speaks what seemingly all are thinking. She tells me that they simply aren't strong enough to fight Clayman even if they fight together but I merely laugh their concerns off.

Me: You won't be fighting him. You'll be assisting our army from above in fighting against his own forces. Rosetta and the others here will handle the stronger opponents and Clayman.

????: Oh, so we'll be offering support from above then.

Me: Precisely. While it would be nice to have you fighting on the ground as well, I simply can't risk any of you dying which is precisely what might occur should you not stay out of range and attack from a distance. Especially if the others here go all out in their attacks.

????: We understand.

We continue explaining the rest of our plans for a few more minutes before setting off once more. This time, we travel much faster as the dragons each carry one of us with only one carrying two. The horses were good for a time but I gave them to the dragon girls who were hungry, having not eaten for a while. Now, I am riding the oldest and as we soar up towards the clouds, I notice some mountains in the distance. 

Me: That's our destination, correct?

????: Yes.

Looking around further reveals a small clearing some distance between us and the mountains. I tell her to land there and before long, we're all on the ground once more. Necron, who knows the area surmises that we'll reach Amrita from here by nightfall. This works for me and as such, I decide to create my army right here.

The army is 120,000 strong. It's comprised of 10,000 cavalrymen, 25,000 light infantry, 65,000 heavy infantry and 20,000 archers. Under normal circumstances, we'd have to worry about food and other logistics but since all we are going to do is march a few miles, fight and conquer a capital city, destroy it then build my own capital there and live in it, such matters will not be an issue. After all, I can simply have these soldiers join the general populace of my new nation and as they are created by me, they'll be completely loyal to my cause, unlike others who will no doubt flock to my kingdom after it's been created.

As the army forms up to begin its march, Necron's still standing there with his mouth wide open. He's joined by the dragons, Amelia and Shaun who also stare completely bewildered by what just took place.

Me: Well, Necron? Do you like my army?

He's still stunned as he turns to face me but after Cecilia starts laughing at him he regains his composure and kneels before me. The others who were standing with him, stunned, also join in.

Necron: Your power truly knows no bounds, my liege. I am both humbled and honoured to have witnessed such power.

Me: I take it, you like them then? In that case, we can begin.

Turning, I walk over to a rock formation on the edge of the clearing. Rosetta helps me up onto its highest point where I turn to overlook everyone. The minute they realize I'm giving them my undivided attention there's complete silence as everyone stands at attention.

Me: Now then. We'll be attacking our enemy shortly. Our objective is not to capture or enslave but to kill and destroy. This means that no living thing should be spared. No stone is to be left unturned. We will destroy everything and leave nothing behind. However, if you notice civilians escaping do not pursue them off the battlefield. We must remain as a unit. We are strong together but even the strongest army can be defeated if disorganized. As such, keep pushing forward.

I continue for a while before ending my speech. When I do, there is a loud cheer from everyone as I step down off the rock. Necron goes up next and begins assigning everyone, informing them of the battle plans and the like. In perhaps a blind stroke of luck, my skill also created officers and captains within the army which made his work much easier. Before long, he's finished and after a few more preparations, we're underway.

As the army continues its march, I have the dragons remain in their humanoid form on the ground to limit the enemy's knowledge of the approaching danger as much as possible. I also have Mai moving in a wide perimeter around the army with her clones so we aren't ambushed or spotted by spies. However, we only encounter minimal resistance. It's almost as though they are allowing us to approach and it makes me feel slightly uneasy but still, I am determined to see this through, even if I have to get involved personally to do so.

It's evening by the time we finally arrive at the foot of the mountain range. Despite our large size, we were able to move rather quickly and as such arrived much sooner than Necron had anticipated. Despite this, as we continue our approach, it's as though the whole land before us begins charging. They were ready and waiting.

Necron: CHARGE!

As both sides clash, the air is filled with the clashing of steel and various spells being cast. All around, there's utter chaos. The dragons all take off one by one and begin assisting but their arrival on the scene only adds fuel to the already raging battle. It's not long before the mountainside is completely engulfed in flames.

As the battle continues to rage on, Rosetta and Necron move to the front lines and together with the support of the dragons manage to drive the enemy back until the fighting finally reaches the castle walls. Even though we make it there before nightfall, black smoke from the burning buildings blocks out nearly all sunlight causing some areas to be pitch black. Still, the army pushes on.

Despite our initial success, they manage to successfully hold our army at bay and prevent us from entering the city for quite some time. This was a flaw of my own design as I created a human army but now we were fighting against truly monstrous beasts. Despite being severely outclassed, however, the men were holding their ground but were also unable to push forward.

This small oversight was soon corrected, however, as Cecilia also joined in. I had never seen her fight before so it was quite a surprise to see her ripping through enemies left, right and centre. All on her own, she punches a large hole through our enemy's defences which our soldiers then use to their advantage, pouring through it like water. The dragons continue circling overhead burning down buildings and assisting the fight on the walls but for the most part, merely observe as the fight continues in the streets. I'm pleased that I didn't have to tell them to do so as if they had attacked the enemy on the streets, they'd have most likely killed our own men in the process.

Amelia: We're winning!

I turn to see Shaun and Amelia walking towards me. We're on a small hill that overlooks the current battlefield. It's being heavily guarded so we haven't had to fight at all so far.

Me: You sound surprised or rather relieved. Did you doubt we'd have victory?

She doesn't respond, instead choosing to shy away embarrassed. I laugh and turn to face the battle once more. We may be winning right now but we still haven't come across Clayman or any of his other "fingers" and something tells me this is exactly how, he'd like things to progress. As such, I use my thought communication skill to contact Necron, Rosetta, Cecilia and Mai.

Me: [Try to locate Clayman and his subordinates specifically. They are not to escape. Do whatever it takes to eliminate them.]

Necron: [Eliminating the others might not be necessary.]

Me: [How so?]

Necron: [They only follow him because he has forced them to. Kill him and they will surrender.]

Me: [I see. Very well. However, do not underestimate them. If they pose a threat even after he is dead, eliminate them without hesitation.]

Cecilia: [This'll be so fun!]

The siege continues for a few more hours as the enemy continues defending every inch of ground but eventually, we manage to push them right up to the Palace. We haven't encountered Clayman as yet, or his subordinates and as our army has surrounded the city, he certainly hasn't escaped so he must be inside. Rosetta leads the charge and blows her way right through the front doors. There's some resistance on the inside but against the three vampires, they don't stand a chance and before long they've carved their way straight to the last room in the building.

I join them for this final moment and together, we head inside. There we find a man in a white suit drinking wine as he looks out the window, his back turned to us. Near him, a three-tailed fox looking creature eyes us warily.

????: Well...I see you have finally arrived.

Me: I assume you are Clayman, correct?

????: I am and you must be the one who took one of my subordinates from me then killed another and now taken my castle as well. 

Me: You don't seem bothered by this.

Clayman: Oh, believe me, I am bothered but...I am a generous man and will allow you the chance to serve me, or die.

Me: Bold words coming from a walking corpse.

Clayman: So you can see my true form then? Even more impressive than I thought. Still, I'm sure you also know that you can't kill me.

Rose: I-

Me: Again with confidence.

He smiles and pulls a black object out of his pocket. Immediately Necron and a few of the soldiers which were standing guard outside all fall to the ground, writhing in pain. Shaun also joins them but whatever's affecting them doesn't affect Amelia and I or the three vampires.

Me: Impressive but I suggest you stop that if you wish to live.

He smiles and drops the object. It shatters, releasing everyone from its effects but before anyone can react, he tries another skill. I manage to spot it in time, however, and seal him and his ability in a capsule formed by my own skill, Seven Seals. The ability goes off and he screams in pain as what looks like a dragon engulfs him. We all watch stunned as his body breaks down right before our very eyes.

Despite his body now lying in a pile of ash-like substance in the capsule, however, I still feel his eyes watching me. Stepping forward, I approach the capsule but the fox launches itself at me in retaliation. Cecilia intercepts it and pins it to the wall and it continues snarling as I walk past and place my hand on the capsule. Using Death Mark, I watch as the rune moves to a certain location inside the capsule then shines.

Clayman: AHHHHH!

Even though we can't see him, I'm sure everyone can hear his screams as Death Mark gets to work. It takes longer than it did with the soldiers back in the other city but eventually his screams stop and the rune disappears indicating that both his body and soul have been destroyed. The minute it does, the fox goes silent and Cecilia slowly eases her grip. When it doesn't immediately try to escape, she lets it go where it runs into a corner and cowers, presumably in fear.

Necron: That's one of his subordinates. She was cursed to be his bodyguard and pet.

Me: Well, she certainly played the part of a pet. Not so much a bodyguard though.

Turning to face her, I tell her she's free to leave and go wherever she wants to. The minute she hears this, she bolts for the door. The others part to let her through then watch as she runs down the hallway. Some of the soldiers that were pillaging nearby grab their weapons when they see her but Rosetta tells them to stand down and the fox wastes no time passing them before I have a chance to change my mind.

Me: Now then. With that out of the way, we still need to destroy this place.

Necron: Why not capture it and use it instead?

Me: Well, we have already captured it but I have no intention of living in this pile of dump. Besides, unless you want to clean up all the dead bodies, then simply wiping out this entire area is a far more efficient way to handle everything, since I am going to build a much prettier location for myself. The area here is too bleak and gloomy to be a healthy environment for people to grow and prosper after all.

We head out and allow the soldiers to continue pillaging for a while before withdrawing from the city completely. I take the time to name each of the five dragons who have, despite their claims of being weak, performed well in aiding our assault. They each accept their names graciously. It clearly means a lot to them and I am happy they like them because I don't think it can be removed once given though I suppose I'll have to ask Rosetta after we're done here.

Despite my initial orders to kill everything that moves, when we found a lot of beings enslaved underground, I ordered them released then told them they had two choices, leave or die. The resulting stampede killed 1/5th of their numbers but also saw them all disappear over the horizon in less than two hours which was quite an impressive feat to witness given how many of them there were.

After everyone had withdrawn successfully, I decide to test my other ultimate skill. The army pulls away further until they are back at the nearby river as I cast Seven Seals to make sure that even if I accidentally use too much power, it doesn't wipe out our forces. Once it's in place around the city and the immediate surroundings, I climb on top of the oldest dragon and she takes off bringing me to the top of the barrier where I use Thanatos.

To say it wiped out the city would be an understatement. I tried to use as little power as possible but even so, the city, the ground, the small mountain it was on and all its immediate surroundings were obliterated in an instant. So powerful was the blast that the resulting earthquake alone levelled a few of the surrounding hills and mountains as well, turning their once tall and rugged peaks into plateaus. 

As I look back to see if everyone's okay, I notice that the entire army is lying flat on the ground. Rosetta, Cecilia and Mai are all using their power to enhance a barrier around everyone but it only barely holds out before the shaking stops and the falling rocks cease. I guess Thanatos is one of those skills that I'll have but never be able to use. I don't even know what exactly happened but whatever it did certainly caused destruction on a large scale. No wonder the dragons thought I was all-powerful. If my aura was saying I could do that, then...

The minute I am back on the ground, a loud voice erupts from the sky.

????: Myra, you have achieved the necessary requirements to become a True Demon Lord. Do you accept?

I turn to face Rosetta who looks just as shocked as me. Still, Necron is the first to speak as he mumbles something about it being the voice of the world or something like that. Even with his very limited explanation, I am still confused by the offer. Why would I want to be a Demon Lord? I mean, I just killed one. They seem pretty weak to me.

Rose: I recommend accepting though I am unsure how you achieved the requirements since I'm pretty sure the army killed or released everyone before you destroyed the city. I wasn't even aware you had a seed. 

Me: A seed? Also, what would I gain by accepting?

Rose: You would be even stronger and your magicule capacity would increase significantly. At least, that's what usually happens alongside you getting new skills but I'm unsure how it will apply to you.

Me: So let me get this straight, you and this voice of the world thingy wants ME to get STRONGER despite me just LEVELING not just one mountain but MOUNTAINS with an S while trying to minimize the amount of damage I could do, correct?

Everyone laughs but I am being dead serious. If I get any stronger than this I might just breathe and the world ends. I had my doubts about me being strong when Rose initially said so after I arrived in this world but after witnessing my own power first hand despite restricting myself mentally and with a barrier, I strongly doubt my ability to exist in this world if I get any stronger.

Rose: Well, I know it sounds crazy but yes. I know you can learn to control your skills too and even if you can't, fate was kind enough to us all to gift you with the Seven Seals skill to do the limitation for you. So...I'd say it's all working as per fate's design.

I consider her words for a brief moment before finally accepting her suggestion and giving my response to the mysterious voice. As soon as my answer leaves my mouth, however, I drop to my knees.

Cecilia: Mistress!

VoTW: The Harvest Festival for the individual known as Myra will begin momentarily. Upon its completion, gifts will be bestowed upon all connected to her.

My vision blurs as Cecilia reaches my side before I black out completely. The last thing I hear is Rosetta and Necron giving orders to the army to stand guard.