
The system

Ryu sat at the foot of a tree while conversing with the system in his mind.

System - (to be able to see the options of the system, the user has to concentrate and say in his mind "Menu") -

Ryu - (in agreement) -

Following the instructions of the system Ryu concentrated and thought as he had said.

Ryu - (MENU) -

Once this was done, in front of Ryu, a screen like that of a computer with different options in it appeared in his view.





Ryu - (ohh !!! It really looks like a video game) -

System - (the system has been created in such a way that the user is familiar with something already known in such a way that it is easier to use) -

Ryu - (well, could you explain the operation of the system and these options?) -

System - (in agreement) The system has many similarities with the games that the user knows, this has four sections: statistics, store, invocation and workshop In the statistics section, the user can consult his statistics as in the videogames, I recommend the user who thinks about the statistics option to be able to enter it and be able to check the information for himself) -

Ryu - (okay ... "statistics") -

Before Ryu's eyes the screen changed and a new one appeared.


Name: Ryusei

Level 1

System points (SP): 78,000,000

Strength: 8

Speed: 10

Resistance: 7

Defense: 6


Language compression

Ryu - (... I really do not know what these numbers mean since I can not compare them with another person now, but I think they are probably low, are not they?) -

System - (correct, right now the user has a low statistics comparing with people of the same age, although if it were his old world, these statistics would be average, but due to the influence of how this world works, people are more powerful)-

Ryu - (... you mean magic) -

System - (correct) -

Ryu - (well I can understand that, in some animes and manga there were characters despite their age could get to face older people) -

System - (the user is right, but the user has to take into account that since it is a system based on videogames, there is a parameter that does not exist in this world or in the rest) -

Ryu - (so? And what is it?) -

System - (the level) The user can level up something that other living beings can not.These have predetermined basic statistics that can increase or decrease over time and perform different actions such as training. For this reason the user can rest assured that, by being able to level up, he can change his statistics more uniformly and more quickly.) -

Ryu - (thank goodness, I was already thinking that I would have to be weak for the rest of my life, and how can I level up?) -

System - (in order to level up you can train like the rest of people in this way you can get experience that will accumulate until you reach a limit.) Once you reach this limit you will go up in level, and the experience will return to a value of 0, to be able to return to level up you will have to accumulate experience again, but at each level you go up, the necessary experience to raise will be greater) -

Ryu - (if it looks like a video game, and there is another way to gain experience besides training) -

System - (yes, another more efficient way to gain experience would be fighting and winning against another living being) -

Ryu - (... is it necessary to kill the opponent to win?) -

System - (no, you just need the opponent to be unable to continue the fight, although killing your opponent will always provide more experience) -

Ryu - (okay ... I feel calmer, I do not think I can kill any living thing even if they are wild animals) -

System - (WARNING, the user does not have to worry.) God gave the possibility of acquiring the skill "player's mind" free of charge The user wants to accept the skill?) -

Ryu - (player's mind? Good in agreement) -

System - (confirmed, the ability has been added to the user's abilities.) You can concentrate on the sub-section of statistics skills to be able to see the information related to the skills possessed by the user.

Ryu - (well ...) -


Understanding of languages ​​- the possessor of this ability is allowed to understand any language existing in the universe.

Player's mind - just like in video games, a player finishes with his opponent but without feeling any feeling knowing that they are not real. The possessor of this ability does not enter into repairs when it comes to taking life.

Ryu - (... but this ability will not make me insensitive when it comes to killing?) -

System - (this ability will not transform the user into a person without emotions towards life, it will simply prevent him from suffering disorders or mental imbalances, in the necessary moments where he has to take the life of a living being) -

Ryu - (thank goodness, well I can understand the other skill too, could you continue explaining the rest?) -

System - (of course, apart from statistics and skills, you can enter the store where you can acquire items such as weapons and skills from different worlds that the user knows, each item will have a price in system points) -

Ryu - (How can I get more points from the system?) -

System - (just like the experience to level up, SPs are obtained once you defeat an opponent) -

Ryu - (okay ... well before checking the tiendo I would like you to continue with the other options) -

System - (in agreement) The invocation option allows the user to invoke both people and creatures / animals from different worlds, in this case PS is also required Finally, the workshop gives the user the option to modify objects or abilities by spending PS This also allows the user to make changes when buying in the store so that the object or skill acquired has a higher or lower price, when it gives more features or restricts them.

Ryu - (that's convenient, you could get a skill and improve your weak points or modify it to cost less) -

System - (that's right) -

Ryu - (well, I think I understand the system's operating method, I think I'll have a great time.) You'll see Makarov Dreyar, the resentments of the previous owner of this body will not be forgotten!) -