
An Ordinary Youth in an Epic Conflict: My Mahabharata Experience

Imagine waking up one day, only to find yourself trapped inside the body of a secondary antagonist destined to face off against a protagonist backed by the very gods themselves. This is the tale of an ordinary youth whose insatiable curiosity and adventurous spirit led him into an extraordinary predicament. He yearned to witness the most epic of eras and interact with legendary characters, yet his immediate concern was surviving in a world where his fate appeared sealed. Join us on a journey through the eyes of a teenager bestowed with the incredible opportunity to exist in an age of gods and demi-gods. But is it truly a blessing, or a curse in disguise? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [A/N: Hey there! Thank you for selecting my novel. This is my debut work, and I'm putting my utmost effort into it. Your valuable time and reviews will inspire me to continue on this journey. I hope you enjoy my novel, and please share your feedback. I will be posting new chapters every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday – that's a total of four chapters per week.]

Naive_Guy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Court Adjourns: Preparing for What Lies Ahead

A profound silence settled over the courtroom. After some contemplation, I redirected my gaze toward Mahamantri Utsaka and presented a query, "What, in your opinion, do we stand to gain from embarking on this war, Mahamantri Utsaka?"

In an instant, his face brightened, and I could discern a few smiling faces among those aligned with his faction. On the contrary, Mahamantri Maitra let out a sigh and shook his head in disappointment.

Mahamantri Utsaka, brimming with enthusiasm, responded with a cheery tone, "Your Majesty, considering your newfound strength, I propose that we launch an offensive against the Matsya Kingdom. They are comparatively weaker when compared with the might of the Madra Kingdom. Furthermore, given the natural fortification offered by the Sauvira's desert region, we can easily mobilize our forces and conquer the Matsya Kingdom."

I prompted him further with a contemplative "Hmm, and?"

With evident excitement, he continued, "Your Majesty, if we successfully conquer the Matsya Kingdom, it would eliminate the Madra Kingdom's advantage of constructing dams to obstruct our water flow. Additionally, it would grant us access to the ports of the Matsya Kingdom, thus bolstering our economy. In due course, we can also consider an offensive against Madra, potentially establishing ourselves as the preeminent kingdom in Aryavarta."

After a brief pondering I turned my gaze towards Mahamantri Maitra and addressed him, "Mahamantri Maitra, what do you believe we would lose if we were to pursue Mahamantri Utsaka's plan?" I inquired, urging him to share his perspective.

He rose to his feet and began presenting his points, "Your Majesty, should we opt for Mahamantri Utsaka's proposed plan, we will inevitably incur significant losses. Attacking the Matsya Kingdom would necessitate diverting at least one-fourth or even half of our army to defend against Madra. This, in turn, opens us up to the peril of Madra constructing dams to obstruct the flow of the Sindhu River. Given that it is currently Shishira Mas (Winter), and wheat crops have already been sown, this would result in immense losses and suffering for our citizens."

"Furthermore," he continued, "even if we were to successfully conquer Matsya, we would share borders with the Anarta Kingdom. King Virata maintains strong relations with the Yadavs, and Dwaraka, the capital of Anarta Kingdom, is ruled by the Yadav brothers. Their Narayani Sena is regarded as the mightiest force in all of Aryavarta. Only the eldest Maharathi, Balrama, who also serves as their army's commander, has the capability to overpower multiple Maharathis with his plough, not to mention his younger brother. Conquering Matsya without adequate preparation would be unwise."

"And," he pressed on, "if we proceed to conquer Madra, we will face substantial losses as well. To begin with, Madra would halt its trade with us, resulting in famine in Sauvira. Additionally, the high mountains of Madra that are easy to defend would require a substantial allocation of resources and time to breach. Even after conquering Madra, and at a considerable cost, we would still find ourselves sharing borders with the Kuru Dynasty and Gandhara. While they may currently maintain favorable relations with us, there are no guarantees that this will remain the case in the future."

Mahamantri Maitra then took a moment to address the queens, "Her Majesty Queen Dusshala and Her Majesty Consort Mandakini, I must apologize, as my analysis may involve speaking unfavorably of your families. If my words are offensive, you may use my head as compensation," he said apologetically.

Dusshala responded in an emotionless tone, "Please, continue," while Mandakini simply nodded.

Mahamantri Maitra continued, "Your Majesty, there are only two months left for the Agyatvas(Incognito Exile) of the Pandavas to conclude. Waiting for this period to end would be a prudent course of action. If Prince Yudhistir ascends the throne, I do not believe there would be any issues for us if we refrain from provoking them. However, if Prince Duryodhan becomes the king, we would find ourselves at a disadvantage, surrounded by both the Kuru Dynasty and Gandhara. Given Gandhara Raj Sakuni's personality, we cannot be certain if he will let us be, especially since he is the uncle of Prince Duryodhan. After enduring those battles and suffering losses among our troops, we would be ill-equipped to engage with such powerful kingdoms. That, Your Majesty, concludes my reasoning."

The courtroom fell into a contemplative silence as the weight of the decisions at hand hung in the air.

 I turned my gaze toward Mahamantri Utsaka, awaiting his response. After a moment of careful consideration, he rose to his feet and spoke, "I concur with Mahamantri Maitra, Your Majesty. It was indeed my oversight not to fully perceive the potential far-reaching consequences. We should exercise patience and await the coronation of the new Kuru Dynasty monarch."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but wonder about his underlying intentions. According to Jayadratha's recollections, this man had three daughters, all married to Atirathis, and a son who was a Rathi himself. In the event of war, his family members would have the opportunity to further distinguish themselves, thereby enhancing his influence.

"Very well, let us reconvene in two months' time to further discuss this matter. This court session is hereby adjourned," I declared before rising from my seat. As I made my exit, everyone in the court paid their respects.

Mahamantri Utsaka, I knew, was a shrewd and ambitious individual whose primary goal was to solidify his position. On the other hand, Mahamantri Maitra appeared to be his archrival, a dynamic that had also fueled Jayadratha's desire to conquer Sivi and Sauvira. Having grown up as an orphan, I had become adept at sowing discord and avoiding offense when dealing with conflicting parties.

Previously, Jayadratha had readily accepted Mahamantri Utsaka's counsel, causing some discontent among Mahamantri Maitra's faction. However, given Jayadratha's consistent success, the opposition had been silenced. After all, victory spoke for itself. Therefore, I had deliberately attempted to pit them against each other, allowing one to triumph over the other. Of course, if necessary, I would have outright rejected the proposition of war, as that would be an excessive beginning to our story.

My primary objective now was to seize full control of this body and devise a strategy to prevent the impending Kurukshetra War.

Duryodhan's arrival was imminent, just a month away. During this time, I needed to gain as much control as possible over this vessel to be adequately prepared for any situation. After all, it was Duryodhan who had been the catalyst for Jayadratha's humiliation. Indeed, Duryodhan's invitation to Jayadratha on that fateful day, when he happened to pass by the ashram where Draupadi had been left all alone, was no mere coincidence. It had been the result of the conniving plot of a certain uncle-nephew duo. Their sinister scheme had aimed to have Jayadratha kidnap Draupadi on the final day before the Pandavas commenced their agyatvas. By doing so, they sought to occupy the Pandavas, preventing them from initiating the agyatvas and facilitating their capture, all while maintaining indirect involvement and avoiding a direct confrontation with the Pandavas.

I realized that I needed to be well-prepared to confront this cunning duo—a daunting task, to say the least. I muttered to myself, "Let's start the training arc shall we."

I made my way to the training section of the royal palace, a dedicated area reserved exclusively for the royalty to hone their skills in serene seclusion. The architecture of this place was truly remarkable, featuring a dome-like structure that lacked a roof, reminding me of the grandeur of the Roman Colosseum. It was a testament to the architectural prowess of ancient civilizations.

As I stepped onto the grounds of this training sanctuary, I marveled at the vast array of training materials at my disposal. It was a treasure trove designed to cater to both physical fitness routines and intensive weapon training sessions. This haven was tailor-made for me, providing all the essential tools required to cultivate and elevate my abilities, allowing me to gracefully adapt to the unique challenges that this newfound life had thrust upon me.

With a resolute heart and a burning desire for self-improvement, I embarked on my training journey, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead.

In this era, the strength of a king held immense significance. Failure to stand at the pinnacle of strength, whether it be the king or a member of the royal family, would expose them to grave threats from various quarters. Jayadratha, too, prioritized his personal strength over cunning stratagems. This was an epoch dominated by kingdoms, warriors, and relentless battles. It was imperative for me to swiftly familiarize myself with the customs, culture, and language of this ancient time, ensuring that I would not commit even the simplest of errors once I gained full control over this body. Moreover, I had to engage in a regimen of physical exercises to both maintain and become accustomed to the body's strength and conditioning.

Each day commenced with demanding exercises, incorporating the practices of yoga and calisthenics to keep the body in peak condition. Initially, I grappled with these routines, but with the passage of time, I witnessed noticeable improvements in my mastery of strength and flexibility. Furthermore, there was the imperative of weapon training, encompassing the art of swords, spears, and bows, all skills indispensable for a king of that era.

The training in swordsmanship posed a particularly formidable challenge. Jayadratha had earned renown for his mastery of the sword, obliging me to engage in tireless practice to reach the level of expertise established by my predecessor. This rigorous process demanded precision, speed, and agility. Special emphasis was placed on mastering the bow, as it could prove invaluable in equipping me for long-range combat, aligning this skill with the innate swordsmanship abilities ingrained in Jayadratha's memories.

Beyond the realm of physical rigor, I confronted the intricacies of court politics. I found myself in the position of making decisions that would profoundly influence the fate of my kingdom. Swiftly, I discerned that the key to survival in this new life rested upon my ability to heed the counsel of trusted advisors, especially the two Mahamantris. Although Mahamantri Utsaka harbored ambitions, he undoubtedly possessed wisdom, and I relied on him to keep the balance. Mahamantri Maitra, on the other hand, served as a necessary check and balance within the court.

As days gave way to weeks, the transformation within me became increasingly evident. My physical prowess burgeoned, matched by an unwavering mental resilience. Gradually, I began to decipher the complexities of governance and diplomacy. Most significantly, I unearthed a reservoir of courage and determination, traits essential for confronting the myriad challenges that lay in wait.

Yet, I remained cognizant that my journey had barely commenced. The paramount task remained: to gain full control over Jayadratha's body and unearth a solution to the impending Kurukshetra War. However, for the present, I had diligently prepared for the imminent visit of Duryodhan, who was set to arrive in just ten days. As I surveyed the expanse of this kingdom, I recognized that I was not merely living a life; I was living history itself.


With ten days left until Duryodhan's much-anticipated arrival, I found myself on the balcony of the royal chambers, gazing up at the mesmerizing night sky. This was a rare moment of profound connection with the universe, one that I had not truly experienced since my transmigration. Unlike Earth, where celestial displays were infrequent and often obscured by artificial light, here, the night sky was a spectacle beyond compare. It was a vast expanse of deep, velvety darkness punctuated by a multitude of stars, each one gleaming like a precious gem in the cosmic tapestry. I marveled at how I could easily identify some of the distant planets, their distant glow lending an otherworldly charm to the scene.

The moon, radiant and pure, held court in the center of this celestial gala, casting a gentle, silvery glow over the kingdom below. The stars surrounding it seemed to pay homage to the lunar majesty, sparkling in harmonious unity. The sheer beauty of this nightly spectacle had a soothing effect on my soul, allowing me to momentarily forget the weight of my responsibilities and the challenges that lay ahead.

As I stood in reverent contemplation, I was stirred from my cosmic reverie by the delicate sound of anklets gently chiming in the night. It was a melodic serenade that resonated with the tranquil ambiance of the evening. Slowly, I turned around, my eyes locking onto Dusshala, whose graceful figure was illuminated by the soft moonlight. She moved toward me with a regal poise, her presence adding an ethereal touch to the already enchanting night.

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