
Chapter 80: Trolling Fury

[September 17th, 2008]

(Roman: POV)

Floating in the air, and completely invisible thanks to using Susan Storms power, I watched the press conference Tony was giving after all that shit went down with Stane.

Though unlike in the original timeline he doesn't look so beat up.

All thanks to yours truly of course.

Not that I'm bragging or anything.

Nope, not one bit.


I pretty much tuned everything out until Tony said the iconic line form the film.

"I am Iron Man."

Then once he did he walked off stage like a badass.

Mad respect.

Once I saw this I exited the building.

I then began mentally preparing myself.

For I was about to have my first meeting with the bald pirate Nicholas J. Fury.

This is where the fun begins.


(3rd Person: POV)

Entering his Malibu home, Tony closed the door.

Then entered the living room, and became shocked when he saw a man simply casually standing in the middle of it.

"Mr. Stark. Quite a press conference you put on today." The man spoke.

"It was. Also, who are you?" Tony asked.

That's when the man turned around to face him. "Nick Fury, director of SHIELD." The man answered.

"Right." Tony replied.

"Nice to meet you Nick." A second voice said.

When it did both Tony and Fury immediately whipped their heads in its direction.

Fury more so, since he had made sure beforehand he and Tony would be the only ones in his house when they spoke.

So he was very concerned someone else was present.

Looking in the direction of the voice the person Tony and Fury saw when they turned their heads was none other than Roman, in his Sentinel persona of course, eating from a bowl filled with blueberries.

"Sentinel." Both Tony and Fury said at the exact same time.

"That's my name. Don't wear it out." Roman replied. Popping another blueberry from the bowl in his left hand into his mouth. Using his free hand.

"Hey, are those my blueberries?" Tony questioned.

"Yep." Roman easily replied. "I got a bit peckish and decided to help myself." He explained.

"But they're mine." Tony replied.

"And I saved your ass the other night." Roman retorted. Popping yet another blueberry into his mouth.

The two men then began staring each other down until Fury interrupted them.


He faked cleared his throat.

This turned Roman and Tony's attention back to him.

"Thank you gentlemen." Fury said. "Now then Sentinel, mind telling me what you're doing here?" He asked. Putting his one good eye on the hero.

"I was told to come here and meet you by my employer. Considering the agent Coulson he met with is part of SHIELD and he's been trying to talk to my colleagues and even made my boss on of your consultants. Not to mention I think it's you people who've been trying to meet with me ever since I came onto the scene. So I figure it's about time we stopped dancing around each other and just get to it." Roman spoke.

"You're employer is Roman Maxwell." Fury spoke. Showing no outward tells that he was disturbed by what Roman just revealed.

But internally he was slightly nervous.

Which Roman picked up on while skimming Fury's surface thoughts with telepathy.

"That he is." Roman answered Fury.

"Wait Roman Maxwell? The kid who founded Abstergo Industries?" Tony questioned.

"The one and only." Roman said. "Oh before I forget, here." He spoke.

Roman then pulled a card with his free hand out of his costume, walked over to Tony, and handed it to him.

Looking down at the card Tony saw a phone number. After seeing it he looked back at Roman. "Okay, what is this for?"

"That's Romans personal number. He wants you to give him a call. He's very interested in your Arc reactor technology given its a clean and stable energy source. Just like the miniature produced by our companies own Otto Octavious. Wants to know if you'd be interested in doing some collaboration work to make the entire world run on clean and renewable energy like many other civilizations in the galaxy." Roman explained.

He then resisted the urge to smirk as he felt Fury's surprise when he mentioned other intelligent civilizations in the galaxy.

"Okay. Sounds interesting." Tony replied. "But what do you mean other civilizations in the galaxy?" He asked.

"Oh Tony, you have no idea just how little you know." Roman said. "For the record aliens exist. There's entire civilizations and species out there, spread out amongst the stars. Some of those species could even pass for human."

"You're shitting me." Tony said.

"I assure you I am not." Roman replied. "And aside from the aliens that's not even mentioning the wonderous beings that inhabitant this planet we call home. Like metahumans."

"Again, what?" Tony asked. "You're making this up right. Just meeting with me. Fury put you up to this? No, did Pepper hire you both to do this?"

"Once again Tony I assure you I am being completely honest here." Roman replied. "But if you doubt me just ask Fury. He knows what I am speaking right now to be the truth. Don't you director?" He asked. Turning to look at Fury with a knowing smile on his face.

"He's not liking Stark. About the aliens, nor about the enhanced individuals that inhabit Earth. You have no idea just how big the world is you've just stepped into." He said.

"Listen all I'm hearing is talk. Yet I see no proof." Tony said.

"Really, my actions the other night when I saved you weren't proof enough?" Roman asked.

"Uh, you're never gonna let that go are you?" Tony asked.

"Nope." Roman easily replied. Eating another blueberry after he did.

"You want proof, I'll show you proof." Fury said.

He then pulled a file folder from within his black trench coat and handed it over to Tony.

Suprising Roman.

Since this never happened in the film.

Then again the Iron Man film ended just as Tony and Fury met so maybe this did happen but was never shown.

Either way it doesn't matter now.

Opening the file Fury gave him Tony began reading it and became a little shocked.

Moving closer to read the file as well Roman could understand why.

Since the file Fury has given Tony to read detailed the events of the Kree-Skull event that took place in the 90's. It also includes details on Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel.

"This is crazy." Tony muttered.

"Yes, but it's all true." Fury replied. "There are threats out there you can't even imagine Stark. Threats SHIELD was created to stop, and we are preparing for. It's why I came to see you tonight. Just to make sure you aren't one of those threats."

"Me, a threat?" Tony questioned.

"You're armor is some of the most advanced technology in the world. You went to Afghanistan and took out terrorists on your own. Then there was that fighy you had in the streets just a couple of nights ago. Need I say more." Fury explained.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Tony mused.

"Well isn't this great. See, direct communication works best." Roman spoke to Fury. "Anyway, what's the reason you wanted to meet me Fury?"

"I'm recruiting people to face the threats I just mentioned, and I wanted to ask if you would be a part of said group."

"No thanks." Roman immediately replied. "But don't worry, just because I won't work with you doesn't mean I'll leave Earth and its people in the lurch. Just wait and see." He said. "Well then I'm off. Nice meeting you Fury. Let's talk again soon."

Then before Fury could stop him Roman flew to the windows, and phased right through them, not stopping for a second.

He then took off at full speed from Tony's Malibu Mansion.

Leaving both him and Fury speechless.

Despite this Fury didn't stop analyzing he had just witnessed in his head.

When he did he realized Sentinel was much more dangerous than he initially thought.

Oh, Fury had no idea how right he was.

"Hey, he ate all my blueberries." Tony spoke.

Having gone to check the fridge a moment after Roman left.

Hearing this Fury could only shake his head and let out a small sigh.

Given the people he was dealing with in hopes of saving the world when the time came.

He hoped things would turn out alright.

Next chapter