
Practice and discover a terrible news

After waking up and eating something, Ryu prepared to practice with his new skills. I was very excited.

Ryu -well, let's start that I'm very anxious! -

Chie - (...) -

After making sure no one was around, he began to warm up with some stretching.

Ryu - (well first I'll practice with the Bari Bari no Mi, Chie I just have to think about the skill or what I have to do to activate it)

Chie - (to be able to use your skills you just have to use your imagination, in this case you have images of their use in the anime so just imagine the effect of the skill and this will be done) -

Ryu - (okay ... as to the condition of crossing your fingers to create a barrier?) -

Chie - (you do not have to perform that action, you just have to imagine creating a barrier.) The only thing you have to keep in mind is that your skills will wear out your resistance, as long as your endurance and your concentration at the moment of imagining are not altered you can use your skills as long as you want) -

Ryu - (so for the time being this concentrated and has resistance I will not have problems to fight?) -

Chie - (yes) -

Ryu - (well I think the only thing I lack is the resistance, I think that concentration is fine) -

After getting answers to his doubts, Ryu stood in the middle of the clearing in the forest, he was quiet for a moment. Suddenly a transparent square object began to appear in front of him after seeing the result of his ability. Ryu was very happy. Just in that moment of distraction the barrier disappeared.

Ryu - (oh, you were right Chie, I'll have to maintain my emotions once I have to fight if I could not make a mistake and get hurt) -

After calming down, Ryu returned to try the skill. He was doing the same thing all morning, with some intervals of rest when he ran out of resistance. I bring different ways of using the skill and its current limits.

Ryu - (well, now I know that I can create up to three barriers at the same time, but it consumes me a lot of energy.) Also that the size of the barriers also influences resistance consumption, I think the ideal thing for the moment is to make barracks of One square meter Resistance is also acceptable if my calculations do not fail me I could withstand physical blows of around one hundred kilograms of force, as magical attacks I do not know, but I think I could at least defend myself. level that way my skills will also be stronger) -

Ryu continued to rest while eating something to regain strength. When he saw that the sun was already on the other side of the sky, he prepared to practice with his other skill.

Ryu - (fine, I've waited almost all day for this moment, now I can finally use this skill) -

You could see the emotion in Ryu's face, since his old world always dreamed of having this power, there were moments when he watched as the anime character performed a Ryu attack almost involuntarily towards the same movements as the anime character.

Ryu got winged from a tree, first wanted to check the effects of his ability when it hit directly on an object. Ryu was on his side, his face had a big smile, then raised his arm in the air in front of his face, and suddenly in his fist appeared a white sphere covering it. Ryu then under his arm with all his strength and hit the tree.


After the collision the whole tree shook violently. A crater the size of Ryu's fist appeared on the trunk of the tree about two meters in diameter.

Ryu - oh that's been exciting !! -

After calming down Ryu watched the tree, he saw that the crater was quite deep, when I look on the other side of the tree saw that it had cracks for much of this.

Ryu -well it has been quite satisfying this now it's time to try it from a distance-

Ryu this time was in front of another tree almost the same diameter as the previous one. I wanted to compare the effects of the two attacks. Once it was ready, it was put back on its side with the arm in the same position as before, this time no sphere appeared in its fist. When Ryu under his arm imagining hitting the air.


Cracks appeared in the air from the point where Ryu's fist hit, after a moment a shockwave traveled in the direction of the tree.


The tree swayed violently for a few seconds. Ryu approached and saw that there were cracks in the whole trunk of the tree, when looking at the other side of the tree he saw that the cracks reached that side.

Ryu - it appears that the direct attack causes more damage in a smaller area while the remote attack the damage has a greater range of effect but decreases its power. Although it is still quite powerful anyway. Ahh ... I think this ability consumes more resistance than the other, I think I better rest and then continue with the practice-

Ryu went back to the cave where he lay on the ground, and closed his eyes for a few moments. After resting for an hour he got up again and continued with his practice.

When the sun was about to disappear, Ryu returned to the cave where he had dinner and lay down on the ground again.

Ryu - (it's a good thing that this body has no problem sleeping on the floor, also I also have experience sleeping in somewhat uncomfortable places) -

Ryu remembered how in his old world there were times that he slept gamer chair. But this was after becoming a millionaire. He used to sleep on the floor with his laptop on the small table in the living room.

Ryu continued thinking about his old world, and although he did not regret anything of his old life, he still missed some comforts of the modern world. He remained immersed in his thoughts. This made him start to realize something strange that was happening to him since he came into this world.

Ryu - (Hey Chie, do not you think I've been behaving strangely lately) -

Chie - (I can not tell if you act differently since I do not know how you were before) -

Ryu - (you're right ... but I think that lately it sometimes behaves to me as if it were ... as I would tell you ... in a more childish way?) -

Chie - (...) -

Ryu - (Chie?) -

Chie - (.., I have a theory) -

Ryu - (and what is it?) -

Chie - (your soul may be an adult's age, but your body is that of a child of almost 9. I think your own body is influencing your mind) -

Ryu - (what?!) -

Chie - (your body is that of a child, like your new memories, but in this case your old memories dominate the new ones.) But the physical body is another issue, because having a physical body of a child means that you have a child's brain, where your consciousness is staying now, since your consciousness is lodged in this brain, it means that the things that happen inside your body will affect the mind) -

Ryu - (I think I do not understand) -

Chie - (your mind will now be affected by the changes your body will have in the future) -

Ryu - (that means ...) -

Chie - (you'll have to go through the stages of a person's normal growth - their childhood, their adolescence until they reach adulthood) -


Chie - (you'll have to go through puberty again) -


Ryu fell on the ground in a fetal position holding his head to the memories of his adolescence. For a normal person it may affect this stage of life, but for an otaku like Ryu it was hell to go through this stage of life. I went through a stage of what the experts knew as the syndrome of the eighth grade or Chunibyo. But that was not for Ryu, but when he started paying attention to the girls, it was not that he did not pay attention to them before, but, he had more of a tendency to 2D and it was a big mental blow for him when he once He went to a cybercafé in his university student days, and unintentionally saw a girl's panties when Ryu reached down to grab a sleeve from the shelf below the closet, at which point his body reacted to the stimulus. That day Ryu locked himself in his room for 3 days watching Hentai, to forget those images.

Ryu considered himself a man who is only attracted to 2D girls. He did not know that in the future this will change when I have a great inner conflict when he makes his first invocation, but that is a story for the future.

Ryu was still on the ground rolling from one side of the cave to the other.

Chie - (right now you're behaving like a little child, this is a good example of how your new body affects your mind) -


Ryu continued with the same actions. After a few minutes he finally calmed down.

Ryu - (Sorry Chie for what you've seen, I'll try to control myself better next time) -

Chie - (nothing happens besides it's not your fault it's the fault of ...) -


Chie - (...) -

Ryu - (sorry, well changing the subject, I think I have practiced a lot, once I improve in my movements I think I can go and put them into practice in real combat) -

Chie - (I agree, but I recommend you look at your statistics before you sleep as you have accumulated experience to level up) -

Ryu - (oh, it's true I almost forgot that training also gained experience, let's see ...) -


Name: Ryusei

Level: 1 (Exp 12%)

Strength: 8

Speed: 10

Resistance: 7

Defense: 6


Ryu - (you were right Chie, if I trained at least ten days more I think I could level up) -

Chie - (That's right, but you have to remember that with each level you raise, the experience needed to level up increases, and maybe once you level up, a whole day of training equals less than 10% experience) -

Ryu - (you're right, well, if I'm not wrong, winning in combats will give me more experience than training, is not it?) -

Chie - (yes) -

Ryu - (well, then during the next three days I will continue training and then I will go out to look for more food and also an opponent indicated for my current strength) -

After planning what he would do the next few days, Ryu made sure the fire had enough wood to keep it going and then went to sleep.

In a few days, Ryu's new adventure would begin in this world.